How good are our local PRO musicians??

PatheinRaindropMoe said:
you might like to try:D

If it was a genre I haven't ever heard before or a very wide and vague genre, then maybe. But there are genre's which I just know I cannot stand.

On the topic of local music, I checked Pinholes out, they are quite good(though their singer sounds suspiciously like Liam Gallagher with a hint of Singaporean accent). When I have more time I'll check out more bands and hopefully change my view on Singapore music.

isn't it sad that uncle harry said that we don't have a culture, and that we probably would take 20000000 months to reach that?
Re: ..

rottenramone said:
isn't it sad that uncle harry said that we don't have a culture, and that we probably would take 20000000 months to reach that?

The day that the (rock) music died in Singapore was when Led Zep was allowed off the plane in '78 (?) for their long hair...

But then, that's an old gripe lah... Hahaha...
Must be jimmy page du lan Singapore so he use his black magick to curse our music industry... FOR ALL ETERNITY!!


wa blank, u sound like a very narrow-minded guy who tinks the only good music is the music you like.

but then again i might be wrong. :?
baker said:
Must be jimmy page . :?

Well, you can think whatever you want of me, but I dont think that's true. I respect many bands that I dont appreciate the music of, such as Pantera,Led Zeppelin, Cream, Bob Marley, Beatles, The Smiths and many more.

The simple truth is some music is obviously of higher quality not comparing different genres but in the same genre, like
Beach Boys are better than Britney Spears.
REM is better than Electrico.
GNR is better than Ronin.

bro fgl bro... you need mc? go polyclinic complain headache... they no choice have to give... remember to look sick...

Local scene is so mundane and boring?

Local music not up to the standards of foreign bands?

I hate to say it, but it seems that alot of people here in singapore have that "foreign shit is fragrant" kind of mentality.

I have been guilty of that problem, and I still have that issue with myself.

Can anyone here say that they do not have a foreign band/musician which kick-started their musical dreams?

Come on, people! Just look at the environment we're in, and can you look me in the eye and say that this is the most creatively-condusive location?

Here, for the general population... I'd say that musicians (full time) make up less than 1% of our number.

Part time got so many. I'd give 1 in 500 people know a musical instrument one way or another (not inclusive of the recorder).

All I can say now is, I'm a hobby player. I would follow my dreams if the opportunity presented itself. My greatest aspiration is to play my own gig at Madison Square garden. But for now, I'm just the guy honing his chops, lyrics and attitude.

Complaints can only allow you to vent your frustration.. but where does it get you? Got cash flow into ur pocket when u complain ar? Got pretty girl knock on your dorr when you complain ar?

get a life and compare objectively, PLEASE.
I do not mean to put down local bands, but honestly, look at what Singapore has
Those two are the most famous, so i'll use them as an example.
They are not say "horrible", but they are definitely NOTHING special, they are unoriginal musically wise and anything that is remotely original I honestly want to turn off. Also, their lyrics just make me cringe at the thought that I can find better writing in secondary school literature classes.

I dont blame Singaporeans for "naturally sucking", it's really the kind of environment that you grow up in, it affects the way you view things, and Singapore is just plainly the worst place for anyone with creativity or desire for creativity.

I know i'm going off topic, but ahh well, I just want to say this.

Some truth in your post especially the creative point about our country.

One question, are you local? From the way you post, I would highly suspect so. Most of us are highly self-centered and we saparate ourselves from them. But maybe we should start saying, we and not you nor I unless you are implying you are not like "them", which is to say, you are special, you are original, your lyrics are like secondary school literature text, you were born pro and don't naturally suck, you didn't grow up in Singapore which didn't affect the way you view things.
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Wah. You guys confusing me lol.

I think it's not that there's no creative people, it's just that the creative people don't appear in front of your face. Especially when the people aren't looking in the first place... so killjoy, lose-lose scenario.
I kind of agree with sage.

"good" is difficult to quantify, so people like to equate them with fame and success.

But I think you guys are confusing musical ability with fame. Not all famous musos are good, and not all good musos are famous.

For instance, for some reason people Green Day is famous, but they are only so-so. Celine Dion, good singer, famous, but people diss her because she tak rock (and resembles a pony from some angles). You see?

In Singapore:

Pauls Ponnadurai and Danial: Good but not famous.
Addy Rasidi: same.
Brandon Khoo: good, slightly famous.
Some local bands (but being PC I won't mention names): not good, but still have enough fans to turn up at their gigs to make them think they are good and slightly famous.
Allura: Good, just a bit famous.
Me: good until cannot be more good, but only my family thinks so.

Personally, I find that the local 'famous' bands/musicians are somewhat -

1) Complacent
2) Lacking in marketing support
3) Lacking in eye candy

Now, the first point may likely be a result of swell-headedness when they found instant fame, not unlike when you win or is a runner up in a local musical talent competition. Worse is that you've been around a long time and are 'special' because you are visually interesting. Some people think they can get away with a mediocre stage performance just because they look different.

Second point is of course, if you are that special like say, Sun Yanzi, you'll get the best songwriters, marketing people and industry giants, who'll do anything to help you become a real star. Still, you have to be really big in Taiwan, before we Singaporeans can like 'accept' you as somebody.

Thirdly, I think we can't deny the fact that with some famous people, no matter what they do or what they say - they'll have a profound impact on the audience or even the man on the street, just because of how they look or present themselves. Lots of people rely heavily on visuals and image of a public figure. That's why some politicians win mostly because of their charismatic nature. Even if he promises the people the moon (or even Saturn), they will lap it up as if he's Moses. I don't think there's any local musican who is really good looking, or have the image or persona marketed properly to make the girls swoon and wet their panties.

Personally though, I think it's all about the quality of songs written, together with how the public perception of a local musician is packaged. Whether you are an Indie musician who thinks commercialism sucks or otherwise - I think most musicians want to be famous and be commercially viable at the same time. Sort of a validation or proof to the disbelievers who say they can't make it.

So, I don't think we'll get anywhere if what we have is just technically very proficient musicians and anti-establisment people who don't care about the whole package, or pleasing an audience. So, we can rock the stage, we can shred our guitars till the cows come home, we can slap the bass strings till they break and poke our beady eyes, we can keep the groove alive on our drumsets and we can shout anti-authoritarian/pseudo intellectual anthems till our throats become sore.

But is that it?
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thread lifted from the dead! :mrgreen:

there are plenty of good bands and individuals in singapore lah... as good as from any other country and have performed/invited/toured other countries. Just that they are not in your genre radar. Off my head, Rudra, TheSuns, TheObservatory, Electrico, Mindfu ckingboy, AspidistraFly, George Chua, SonicBrat and probably a lot more. 830am and no coffee.

oh and i think malcolm mclaren is an idiot when he commented on the drug culture and those who agree with him are idiots too.

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