How good are our local PRO musicians??

I've just returned from Perth Australia after studying there for 4 years to serve NS , i was in a fairly decent band in Perth ( or and also a music producer and what i've seen in the Singapore scene is quite lacking to what i've experienced in Perth.

The musos there are quite set on making music part of their careers and are most importantly given government grants to support their music.

i'll give u an example . If i had to spend $40k on a recording but only had $33k , the govt would fork out the remaining $7k if i could show that the band was a proper business etc etc and had a proper recording plan.

Also,plenty of govt grants are given to promoters to organise gigs and bands can also request funding when they go on tour

I also think that Singaporeans in GENERAL * are not supportive of local artiste until they make it big somewhere else 1st. An example would be someone like Stefanie Sun who was exported to Taiwan to be popular before being marketed back to singaporeans.Hopefully this will change as it's very damaging for the local scene.

Also in Australia, there are plenty of management and promo companies that groom bands becos australia has a competitive mindset to export it's music around the world and also the bands in each state want their material all around australia, i don't see much of this in singapore for local bands but only mainly for pop artiste

In terms of drugs ,coming from australia and having experienced many *high* points in the time i've spent there, i think it's sort of a Catch 22 thingy.Personally i've never felt that taking drugs enhanced my songwriting whatsoever , but all my favourite bands in perth swear by it.

Most importantly i think musicians have to make a lot of effort to support their peers at gigs too.In perth when i 1st started out , a lot other musos came to see our gigs and word spreaded and the laymen started to tag along with their muso friends.

Also ,i think that the production/recording industry in singapore is very weak compared to australia/ US/UK/europe , the best Singapore productions i've heard( snakeweed / myx) , while good , cant compare to the best recordings that come out of other countries. So i think there's a lot of work needed to be done there as well.

From what i've seen it seems the musos here in general always try to cut costs and make cheap recordings which do nothing but make them sound amatuerish and bad.I also think that the local bands here should hire proper producers to help them craft the recordings of their songs instead of just telling the engineer what they want
WHY ? To quote Rick O neil ( owner of the biggest mastering studio in australia ) :While the customer( the band )is always right , sometimes they do not know what is right for them , and thus need a producer at the helm to guide and enhance the recordings

Hope this helps, i've been studying the music industry ( graduated in BA marketing n media) for quite a while now so these are the trends i've noticed that are different in Singapore compared to Perth


fictionaire_gse said:
We've got the Stoned Revivals. That alone, should elevate us from the shithole league. At least we're not as bad as the Germans.


Ahem... I <3 Stoned Revivals.

And at least we don't think David Hasslehoff is a singing sensation! Oops!!! :lol:

Since you are such a lyrical fanatic, you should check out The Observatory. Even their stuff reminds me of Jaga Jazzist and a little of Tortoise. Whilst I agree with your view on homemade music isn't top of the most originality list, your list has very distinct links to musical acts from the past.

Muse = hyperkinetic Radiohead
Smashing Pumpkins = Cheap Trick meets The Cure
Nirvana = Just about every punk band...
Strokes = a Millennium update of Television (though I think they do it better than Television...)
Arcade Fire = a campfire version of Belle & Sebastian (sorry, just cannot get into them...)

There are definitely links... These days I'm more concerned about the quality of the songs than where the influences come from. But that's me. A memorable tune > nitpicking where I've heard the riff/ melody before...
hehe, open end thread!

everyone go listen to lyricless, rhythmless, beatless drone instead. After that will appreciate even mother/father nagging or silence :lol:
Who heard of Analog Girl? Google it and she where she had played.

Where's The Observatory? I dare say that they've brought Singapore independant music to a much higher level of standard, professionalism, concept and sound.

Electrico, will your band drop your dayjob and tour Australia? Likewise the Suns?

Music listeners here are limited to their own little genre.

Musos? You talking about Musos?

Clinton Carnegie
Jeremy Monteiro
Clinton Han
Daniel Chai
Joshua Wan
If theres a demand in Singapore, there will be a market.Problem is, the music scene in Singapore has yet to mature, it is maturing slowly, but she will still need time.

