How good are our local PRO musicians??

how then, local establishement prefer cheaper foreign acts ...and the general public consider local acts releases as "2nd class" ?
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
hehe, when did youngster not picking up music from mtv. It didnt happen nowadays. It happen back in 81 till now :lol:

I secretly wanted to wear makeup and be CC Deville...

thank goodness i didn't!!!! if not i'll be just like one of those visualgheys today.
The_Rover said:
It's been awhile we go for such excursion.

Not really cos we just went to APB!!! hur hur hur... but I'll skip another lesson for Archipelago!!!

1) Aging Youth
2) Snuffleupagus
3) The_Rover
4) edder
5) edder
6) edder
Pinch of Salt

AgingYouth said:
Muse = hyperkinetic Radiohead
Smashing Pumpkins = Cheap Trick meets The Cure
Nirvana = Just about every punk band...
Strokes = a Millennium update of Television (though I think they do it better than Television...)
Arcade Fire = a campfire version of Belle & Sebastian (sorry, just cannot get into them...)

There are definitely links... These days I'm more concerned about the quality of the songs than where the influences come from. But that's me. A memorable tune > nitpicking where I've heard the riff/ melody before...

Hear! Hear! It's about the quality of the tune and how it's presented. There is no such thing as a completely original band - and it's really quite pointless to base your judgement of a band based on how 'new' or different they sound. Because if you find a band unique, it's probably not because they are but more likely because you've never heard of or come across their influences. Come on, even champion bands like the Beatles, RHCP weren't really doing anything new. Paris Hilton on the other hand is a true pioneer. :)

But I'll still stick to my guns about 'tribute bands' pretending to be original bands. Definitely not for me.

As for the whole drugs thing, let me put in clearer terms for the benefit of those who perhaps might have read it wrongly. To read this as: when someone takes drugs, he will write a wicked tune, would be a flawed and literal reading of what I wrote. The drugs culture is more than just about taking drugs. It's about a whole spectrum of experiences and emotions, both good and bad, that can be tapped into to produce a good and meaningful piece of music, that non drugs-takers might not understand. And the subtext, [or 'subutex' :) ], of the whole point, in summary, is that an omnipresent government breeds compliance and hinders creative expression. That's my interpretation of MacLaren's remarks, ,at least.

ps: It might be interesting to note that this remark, and others, were edited (read: censored) out of all press coverage of the MacLaren visit. I only got to know about it from a friend who was there at the press conference. Omnipresent, i tell you.

As for the German thing, my apologies. This is perhaps something that most of us might not understand - the blame-Germany-for-everything joke. It's like Irish, blonde, Jew, Malay, Indian, etc jokes. Point is: to be taken with a pinch of salt.

I love Kreator.

wheres the thread starter?

why everytime new thread starter always disappear half way thru

The favourite band one lah, this one and maybe some other more

any, back to beer!

1) Aging Youth
2) Snuffleupagus
3) The_Rover
4) edder
5) edder
6) edder
7) Pathein marry me
isnt beatles one of the pioneers? didnt they started the whole idol/band thingy?

and rhcp is very original, the only similar band i can think of that is similar to them at that time is FNM. slap bass, rap vocals and funk guitar...

Nirvana is the one that pioneered the grunge evolution, because for some reason smells like teen spirit went superhot

I next week in Europe, cannot go, next month can?Er, who organising this time? :D IF Rover go then we must prepare for guitar duel
blame it coz we are living later then them, thats why they made it :lol:

ahhhhhhhhhh, nirvana didnt pioneered anything. The media that pick up the news pioneered them. Tad? The melvins? mudhoney?

The seattle scene aint grungy, its some depressing hellhole where till hippness hit them and it went outta control.

And "hype" is a good movie on seattle music.
the pros are good, studio effecient players etc etc, they have to be good emulators of styles too, to suit the producers vision. there is $ in commercial music to be earned. however, instrument sampling has taken over this market. its better to be production savy now - with the easy technology available, better slice of the cake, esp when its your ricebowl.

on the flipside, theres a pool of talent, also highly skilled. and want to be themselves (genre/playing style). sadly, laymen and commercial ears will find it hard to accept this stance. these chaps do their own releases, post them abroad, do gigs abroad, their music gets much BETTER acceptance on that road. not pressured by local radio winning formulas. this D-I-Y generation has been around past 2 decades now, yes in underground.
RHCP were bad at their early shows .....
but had catchy hooks in their tunes......and

wore their socks !! 8O
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
ahhhhhhhhhh, nirvana didnt pioneered anything. The media that pick up the news pioneered them. Tad? The melvins? mudhoney?

I rove TAD and Mudhoney and a lil bit of the Melvins... but TAD.... they IS the reason for BEHEMOTH........ MO#$#$ER..... loved that song!
will it be disturbing??

can u guarantee that there will be no violent repercussion??

and that noone will slip into a severe epileptic seizure?? :lol:
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
what!! Behemoth not about siamese my teenage dream? Insane!ahhhhhhhhhh, iam crushed.

It was about siamchicks dreams but the name... BEHEMOTH..... yeah baby yeah!!!

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