keep your elbows to yourself when moshing. my friend's back got injured during Bad Obsession's set and had to be taken out of there in a stretcher. nothing sucks more than really enjoying yourself at a concert and then having that happen to you
Like Levan said, Johnny Shameless and His Minions are there for variety purposes. That band focus more on the fun than the music.

But for me, I think they are one sick fun band. Caught them twice.
it's funny. personally, i thought that Johnny Shameless played stuff that were very good for moshing. but... no one was moshing to it. hell, hardly anyone was even bobbing their heads to it! but people actually moshed to Great Spy.

I feel that perhaps it is time to shift the topic back to the local bands who put their heart into all their performances, good or bad, and had to sound check late into Friday night and early into Saturday morning to entertain you guys. Give them some light of day - whether they are good or bad, they have a united belief in wanting to contribute in some way to the scene.

I feel it is easy to sit back and be jaded about things that don't meet our demands. But the scene works on proactivity, but there are only a handful of people who actually do instead of demand. And for those who sit with folded arms and furrowed brows behind computers, your opinions matter very much, but they would be even more valuable if they didn't come in the form of cynicism but rather, in the form of constructive ideas, benefitial suggestions and a proposed approached to solutions. In the end, it all comes down to a lot of ranting but little care and nurturing to causing CHANGE.

There is a reason why concerts like Linkin Park cost 100 bucks or more for a pop to enter, and local gigs like LSB and Baybeats are free. Do you think LSB or Baybeats would draw as many people down if they were to cost 100 per head entrance fee as well? The answer would be 'no', and then we have to ask ourselves 'Why?' and then 'How?' Is it because the moshing is too barbaric? If so, what can or should be done, at what cost and practicality? We expect the world when we are willing to give so little in return. And frankly, we, as scenesters, are bottom feeders, algae eating bottom feeders when compared to the likes of the Big Fish in the music industry. We don't even make up a dot in the dot of Singapore.

I feel that as a scene, too many of us demand too much but give too little. A lot of us rant but we stop just short of actually offering a deeper opinion. If you truly love the scene as much as most of us claim to, we would choose to be proactive, choose to solve problems that might arise, and seek to find the best possible alternative to an implemented foundation. To actually make a stand and believe that, through working as a collective, we don't have to become cynical and jaded over a scene and that the power of creating a local scene Renaissance is in OUR hands.

So to the person who has said that he lost faith in the local scene because of something that upsets him like overactive moshing (I am not underrating the importance of dealing with situations like these, but merely stating them here as an illustration), it's ok if you want to take the easy way out and lose faith in what all these musicians and bands have spent a large part of their lives believing in. For myself, I would rather get together to think of better solutions to curb such behaviours rather than dumping it all into pessimism and resignation. The scene would be better without the likes of people like you anyway.

For myself, I have been in two bands, one being Ronin, which was loved and hated for our nutty stage personna. There are people who like me and are my dearest friends, there are people who detest me because I talk cock like vomitting rabbits. But I have never let any of that affect my dediication and belief that spending time, resources, and sharing ideas with the many many other people more capable and talented than me is the way to bringing up the scene as a collective, be it musicianship, logistics, organization, promotions, the nurturing of talents, or whatever aspects of the local scene that many overlook because it's all taken for granted. I have had the immense pleasure of working with many such individuals who work so tirelessly because they have faith in the scene. People like Leonard Soosay or Wayne Thunder, Sabrina Oi or Naomi, organizers like Anthony and website peeps like James, and countless more. but if there is one thing that have pissed us off more than anything else, it's the fact that people are not willing to put their money where their mouth is, and trust me, there is a lot of mouthing off. Mouthing off to me is ranting, tossing out an opinion for the sake of a response, and treating the consequence carelessly because they couldn't be bothered to take responsibility OR proactivity to come up with a solution of their own. I believe that ranting and whining about carrying heavy stones didn't help in building Rome in a day (which it wasn't)

Don't ask for too many 'Me's and start asking for more 'We's.

And if you lost faith in the scene so easily, well then, you were never really part of it to begin wtih.

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Charge $10 for LSB next year please. It's an automatic stabaliser.

i rather pay 10bucks for LSB then going to those DXO or RedBar's gig and paying the same amount to which consist of mostly stupid mofo posers and some posers band.(excluded those awesome ones)

they just dont freaking know what's the art of moshing really.i was in the AVA's set moshpit.those mats and freaking posers just wack the hell out of everyone.hardcore dancing is just basically dancing along like those psychedelic stuff to the music right?not like beating the hell out of a person.luckily i was pushed to the front barricade and i was legs got cramps till now!
As far as I know, there were four people who needed medical attention on that day:

the first was Ary- a friend of mine. Small sized girl with a big heart. She fell in the pit because of some violent moshers, and somebody stepped on her back. I don't know if it was intentional, and I do agree that she ought to start avoiding the pits. She could have been paralysed, and we feared the worse, but she told me this morning that she's been treated at hospital and she's going to be okay.

The second was somebody who had an asthma attack. Can't be helped I guess!

The third was a little girl who got caught in the crossfire by accident. I'm not too sure of the details either, but it's a little girl!

The fourth was Jimmy- our good old friend jimmyplaydrum, who's often in the brunt of the moshpits helping people up and making sure everybody was having a good time. He collapsed from the exhaustion and excessive battering. He's okay now. Next time maybe need to make sure you makan properly before a long gig in the sun and take the necessary water breaks.

