From Silvertone13
Re: Re: On your posting on Bad Obsession
HAHA LOL . eh dude i tricked you and i made it hahaha . i didnt won any sg band challenge LOL hahahaahahaha . it was a trick and it worked wohoo!
Re: Re: On your posting on Bad Obsession
rmb to tell everyone at e soft page you were tricked so they dont have to discuss and malign about whether was it della madre or juxtapose who had such a member in their band . HAHAHA . i feel bad for those 2 bands who had ppl wondering in their head which was e member of e band that was like this . so for the sake of those 2 bands and the ppl wondering who it is , be helpful and tell them you were tricked
thank you
My response:
I can't decide what's lamer.
A guy who wins a band competition and boasts about it while putting others down
A guy who takes delight in childish so-called 'trickery' on the Internet in his desperate need to retract his own statements.
Either way, however you look at it, it basically adds up to you being a complete and utter loser.
No, scratch that. Even utter losers have some form of integrity
You're just a nobody.
An insect.
A fly.
A germ on a fly.
And you will never amount to anything but a little pipsqueak not even worth a turn of people's heads.
In the end, my friend, the joke has always been on you.
And another
Your need for 'tricks' just shows that you aren't able to back up your accusations against others with a face, a name, an identity
Which therefore reduces you to the very first comment I made about you.
Nothing but a seething hateful person hiding in his little room.
So when you watch Bad Obsession again, know that at least they had the guts to put themselves out there. Meanwhile you have your little YouTube account to be the big shot.
A sad sad world you live in.
Don't bother replying.
It's time for your friend to go back to his little room like a good little boy and continue YouTubing for more local bands to diss.
If you can't handle the reaction, don't ask for action.
Re: Re: On your posting on Bad Obsession
HAHA LOL . eh dude i tricked you and i made it hahaha . i didnt won any sg band challenge LOL hahahaahahaha . it was a trick and it worked wohoo!
Re: Re: On your posting on Bad Obsession
rmb to tell everyone at e soft page you were tricked so they dont have to discuss and malign about whether was it della madre or juxtapose who had such a member in their band . HAHAHA . i feel bad for those 2 bands who had ppl wondering in their head which was e member of e band that was like this . so for the sake of those 2 bands and the ppl wondering who it is , be helpful and tell them you were tricked

My response:
I can't decide what's lamer.
A guy who wins a band competition and boasts about it while putting others down
A guy who takes delight in childish so-called 'trickery' on the Internet in his desperate need to retract his own statements.
Either way, however you look at it, it basically adds up to you being a complete and utter loser.
No, scratch that. Even utter losers have some form of integrity
You're just a nobody.
An insect.
A fly.
A germ on a fly.
And you will never amount to anything but a little pipsqueak not even worth a turn of people's heads.
In the end, my friend, the joke has always been on you.
And another
Your need for 'tricks' just shows that you aren't able to back up your accusations against others with a face, a name, an identity
Which therefore reduces you to the very first comment I made about you.
Nothing but a seething hateful person hiding in his little room.
So when you watch Bad Obsession again, know that at least they had the guts to put themselves out there. Meanwhile you have your little YouTube account to be the big shot.
A sad sad world you live in.
Don't bother replying.
It's time for your friend to go back to his little room like a good little boy and continue YouTubing for more local bands to diss.
If you can't handle the reaction, don't ask for action.
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