In Medan Indonesia, I was checking out their local bands playing in this club in the hotel I was staying in.Mind you, there's only one 5 -star hotel in the whole of Medan and this was it.(This is how small Medan is)

I must say, I didn't know the language , but the experience was great.The locals who were there were singing along to every of their songs(all original) word for word, and there were like 8 bands that played that night.

The bands that played were very very good, I could connect with them as I felt that they were really playing from the heart, and it was not gimmicky at all.

I couldn't believe how professional the house soundman was considering that my initial perception of Medan as an ULU area in Indonesia.

Most importantly, the locals that were singing along were not 13-16 year olds (its a club), but mostly from early 20's to late 30's...I spoke to one of the locals and I asked him If he listened to any other Indonesian bands and which ones he liked, and he replied that "No, Medan will mostly support acts from here, they are our pride here!"(Loosely translated)

To go off tangent slightly, in the 60's , Hendrix had to make it in UK first, before being adored/accepted by the american public...The Beatles had to ply their style in Hamburg, before making it in the UK...The maturity of the market is to blame.Same goes for Singapore.I don't blame the government not helping and all that, its the people here that are causing this.WoodStock would have never been supported by the US Govt then.

I believe in time to come, Singapore will be a hub for the rearing of good bands. The people here are slowly evolving, all these bands such as electrico and Ronin, will be the pioneers of this movement, whether you like it or not.

Already Singapore is almost a hub for musical instruments(Guitars Bass ,gears and so on ) in this region due to the demand of such goods here=there are more up and coming aspiring musicians.( in the 90's there were only a few music instrument shops).In time , The standard of local bands will ultimately also improve in tandem with this influx of aspiring musicians.

wow that was lengthy :D

My 20 yen
have you been drinking or infact not getting enough drinks yet :D

but that does make sense.

hehe, how do we know theres demand?

When a thread like "whats our favourite bands" or "latest cd purchase" have about 1/3 or half of locale music cd compared to the foreign bands mentioned, i think, i assume, i i i talk cock. Pardon :lol:
Then maybe there be demand
but no supply then where got demand!

I demand that we flood the market with TBFKAS EPs twice a month

Here are some suggestions!

Vol 1: Music for oral pleasures while driving long distance from Changi to Phuket
Vol 2: Music for inducing peristalsis of the gut after consuming too much durians from the last MrMisse forum meetup at Geylang
Vol 3: Music......
Hmmm good point, drinking can be bad.

I think honestly we can know that there is already a healthy level of demand when the local bands are making good money off their music..Label producers and promoters will start hawking these bands for their greater love of erm money(no offence), and bands better themselves so that they can fit into the requisites of this demand.

When a stingy Singaporean like me is willing to pay $300 bucks for front row tickets to see a good local band then i think that the demand is there.heheheh

no worries bro haha, just remember that there is a demand for horizontally brewed beer.thats why heineken so popular.
snuff the the statitics bro will see !!
One advice for my beloved local muso >> get out !!

Just take trip to across the causeway are an instant star !!
nah !! lets not go there snuff (sensitive) !!
Anywayz ...Roland Lim actually made a good point abt the need of good producers..or at least local bands give willing new producers a go..lets do that !!
''This is rock and roll not rocket science''

If my memory doesn't fail me,this is say by Ronin i'm not a super fanbay of them and i don't think their lyrics are great but i think they are right.
lets hope this increase in music interest in singapore is not just a fad that will fade out soon after MCR stops being shown on MTV and they start showing 50 cent with his gold chains...

not that i'm placing hope on MCR or anything...but from the looks of things...most kids nowadays pick up music due to these bands shown on MTV(i'm refering to singapore)

and as a fact,MTV is very fickle..and they will change..and when it changes...these young kids would lose interest in rock music...or whatever they listen to nowadays
hehe, when did youngster not picking up music from mtv. It didnt happen nowadays. It happen back in 81 till now

Only different is that every year, every months, everyday, every hour, every second every every any any, there be new people who discover about music and start to think mtv and popular culture sucks. True music is underground and those they listen to


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