What I want to say is-

Sure, we can use the "if you can't stand the heat, don't stay in the kitchen" argument. But to follow that analogy, why are we bringing flamethrowers to prepare ice kachang?

Can we all be a little more responsible? I don't want to target anybody in particular, but some antics were completely uncalled for. Slingshotting people into the front, slamming into people's heads? Stepping on people who are on the floor? Throwing out our elbows and fists?

Why do we do that? Does it make us feel better? Do we feel more masculine, hurting people we don't know when their backs are turned or they're unable to retaliate?

We can have a good time without hurting one another, can't we? If we want to crowdsurf, ask the people around us politely to help us up and down so that we don't come crashing down onto other people or hit people with your hands and feet. (I honestly believe that crowdsurfing can be carried out pleasantly and safely- RFW and Rampage The Durian were beautiful!)Throwing sand? Why?! I see no logic at all.

Please, everybody, be more responsible.

LIME Sonic Bang was a BRILLIANT show and event.

What makes a show? A show is a collective- everybody has a part to play. The organizers, the bands, the emcees, the sound crew, the security, the crowd. We can have the perfect stage, the perfect sound and the perfect bands playing, but what's the point if the crowd is going to be irresponsible?

I can only imagine how many people who had never seen a local band before might have been inspired on that day by what they saw. But we seriously don't need people to be turned away or discouraged just as much by any ugly behavior.

We always point at other people saying "oh the sound was bad" or "oh, so and so bands were crap" or "the organizers should do this, should do that". Ask ourselves first, did we do our part?

If we want bigger, better and more meaningful, fruitful shows, we have to play a role too. And if we see ugly behavior, we have a collective responsibility to stop it. And please don't blame the organizers. Do a better job if you can.

All in all, we need to think before we act or speak, about how our actions will affect other people and the scene in general. Together we have a big responsibility, and together we can make a difference. Positive or negative, is up to us.

i was barefoot during GSE's set. I was stomped on so badly that I got cuts all over both my feet, some broken toenails, blood and gore everywhere. Learnt my lesson and went straight to wear my shoes after that, and had to sit out of the mosh during AVA.

my bad, though >_>
I was there yesterday, just standing and pushing the stupid 'mosher' in front of me. I really dun understand what they are all doing. Its moshing lah but still i believe most of the band are not hardcore or metal-ish enough uh.
What i saw that is funny is that after all the moshing some of them actually stayed on for thaitanium and dance. I even saw a guy wearing a dimmu bugir t-shirt dancing hip hop. WTF? HAhahhaha..
Its like when a gig doesnt have any problems, people dont say anything? and eventually they will just find some problems with the gig, no matter how minute things are? I mean like the scene is so small, and its a good thing that so many people, even those who I can safely say arent in the scene loved the music and actually didnt have so much complains!
If you think about it, LSB was such a big event and people reached sentosa at 7/8am in the morning to get ready for the event so people who are coming as supporters wouldnt have to worry about waiting too long for a band to start, etc etc. yet noone thanked anyone for doing such a good job considering there were only a few flaws seen to you guys such as the moshing and a few crap bands.

people complain about how weird the music was ( tho i still think cc sound factory is freaky ) and such but if we just had moshing bands performed people who passed by and saw like, hey why are they injuring themselves all over while a band is performing, isnt it like a bad thing? thus the different variations of music. Also, well if you know you cant mosh and are weak or sth, then well you shouldnt have mosh. to mosh just have a bit of responsibility to help people up or mosh to the correct genres? not like indie and pop rock?! i was genuinely pissed at the ones that whacked people or threw sand ( i got it on my face by some mat ), like c'mon.

it isnt that easy to organise an event this big and i just wish people appreciate what the others are doing instead of critissizng every single that could have been left untouched? cos it really IS NOT EASY to organise such an event with so much media coverage? did you guys know bands turned up from 830am onwards just to do soundcheck when their performance is like 8pm or so? what bands did just to let you people have music and you guys ( those moshers and weirdos and rioters) ruined it for them by letting them know that their music caused people to be carried away in stretchers and injured themselves so badly? that BO had to stop their set to break off a fight when they themselves didnt have all the time in the world to perform? responsibility.

LSB WAS a great event, and i just wish you guys thank levan or the bands for doing a good job and sacrificing waking up early to soundcheck so it wouldnt have taken so long.

and for those that lost their faith in the local scene just because of moshing, have you not seen people fight in your life? so if they fight in your school do you lose faith in your school? rubbish.
Totally agreed. We should coin a new term for the moshing yesterday night."MatMoshing".
No offence but i must say not all mats were that bad, some were cool, just moshing when needed. I had to protect my VIPs, and i just had to keep pushing the moshers back to keep em away. I can't believe they moshed to by definition originals. WTH
btw visa, im sure u were happy, u didn't exactly go home "ëmpty handed" did you?

cos it really IS NOT EASY to organise such an event

You're right... I won't mind forking out $20 or even more for a gig that's up to Rock for Wayne standards... Seriously, $$ keeps free rider trouble makers out, and $$ can help organisers organise a better quality gig.

If $$ gaurantees a good show, then it is worth it for me. What have I truely learnt from this event? Werid as it may sound, but its to avoid popular free gigs unless absolutely necessary...

on one side people are complaining that gigs are too expensive.... on the otherside when theres a free gig, people complain as well. hahahaha. if we had trouble with the rowdy moshers, the organisers should have spotted them and just kick them out. just one person would do, then the rest wld be too scared to mosh like that.

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