Local Musicians That Do Not Support Others

From Silvertone13
Re: Re: On your posting on Bad Obsession
HAHA LOL . eh dude i tricked you and i made it hahaha . i didnt won any sg band challenge LOL hahahaahahaha . it was a trick and it worked wohoo!

Re: Re: On your posting on Bad Obsession
rmb to tell everyone at e soft page you were tricked so they dont have to discuss and malign about whether was it della madre or juxtapose who had such a member in their band . HAHAHA . i feel bad for those 2 bands who had ppl wondering in their head which was e member of e band that was like this . so for the sake of those 2 bands and the ppl wondering who it is , be helpful and tell them you were tricked :) thank you

My response:

I can't decide what's lamer.

A guy who wins a band competition and boasts about it while putting others down
A guy who takes delight in childish so-called 'trickery' on the Internet in his desperate need to retract his own statements.

Either way, however you look at it, it basically adds up to you being a complete and utter loser.

No, scratch that. Even utter losers have some form of integrity

You're just a nobody.
An insect.
A fly.
A germ on a fly.
And you will never amount to anything but a little pipsqueak not even worth a turn of people's heads.

In the end, my friend, the joke has always been on you.


And another

Your need for 'tricks' just shows that you aren't able to back up your accusations against others with a face, a name, an identity

Which therefore reduces you to the very first comment I made about you.

Nothing but a seething hateful person hiding in his little room.

So when you watch Bad Obsession again, know that at least they had the guts to put themselves out there. Meanwhile you have your little YouTube account to be the big shot.

A sad sad world you live in.
Don't bother replying.


It's time for your friend to go back to his little room like a good little boy and continue YouTubing for more local bands to diss.
If you can't handle the reaction, don't ask for action.
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Oh boy. It's one thing to win and criticise. It's another to NOT win and criticise.

Obviously, he got owned. And so he came up worth one final lame fart bomb ala "You've been Punk'd!".

Though... I dunno about the rest of you, but I am kinda inclined to think he is lying about the not being winners of the Singapore Band Challenge part.

That's just me, though. *shrugs*
What a fag.. He was obviously owned!
And tried to claim the last laugh saying that his trick "worked"..
Well anything that actually "worked" was against him! :rolleyes:
what are you doing as a writer at lime , go become a lawyer man ! Your command of the language is just incredible hahah
Woah, he really got us huh!
This guy is a very sad human being.
We shouldn't hate him we should pity him.
Just wanna highlight though
I started this post not to ridicule anyone personally
Cause I didn't know who he is as a person. I only had a nick name.
The point of the post was to highlight such negative sentiments from anybody
And the differences between tasteful criticism and blatant dislike.
So yeah, there i no intention to make anyone's real life difficult.
gosh its just YouTube comments. There are trolls aplenty there. Who the heck pays attention to them.

you could be "insert the greatest supercalifragilisticexpialidocious band in the world name here" and still get internet trolls flaming you on youtube.

Y entertain them? don't like it, just disable the ability to add comments and move on with life.
roninriot = I salute thee for putting a worm into his place. If that prick was so damn good, maybe he should post up a few videos to show us his 1337 (guitar hero?) shredding skills. :mrgreen:
Well, people like him should be ignored. He is nobody. And anyway, i do personally know the guitarist and vocalist from Bad Obsession. They are really genuine people and they have talent. What's most importantly they have a huge passion in everything they are doing now.
"When you find peace in yourself, only then will you find peace with others."

"The weakest one in the room is often the loudest one."

Everyone here would do well to reflect on these insights IMHO.
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The exchange in this thread proves only one thing: Ignorance can kill you... with embarassment ;)

That's why "smart" people like me google every single thing before posting something controversial. :)

please be honest and only support that which you believe in. this is the only way we can make real progress.

I couldn't agree more. That is where the problem in supporting local music lies. We are a small pool of talent in an even smaller market. How many people besides local music-makers support the local scene? Most of us are too caught up in listening to overseas musicians, and do not take time to look for talented Singaporean musicians. This is us being lazy and taking the easier way to good music, while adopting the typical Singaporean trait of complaining and not doing something about it.

In order for Singapore to succeed musically in an international level there has to be a push for better music education for our young and also opportunities for them to excel. Our education system mostly acknowledges academic talent and not talent in other fields which is what makes us a rather one-sided "work-your-ass-off" community. There also has to be a change in mentality of Singaporeans on the ability of our artistes. How many of us diss local dramas? I for one am guilty as charged.

On a lighter note,

Bah who reads wordy forum posts anyway. Lets just continue dissing strangers in the safety of our room, and forget about the real issue at hand.
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Sigh, absolute loser hahax -- came to think of it he might be a bullied kid or something laa then act big on internet LoL -- Most probably, if he is a guy, plays a female character in some online games too.. Well, I just gonna hope that these ppl will go back to 'improve' their real lives -- and disturb us less here.. And make musician online network a place 'for-musicians-by-musicians' XD

Basically, the gist of this whole thread is support local music that you like. And if you don't like any band at all, it's your preference but no requirement to put people down.

Plus, the silvertone13 guy is one of the most childish guys I can imagine online. Most probably some guy with inferiority complex and omnipotent only behind the screen of the computer. The attempt at trying to sound like he formulated a plan to trick Levan sounds more like the rantings of an immature brat.

I have to agree with Ken though, while the immature guy(s) are trying to draw us into needless and hostile bantering/arguing, lets take a step back and stay at our level. A level where matured musicians are and should be.

Have to say that it is quite assuring to see local musicians banding together to defend one another against unjustified negative comments against a fellow musician, disregarding race, religion, influence, style of music, and the whatnots that usually segregate people.

Long live Singaporean music!
Yo levan...

Just saw this thread... Nice one man... He just a loser who rapes a goat for a living.. :rolleyes:.... Futher more tarnishing the name of a competition winner, not cool man.. i doubt that jester wanabee will even own up..

But Its good to see some supporters for local music in this thread.. Cheers!!

P.S : By the way Mr. levan, i heard your song.. (66.6% votes... ring any bells??) hahahaha... :twisted: .... ssshh... but it was hilarious, freakin brutal man..
Appreciate it

i think no matter how good or bad they are, he should just appreciate music.
to me effort counts when they perform or write their songs!:D

Originally Posted by plainsman
"please be honest and only support that which you believe in. this is the only way we can make real progress."

What about those who don't believe in anything local? Or are quick to dismiss local music?
I've come across people like that; They listen to 50 seconds of a local band's music and call them ripoffs. Or they don't feel they're technically capable and just walk away because their guitarwork isn't impressive. Or the vocalist isn't hot enough.

What do local supporters believe in these days, really? Just curious, so answers please. :)
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What do local supporters believe in these days, really? Just curious, so answers please. :)

I think there is this under lying mentality that Singaporean's can't make it on a global level. Hence the constant ridicule at our local Mandarin and English dramas. Also, reviews from overseas critics usually serve to discourage local acts more. We support anything that is Singaporean and is "approved" by critics but do not even give a chance to acts that are criticized. That is why I respect local filmmakers like Jack Neo who persevered despite receiving harsh comments for his older films.