Local Musicians That Do Not Support Others

ah well, i smell the stench of guilt on myself, I know I'm totally guilty of not supporting local music because there aren't that many local shredders, but hey, I give these guys credit for what they do! I don't diss them.

This silverstone bugger oughta shut the f*ck up if he has nothing constructive to tell the bands thats gonna help them improve, and IMO there is no scene locally, it's just musicians and musicians' friends (quote a friend)
Really sorry people, regarding silvertone13, who's my brother. Im the guitarist of della madre. My apologies to everybody. He's still young and knows nothing bout the music scene in singapore.

Just to clear the air, silvertone13 has no relations to della madre.

Please please, dont get it wrong.

Please contact me at clayedhead@hotmail.com for any misunderstandings.
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hello people of soft. i personally know the people of the band della madre. and silvertone13 has no relations to the band what so ever. so please don't get any misconceptions. hahaha though i'm not part of the band but i feel that as a friend. i would feel really awful should my friend's band's name get tarnished because of a simple misuse of name.

he has put in a lot of work and effort into this band. i repeat again. silvertone13 has no relation to DELLA MADRE. And i believe in future that this sorta thing will not happen again! sorry if any comments made by silvertone13( nick's brother who misused Della's name).

i would like to apologise on behalf of Nick Lim, Marcus, Shawn , Harold.(DELLA MADRE) to the other bands in sbc. and to the other softies for this nonsense that has been going on. sincere apologies everyone!

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Levin! you don't know me but thanks for bringing this up. i really hope that no such nonsense would ever happen again in future. its really disappointing to see one diss another. !

once again sorry to everyone on soft for this big hoo haa that was being brought up!
just for your information guys, Taiji-Sawada IS Silvertone13. I'm really pissed off with him doing such a stupid act. He has no balls to admit his act, therefore he created another account to cover up his shit.
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We worked really hard for SBC, and I hope our reputation's not tarnished because of this misunderstanding. Once again, silvertone13 is irrelevant to Della Madre. We would also like to extend our support to local bands in Singapore with greatest sincerity. Thank you all for the kind understanding.love
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Oh no not the Ronin question again. It's been two years dude! :D haha!

I'm with Astroninja now. Here is some SHAMELESS self-advertising (Well I did start the thread afterall LOL, ok kidding)
Not many Singaporeans on it or know of us. Mostly US or Europeans and some Japanese fans.
You can go pick up a nice blonde chick if you want :D
OR if you will settle for a blonde albino dude, also can. I'm here for you! muack muack!


yeahhh. i know you're with Astroninja , i've seen you before too. ha.
stalker stalker.
anyway , blonde...... they're too bright.
somethin lighter will do. hahahah.

i still somehow am curious about the ronin thing. =x
clayedhead: so is the taiji sawada guy ur brother or someone who used ur bro's user name and posted? er im not against anyone or anything. just curious. hehe
just for your information guys, Taiji-Sawada IS Silvertone13. I'm really pissed off with him doing such a stupid act. He has no balls to admit of his act, therefore he created another account to cover up his shit.

TAIJI-SAWADA is Silvertone13?

From Taiji-Sawada aka Silvertone13
"i think u shld give him [Silvertone13] a chance to think and delete e thread, he's learnt his mistakes man. he told me all the while he was just playing, didnt know it'd get so complicated. so man let it go, give him a chance la."

Man, this is classic.
The intention of this thread was just to highlight the act of dissing without being constructive, not to pinpoint the actual real life PERSON who did it.

If you had been smart enough, you could have kept your identity a secret and nobody would have been the worse for wear, especially since the thread was close to being dead already.

Oh well. I don't know how old you are or anything so I don't think it's entirely fair to highlight this any further, now that you revealed your own identity willingly.

You don't owe anyone here an apology. The only person you should be apologizing to is your brother!
Your brother's band must have worked so hard to get good at what they do and to have you purposefully throw his band's name around without caution and give people the impression that you are them, as a brother, the least you can do is apologize to him.

That's not right, however you look at it. But it's amongst siblings so I shan't comment.
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