It's time like these that I wonder why I give a damn.
Then I meet people on the street who tell me that they like local music when they didn't used to, or they liek this and that band when they initially thought local music sucked. These are the moments that keep me going on.
Me thinks a lot of the moshing problems are actually caused by the U-shaped stage.

People want to watch the band up front go in front, then all the moshers start moshing behind, people push to the front but the side barricades stop the crowd from spilling to the sides... i saw the side barricades nearly topple several times during AVA's set... there were people being jammed all the way against the barricade then cannot escape.

I guess if you want this kind of "mosh pit" (but ironically its not really moshers who want to go inside) you need to put some kind of crowd control barricade behind to stop people from surging in front..

My only real gripe tho was the sound... feel really sorry for the poor sound guy who must have been at that mixing desk for abt 18 hours without much of a break on saturday... can't blame him for doing a lousy job.. he must have been dead on his feet by the time evening came...

I guess i'm just a little frustrated that an event with so much publicity and billed as "only the best of the local music scene" pays so little attention to the technical production..

If we really want people to take our local music scene seriously then events like this with (for once) the mainstream media behind them need to be setting a much higher standard. Many of the bands put on great performances that shone through in spite of the poor production... Sadly, some did not live up to "only the best" billing...

I do also wonder if the resources spent on the "headline international artists" could have been better allocated. After scanning this thread noone really seems that interested in them... (except for complaining abt the not "So Shiok" song.... really what was up with that!)

My honest feedback to the organizers of LSB. and any other potential organizers is this. Count your costs before you enter into a project, then you will not be embarrassed when you get half way and realize you are beyond your means.

I can't help but feel this would be a much more positive thread if the event had been about half the size with the same resources used wisely...
My two cents

I've been to plenty of local gigs and even international gigs....remember the early Substation case u kids dont know...we had punk,metal,indie and even grunge gigs perform together...I would say the early years of the local scene was really united, and hell we were moshing and slamming back then. Kids were alright back then...We had bands like Opposition Party, Psycho Sonique, Global Chaos, Stompin Ground, Stoned Revivals. You will notice that if you regularly go to gigs you'll find familiar faces there who support the scene. We used to buy underground mags and fanzines...

I was at LSB and enjoy most of the bands but i noticed that in Singapore if you play covers the audience will love it more. Look at how happy they are to pogo to My Chemical Romance(dont mean to offend roninriot) and even Popsters from the talentime!!! Look at how dumbfounded this kids were when Johnny Shameless went to the stage.....the kids goes like what the hell look??? So i guess its the if i am familiar with this kind of music then i support!!!lBollocks!!!

The scene hear is far cry from the KL scene where i have witnessed myself even anykind of music the audience will just mosh, pogo and show their appreciation by clapping and shouting along!!!So to be honest....the local scene hear is DEAD!!! It is only around as a commerical shit. I am into this kind of music so therefore i am kool(Blame it on the American Idiot, emo , screamo are commercial shit this days. They are on popular right so therefore they are commercial music)!!!

Lastly a huge middle finger to the security for manhandling the kids...they just push and pull kids anyhow....Look at AVA's singer he was manhandle by the ah beng security( he was grapped and throw against the stage) and the Indian botak security he was fuming madly when he had to hold the barricade. [deleted by SOFT] And the other ah beng taking care of the lightings at the back was like lazily sleeping(i saw) and not even working....U noticed how the lighting was dull....I've been to Reading, Summersonic to name a few of my international gigs and the people behind the event are into it. Soundsystem is like shit....the bands cant even hear themselves on stage ....Johnny shameless set suffered cause of this...and i think they censored X'ho( his mic was not on at all) afraid of what he have to say.And lastly a humongous to the Cafe del Shit for complaining about the noise are too loud...Again the bands suffered cause the soundman have to toned down the volume...Anyway as somebody who always go to gigs i would say that the local(Singapore soundman are like shit....thats why bands like Electrico have Leonard to take care of their sound when they play).Cause the Soundman behind board dont even know whats going on(notice how too far to the right of the stage their booth was....u think he knows how the balancing of the stage sounds like....Soundman please take pride in your work!!!)

Ok...thats all for now....a big round of applause to all the bands( no matter if you are a popster) that played...and a big respect of applause to AVA.

Slam dancing used to be a very violent sport! Now moshing is lame!!!
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Our gigs are fucked up , I remember how much I enjoyed the Slipknot gig. When I fell some malay dude picked me up. But at singfest its just damn . All the New comers to gig think that fierce moshing is "COOL" .

I mean basic rules when someone falls grab thier ass up. And lime sonic bang is not really a event where u mosh u can enjoy maybe except Ava.

For all the things that have been said, I just wanna give my props and respect to the guys who worked their asses off to organise LSB. It's no mean feat putting a huge show like that together and they did a damn good job, so kudos to them. There were hiccups, yes, no denying that, but in the end, it was still a gig very much worth going to and staying in the sun/late in the night for.

