im sure there was more than one soundman working.
Agreed that soundmen deserve respect. Am not insinuating that bands be rude to soundmen. I don't think that Saiful was rude to the sound guys when he told them to sort out the keyboard (or lack of keyboard) sound. There's a difference between being rude and being firm. However the soundmen brought up the keyboards to overpower every other instrument. That showed that the soundmen didn't like the fact that they were being 'told' to bring up the keyboards instead of being 'asked' to bring up the keyboards.
The fact that there were many other bands playing should not be used as an excuse for crappy sound. If money is really an issue, we all know there are other ways to go about it. Maybe get lesser bands, or get more sound guys to rotate shifts. Honestly, you dont need really super good soundguys to get a balanced mix. Just alert and 'awake'. Something can definitely be worked out. (There must be a reason why international festivals lasting way longer than our LSB can have really good sound, other than having more money). The fact that Monophones' balance was WAY better than GSE (they came on after GSE) showed that the sound guys suddenly 'woke up' from their tiredness or were just mixing GSE badly.
Kudos to Levan for acknowledging that the sound could be better and that steps will definitely be taken to improve the sound for next year's event. We all agree that it isn't easy to organise and manage such a big event, so it is a learning process for everyone involved. We as bystanders can only give our two (or fifty) cents worth. We're sure that steps will be taken to produce better sound/soundmen next year, cause it isnt just the bands that make up an event, the sound is way up there as well.
On a lighter note, Leonard should open a school for sound engineers. Maybe then we'll probably have many more Leonard Soosays to hire at a lower rate. :-D