Holas: yea visa protected me. but i still did my fair share of screaming F you to the annoying moshers. stupid stupid no sense moshers. organising another event for local music as big as LSB was is gonna be very tough.
I'm not so surprised that the mosh was bad, considering the amount of -some- people we saw there. Hah.

We must be cognizant of the structure of society that we live in and that comments such as these only serve to subvert the secularity strife that has been put in place by our predecessors. It is imperative we understand such precepts at hand so as not to antagonize.

Having said that, TequilaSunrise, i didnt say that you were wrong! :) ( omg pardon me lah pls what he said is true its those some people always , baybeats, esplanade powerstage, lsb .. always.... )
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SSSSOOOOO SSSSHHHHIIIIIOOOOKKKK.... must've been the LSB theme song. haha. I loved Caracal and AVA. I was right at the front for AVA which was good for me considering my height. Holas on the other hand had no probs luh. 180+cm nvr wear shoe stand extremely close to the mosh also no prob. just bear the pain in the legs standing like a flamengo at the same time. haha. he grabbed 3 of the caps they threw down too. stupid tall noob. hahaha
I just gotta say a few things. F uck off if u dont wanna mosh.. Mosh pit is a mosh pit. Music is music ppl fall u pick them up. Enjoy ur day!
I just gotta say a few things. F uck off if u dont wanna mosh.. Mosh pit is a mosh pit. Music is music ppl fall u pick them up. Enjoy ur day!

Yea music is music and when ppl fall u pick them up. Does that mean you mosh to R&B and indie? Some people sure dont know the right time or rahter the right music to mosh to.
I just gotta say a few things. F uck off if u dont wanna mosh.. Mosh pit is a mosh pit. Music is music ppl fall u pick them up. Enjoy ur day!

Like you said , mosh is mosh. But why people down the ground never help still continue moshing ? some f***ers still throw sand into people's eyes. I don't think thats moshing and cool either.

Face it , its singapore.
The thing is, when a gig doesn't have moshing, people complain about it. When the moshing goes overboard, people complain about it. I wish we could all attach moshing sensors to everyone's ankles so if they over-mosh, an electric current will send them in spasms and collapse in multi orgasms on the floor :)

That said, I think how 'good' a mosher someone is really depends on personal responsibility to yourself and to others, regardless of race. And also a little common sense.

'So Shiok' was terrible, I hated the song, I hated the band, and I think everyone did. It was utter crap! lol! But hey, we promised 'more variety than ever before' because people wanted it :P Thaitanium was good though. I'm not into hip hop myself but it's easy to see that they're a talented bunch.

Overall, I was really impressed by the turn up, considering how tedious it is to get there. I was amazed at how long people stayed since the afternoon and way into night.
part of me is glad i didnt go ... its threads like these that remind me why i rarely go for gigs anymore ... sme people will just morsh to anything ... well just hope they learn the error of their ways and gigs will be fun to go again ! i kinda did want to go for LSB :(
Well surprisingly , Cc sound factory was Nominated for 5 AWARDS in the International Category of the Toronto Exclusive Magazine Awards 2007, CC Sound Factory has won 4 of them including:
Best International Electronic Song, "Crazy Nasty"
Best International Electronic Album, "Shiok Waves"
Best International Electronic Music Video, "So Shiok"
Best International Electronic Female Artist, "CC Sound Factory"

maybe we don't know how to appreciate their music la :D
im not a mosher.

but when it gets too wild. i move aside and stay away.

unfortunately, some didnt weren't able to get away fast enough and got injured. hope they're fine.
gah. I was in church for practice. it was raining so heavily I decided not to go for LSB.
and someone told me it was so bright, hot and sunny all the way at sentosa.

but yeh. boo to that unpleasant moshing stories.
i know i might over doing some moshing at alot of point in the event cuz i got pissed off by the fact both boys and girls alike keep on moshing on songs that wasnt supposed to mosh and doing those "hardcore dancing" on indie songs and etc and i wanted i jumped quite alot and just bump to alot of ppl there(some pretty hard)...and i gotta admit..i was one of those who started the mosh for some songs...but my intention was just to have bumps with everyone but those typical mats posers and etc had to ruin all the fun out of everyone else.and i swear..those people who goes into the circular thingy that ppl gathers around and jumps like stupid monkeys,which they call hardcore dancing, is stupid..and i think they should put a fee of 2 bucks to enter the event or smth cuz u know...those malay posers/mats/wannabe(theres a chinese dude with mohawk too) who moshes on every song couldnt afford 2 bucks less lame people who moshes on everything there...and i got the mosh pit pass and it was redundant -.- overall it was fun though..felt bad for ashanti who injured her back...she was to blamed in a way though cuz she moshed pretty hard too...anyways...the security person laughed when he saw me shout "wtf!stupid mosh pass!" and threw the card in the air LOL

oh the band who played so shiok is ok wad(in my opinion they wanted to do the trance/techno thingy)..comparing to johnnyshamless and the!!how can they even perform sia?no offence though..but everyone was walking away when they
if people find out who then think she very cute, they want tell you meh??
haha no offence. ok no idea.

btw visa ure a TP student right?
moshing is moshing.
picking a fight is a different thing.
the only reason i dont kena anything in the moshpit is well, i guess im quiet big size and enough to intimidate other people. but i do see people ganging up on others in the freaking mosh pit, and it really irks me. violence just breeds more violence. it becomes an eye for an eye in the pit.

i still find that a hard approach is needed to put these bunch of twerps back to their place.

to those who mosh without putting any concern for others, imagine if all these people who got injured were, say ur bf, gf, siblings, cousins or what have you. then ud have a different approach on moshing.

unless ur a dumb retard.
and if u are, well then i just hope we dont ever bump into each other.
woooooooo...bac from sonic bang it rocked man!!!!!!!i tink jimmyplaydrum fainted...than durin AVA's set was rite infront it got quite annoyin haha cos like infront of me got these 2 girls than behind me ppl were moshin than they kept pushin me forward and hittin the girl so the girl keep pushin me bac haha

eh i think i was next to you. Those minahs were very very annoying. If they don't want to get squashed, just get out after the first song or something. Why get pissed when they can just walk out. Suckers.
The fire fight , caracal and ava was the best for me. The other bands were awesome too but whats with with jimmy and his evil minions ? which is like... argh.. don't know what to say.

eh it's johnny shameless and his minions. They remind me of rey mysterio. 619!:)

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