As for the 'fierce moshing', a lot has been said about this in this forum so I'll keep it short and simple: The bands probably appreciate that you guys were 'having fun' to their music, but if it means that others were hurt or their enjoyment of the music was jeopardised in the process, I'm sure the bands would rather not have you there at all. A little consideration goes a long way.

Fortunately, from where I was standing, it looks very much like it was a very small group of people who were doing the 'fierce moshing'. Which means the majority of the crowd were responsible and considerate music-lovers. :)
it's just not the same anymore before and after.
but its just life.
we try to fight and live against the time but its just impossible.
We can't expect things to be the same,
just bcos we lived in it.
Accept that fact people.

And appreciate the fact there are people who give a damn abt the scene.
thanks levan and all the crew for giving a damn.
looking forward to more shows.

(lets stop complaining and appreciate the better things in life)
On behalf of the LIME team (therefore I will restrain from personal opinion here :P),
we would like to thank all the bands and artistes who performed at LSB, who put in the time to head to soundcheck, who stayed late on Sentosa on Friday, who stayed all the way on Saturday, and still have the energy on a killer show. Kudos to all you guys and all your talents. It was a massive undertaking, shifting it from Orchard Road to Siloso beach and ensuring that people still came down to support. But in the end, it all worked out fine because the turn out was better than we had hoped for (Which we thought would be maybe like a bunch of 20 people sitting down)

Also, to thank the people who attended the show, the backup crew, and everyone involved. Thank you for your long hours of hard labour and patience!

It was a nice blend of chilling on the beach and listening to music. It was a joy organizing the event and really worth the while thanks to you guys.

Seeya next year at LSB!



And for personal opinion,
I still think all the bands really put up their best. I actually enjoyed Johnny Shameless because they totally changed the perception of what a 'mainstream' gig is about. Their music might not suit the tastes of everyone, but it was a welcomed variation. Kudos to Sinn for putting up a good debut gig --> your cover of Ace Of Spades by Motorhead rocked! And Monofone for really unleashing themselves, to the Great Spy Experiment for putting up one of your best shows so far, to AVA (Matt, hope your hand is ok!), to my band mates at Astroninja who also raped the blowup doll in our mind but not with our pen|s, to Allura, one of the most promising bands in a long time, and to everyone else; a big thanks! I still have my reservations about CC Sound Factory despite their many awards, but thankfully I wasn't the one who added them to the lineup LOL.

And to the moshers who punch girls, step on people, and think you're cool doing it; Fuc K you! You are not cool, you are just cowards who hit girls. That isn't cool in any country, state, race or by any measurements of 'cool'.

As for the sound, the events management side were working on a tight budget. In corporate terms it's all about sponsors because we didn't want to ticket the event so that more peeps could come and enjoy. :) Foreign bands use 60+ input channels on their soundboard. We didn't have their luxury of that additional costing. But hey if anyone's willing to fork up ten thousand dollars or more, we'll be more than happy to get a giant assed PA :P And a giant balloon to boot!

The decision for it to be on Siloso Beach for the first time is a new one, so give us a few more years and we will progressively make it bigger and better for everyone :) Yet despite the few obvious setbacks like crazy moshers or muddy sound for some bands, I think it was a good first try and almost an experiment that paid off because, hey, there was great bands. Rest assured, the following years will build on the foundation and provide a better gigging experience for everyone here.

To the bands who emailed and messaged me and Naomi about being added to the lineup, I'm sorry that we couldn't accomodate. The event was already restricted to timing and if we had added any more, we would still be at Sentosa today! But I've archived everyone's emails and please contact me again next year when LSB happens again wherever it does.

To Kudos to all SOFTies for turning up and to the bands once again.

And to the complainers, think about it this way. If there wasn't an LSB, people would be complaining that nobody supports the scene (Remember SOFT 2-3 years ago?) and nobody organizes gigs and the scene is dying blah blah blah. If we hadn't included Johnny Shameless, people would be complaining about having too many mainstream acts etc etc. If we had charged an entrance fee, somebody would complain about paying so much for local bands. It NEVER ends really. :) It's been an ongoing occurence on SOFT and will always be. Yet when James organizers a BBQ, you never see the faces of these people putting their name behind their opinions and talking about 'stupid mats' in real life when they are faced with a genuine audience. No, they suddenly become mild or never show up.

