A Plea For Help From All SOFTies.

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i think the past issue had sold out already lah.
but don't brood over it bcoz FIONA XIE is on the cover of LIME this month!
oooooohhh yeaaaaahhh!!!
so go grab it guys! :mrgreen:

and oh biopromax,you were quoted on the comments section of the mag.quite cool to promote soft too!

thumbs up to Levan!
The cd is a cool idea.
It's great for the local scene. :)

OT abit, where does $3 that we pay go to? Any idea what percentage goes to your pay Levan? Haha.
This was a 2008 post.... No wonder I was shocked since Levan no longer posts here. Miss those long-ass stuff he used to write lol.
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