lime sonic bang was fun, i loved bad obsession and plain sunset, felt bad for the injured girl though. But the major turnoff were the stupid moshers, mosh elsewhere la, why must you get sand on my new jeans?
i cant believe the crowd mosh-ed to GSE. I mean correct me if im wrong, do people usually mosh to indie or is it just them because they think its a must to mosh at a gig? im pretty confused myself :confused:

btw, anyone know the girl in blue tube giving out the headscarf? :D
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You went ot the beach, what do you expect to get on your jeans? girls?

it was damn shiok, from sinn, summer's over, to bad obsession and plain sunset.By definition rocked their asses out too! The vocalist climbed up the scaffold, pure craziness dudes. Sound system kinda sucked, and the moshing did really got overboard, until someone got injured and ruined bad obsessions song! Girls in bikinis were hot too.
Visa was damn on, volunteering for lot of the stuff. Missed ava and gse though, but the rest were great though!
bring LSB back!

some people just like violence, and they think the harder they whack pple in moshpits, the tougher they are. i just wanna jump along, clap along and sing along to the music.
i tink jimmyplaydrum fainted.

Eh you respect the man ok, he was at the front from 3 plus in the afternoon all the way to 11, only leaving a couple of times to get drinks. Never peng san is a lie man, especially with the weather we had yesterday.=p

There was this idiot wearing a Smiths T-Shirt that kept flailing around like a retard in the pit, he was the one who caused most of the injuries. The ****er even smashed into the back of my head, and had the cheek to tell me to get out of the pit if I can't take the heat. I tell you if not for the security and the fact that I wanted to catch the rest of the show I would have smacked that little b*tch around a whole nine yards more. I don't know if anyone remembers but he was the same moron that got pwned by Evigan from BO.

I'd like to bring this guy to Bound by Honour and watch him take on the skins.
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^^^ relax la...

maybe its true... to them... moshing is all abt violence and hitting/kicking people...

damn i miss the old days... where people mosh TO the music. help 1 another.
^^^ppl still do help each other man, but ytd the crowd went a bit overboard.

anyone saw the circle pit where ppl dance/mosh-dance when AVA were playing? haha
almost everyone were watching the ppl dancing than the band playing. Maybe it was because that the band was playing their new song, so ppl not familliar with it. BUT AVA were good man!
i rather just jump around singing songs and maybe you know slight pushing of the crowd.

when i mosh i dont get to see the band perform. so yeah......i dont mosh
anyone knows who the cute photographer is? The one with purple streaks in her hair and eyebrow piercing. she was at the front of the stage most of the time.
i bet there are many bad obsession fans out here huh?

well ytd was the first time i saw them. and they totally turned me down by asking the girls to flash their tits.. no respect at all..
bad obsession were just trying to rile up the corwd, some "harmless" acts wouldn't hurt in my opinion, although if there were women who really did that, then shame on them.
But their set were great, i was just turned off by the fighting in the moshpit.
moshing's for fun not for showing off.
so mosh whenever you want but not necessarily in a so called real hardcore show.
let the kids enjoy themselves,heh.
maybe in large scale event like these, there should be security cameras for identifying the perpetrator in case of any mishap.
sentosa was flooded with monkeys ytd.
i think they will even mosh to RMB and jazz. come on man, who the heck mosh to caracal and indie, just enjoy their songs and jump or cheer. these people are such a disgrace to the local scene. i hope next time they will charge more to these gigs. let people who REALLY appreaciate local scene enter and not to any spoilers who seek for cheap trills by "moshing" or what they call it when they got no place to lepak. and during plainsunset, one of the half naked guy who got pulled out by securities shouted "WE WILL FIGHT TILL THE END" omg wtf u think 300 ah.

but i think the throwing beercans and sand is really bad.and these losers dont dare to go up to the stage to challenge the guitarist from bad obsession. HAHA LOSERS

After the show, these babarians got worse. crowd the whole sentosa bus at the back and started shouting and SHAKING the minibus. what image will they portray to those foreigners.
the pit during AVA was great. everyone had each other's back with the main intention of having fun and enjoying the music. the moshers were extremly friendly although there were some black sheeps in there. sinn's moshpit was the most violent... they are good musicians, but their fans........ *sighs* i never knew punks were pro-violence
i seriously would have enjoyed it if not for too much blabbering by the hosts.
no offence guys. the performances were great.
but i want to see bands perform, not too much talk.

lucky didnt join the mosh.damn i saw quite alot of posers.

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