How good are our local PRO musicians??

wow, that was a drone in harmonised 4th and 7th moment! With tinge of reverse loop in the background and 4 tracks of forward progression but all slightly out of phase with each other!
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
wow, that was a drone in harmonised 4th and 7th moment! With tinge of reverse loop in the background and 4 tracks of forward progression but all slightly out of phase with each other!

got crystal ball gaze or not?
definitely man! The crystal ball gaze and vision of the curry puff popiah seller at the interchange is part of the installation.

Only variable is the curry puff popiah seller might be swopped with gaolak seller occassionally. Other wise, the rest constant.
did you do your mantra today ..edder ??

One other issue on local acts that :smt093 me is when given an oppertuanity to do big time e.g oversea tour, you will see all kinda excuses ...comin out !! Like how man !!
I would suggest reading various band bio's on the struggles prior to fame !!

very few people would be passionate enough to follow through their dreams to make it a realisation

those who do, suffer from dissonance

those who don't, continue dreaming

Re: ..

rottenramone said:
i tell you the best yakitori is the TONTORO PORK one.

You said that right man!

The BEST Ajisen ramen is the TONTORO PORK!

I've asked one of their staff before and they tell me this Tontoro pork is actually from a part of the piggy's neck. Awesome piece of meat I tell you!
so sorry to my muslim brudders here... i lack taste and restraint here... but we're talking about my favourite topic here!!!

hehe, i think we side track too much from original intention. I have a confession to make.

Yesterday when i saw the title of the thread, i was very very tempted to write this

Local pros can demand higher $ wheras foreign talent pros can be cheaper ...

I am a lyrical fanatic, but look at the Strokes, Muse and Nirvana. Their lyrics are really nothing special, some are even horrible, but their songs sound good.
Here's a point, when a song sounds good, I like it, simple enough right?
Now, I feel Singapore's music doesn't sound good.
And on the point that it is unoriginal, well let me elaborate, you know how certain bands have a vibe?Like how when you hear the song, you think to yourself "Hey this song sounds like band A, that song sounds like band B" Well, I feel that Singaporean bands have no vibe whatsoever, nevermind the lyrics.
On The Observatory, I never actually checked the lyrics, they definitely seemed quite original though, but the vocals just dont suit what I like to hear, which is sad.
Let's ignore the fact that Singaporean rock is unoriginal, does it even sound good in the first place? Well, thats for you to decide, but I dont like it.
I will support the music scene, I will gladly support sub-par bands, because I know that if everyone did the same, the music scene would be good. But i'm 15, and I dont plan on dropping out.


Um, i said "Eh, can you read?" and I want to fight? Right.
You are the one who didn't read it carefully, he used that as an EXAMPLE that the Singaporean government is holding EVERYTHING that allows you to express yourself. Let me make it clear, I dont support drug usage and my favourite bands dont take drugs at all, therefore I dont feel that drugs = good music.
Lyrics are poetry, and poetry is useless? Okay man, whatever makes you happy.
My standards are high? I dont mind listening to Panic! at the disco(watching is another thing), enough said.
hehe, why our future leaders so much angst and ideas nowadays har.

so, whats the locale bands you think that have potential and what kinda local band music wud you like to listen?
so young so angry ...damn that rap music !!