To the complainers:
The funny thing is, when I dropped a mesage on people who were keen to volunteer to help in the event, like additional security to ensure the safety of the kids, taking care of the bands, or keeping people safe, want to know how many people replied to that?? A grand total of 3. Three! When it comes to really helping out, the push and shove, many step back and assume someone else will take responsibility for it. But when it comes to complaining, there are tons. Suddenly, these complainers, who were very quiet when asked to actually do something proactive, find a loud voice. I wonder why? Can ANYONE speak up to point out that this is not true? And to anyone who disagrees, well, start a new thread and complain about it again :P

I really want a response on this. Or did you assume that it is naturally not a role you want to play because somebody else will do it? Because it's a waste of your time, resources, money and talents? When I say 'you', I refer to the people who, in their hearts, know I am referring to them. Not to anyone specifically. And if you can put your money and time and effort where your mouth is as much as you put into complaining, then you are very welcomed to. But if you can't back up your words with actions, then all you are is a name on a forum with a lot of opinions. Wow, that really will make the scene boom.


At the same time, it is always good to read constructive criticisms and really useful input. It rocks whenever it happens. And thank you to everyone who offered their talents and services to the event. Especially to the photographers who volunteered themselves as well. Many many thanks!

Have a little faith in the scene guys. We are a young country with limited people and limited bamds. I too have my opinions of bands I hate and love. I myself have NEVER moshed in my life too :P And I have my fair share of bands and people I would rather not meet or interact with (and I'm sure they feel the same vice versa) But if we could learn a little more unity and learn to compromise for each other a little bit more, like say, not punching each other in the stomach in a moshpit, it would really go a long way. It's baby steps, but it's still steps forward. A little love and attention wouldn't hurt, especially when we're underdogs fighting for survival in a scene that rises then falters then rises up again. Whatever your opinions, I'm sure you will be hard pressed to disagree on this basic truth. It hasn't hard to grasp.

I once asked a friend, why did she not support the local scene. And her simple reply was "Because local bands are less talented than Simple Plan."

Wtf, surely we can prove her stupid generalizations wrong?

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cafe del mar think they're all that cause they've got big white comfy beds and a pool. Their white chocolate martini tastes really bad though.
anyway, i saw matt of ava's finger bleeding when he was holding the mic. Probably cause of the security... I'm not sure why he jumped down though. And matt from sdf wanted to go down to the crowd but when he jumped down the security pull him back. The thing is sdf's crowd was almost harmless! I can understand if the crowd was wild and all but their crowd was rather tame -_-
The fourth was Jimmy- our good old friend jimmyplaydrum, who's often in the brunt of the moshpits helping people up and making sure everybody was having a good time. He collapsed from the exhaustion and excessive battering. He's okay now. Next time maybe need to make sure you makan properly before a long gig in the sun and take the necessary water breaks.

oh my god!! so thats where our jimmy went... ! now i know he a moshpit helper... god bless jimmy, hope he's better now
yep jimmy has saved many people from getting hurt in moshpits in the past, he's a real champ.

the security guys were wonderful and I think they did their jobs well. when ary went down, they were amazingly efficient in clearing the area and bringing her medical attention and making sure she was out safely. same for jimmy too.

I'm sure the security didn't mean to hurt Matt, and I'm sure Matt understood too. If he had gotten into the crowd, it might have been chaos- the forward surges against the barricades were no joke, people were falling and getting trampled.

a question i'd like to raise:

is the scene better off or worse off because of LSB?

Cause that's what ultimately matters.
Yep. Matt injured his hand punching stage.

regarding the complaints from Cafe Del Mar... well, they pay Sentosa their rental fees for the prime beach location... so i guess they have every right to request not to have their ambiance disrupted by people screaming "F#*k You" through a microphone.

unfortunately, don't know why the sound crew want to set up such a big line array that means it was almost as loud at cafe del mar as it was at the front... with a bit more thought into system design they could have had way louder sound in front with out bothering the neighbours one bit
Plus, there was a wedding happening during the time Anuergah winner was performing. Can you imagine if they were being married and there's a "Fck you!" in the background? haha would be funny
I didn't see Matt getting injured though but I did talked to him before the show and he looked so shagged.

Lime Sonic Bang is really awesome. There sure will be some flaws in any big events like this. See SingFest and BayBeats. I appreciate those people who made LSB. I don't think many of us will even care to spend so much time to do such stuffs.

If only we got more Jimmy in the moshpit it will be really great. He's a very good example of a mosher with good moshing etiquette although he can be careless sometime.

I really enjoyed myself and I will surely regret if I didn't go. Thanks Lime Sonic Bang.

I agree with Levan. Ironically when we asked around for people to PM us for helping out ar LSB, I only received up to maybe 5 people requesting. And some of them still requested " If I help out can I dont do so difficult work cos I wanna watch the bands". I told him to go watch the bands and leave the helping out to someone else.
All of you complain and expect so fuc king much from all the others but you guys neevr stop to think that maybe the scene needs you in playing a part. okay lets not generalise it. ever thought that LSB might have needed more people helping out? everyone expects an event/ gig to go perfecrtly well and when just one single screws over everyone complains. and noone ever volunteered to help in any way or another.

anyway in the end its all up to whether you decide the local scene is better than simple plan.

the substation days were the best man. if only the scene returned to days like that we would be having alot of fun and not sitting on our chairs and complaining.

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