How good are our local PRO musicians??

vegecrackers said:
Blank, First of all you say motley crue is not that good, and jason and gilby too, and local music is not your taste as well, so, what can really please you?

Alot of music really, Motley Crue isn't exactly that good in my opinion.
What pleases me, Muse, AFI, Brand New, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Strokes, Arcade Fire.. blah blah blah.

i dont really dig motley's crue music, but gotta admit theyre the epitome of rockstars. nikki sixx n tommy lee r teh men

anyways i agree with you that muse and afi are great....

actually u guys kept sayin that singapore restricts creativity, well thats kinda true. But the same can also be said for other countries like the states and US.
The music is about marketing and yeah, the record companies just want another generic rock band that can sell. The 80's music scene is better :-/

dude...what you mean that not as bad as the germans?the germans have scorpions,legendary band...can you name one band from singapore that can compose such evergreen tune/song or internationally recognised for decades? dont be ridiculous la...

and for the 'no drugs = no good music/culture'
...i believe in your school days,you're one of those kids that give thousands of reason for not doing your hw....
why i said that? coz drugs have nothing to do with good music or culture,its simply an excuse for someone that's downright lazy or want to be pro ASAP,fat i tell you what la,good music requires practice practice n practice....
is vai a druggie? is rock synonymous to music to us?

that proves the whole point... y we're like that... we either think too much... or we don't think at all...
MadWereWolfBoy said:
is vai a druggie? is rock synonymous to music to us?

that proves the whole point... y we're like that... we either think too much... or we don't think at all...

erm...bro,i dont understand haha :oops:
IMO: whatever floats your boat.

i'm not a big fan of MTV and commercialised music, but you have to admit that bands that play like motley crue, skid row, AC/DC, with all that stage presence - they're exciting to watch live, as well as cover their songs and put that "oomph" into the music.

on the other side, there's music with the "oomph" but without the stage presence, like Dream Theater and a few japanese rock/metal bands. they make really good music, they're also exciting to watch live, but they lack the factor that makes you wanna scream your lungs out singing the lyrics to the chorus (unless you're a die-hard fan).

well then you have teen-favourites, like modern pop punk and emo. IMO, they write good songs. some bands really put a lot of heart into the songs. the only problem is that the songs don't stand out, it doesn't have the impact where you can hear it once and remember the tune or title and go buy the album.

Then there's jazz, a huge world of music, from jazz standards, styles like bossa, reggae, etc., jazz-influenced pop (a good example would be Maroon 5), jazz ballads, and so much more. technically, they're on top. in the department of "feel", they're up in the clouds (how often do you see a pop rock guitarist let loose and solo to his heart's content?). when it comes to groove, they've got it set like a concrete mold.

but how many people appreciate jazz in Singapore? i'm not saying you have to LIKE it, everyone has their own taste, but generally speaking, the world recognises good music when they hear it, DO SINGAPOREANS ACT THE SAME WAY? or do they shun genre's they do not like to listen to, mocking on the areas that particular genre lacks?

simply put, i feel that there are a lot of musicians as well as music-lovers who are not able to free their minds and appreciate music as it is; this island is filled with frogs in wells. i have been trying to expose myself to many different kinds of musicians, gigs and styles of music, and altho singapore may be small, we DO have a very big variety available.

so if you think all that i've said made some sense, here's a little advice...
go to more gigs, even better, go for PAID* gigs. go to a teenager gig, listen to some locally-home-made songs. wear ear plugs if u dont like noise. go to a metal gig, listen to some technical tight bands. wear ear plugs. go to a rock gig, listen to some catchy songs and watch the bands have fun. go to a jazz gig, try to appreciate the way the musicians voice themselves through their instrument. go to a pop rock gig, jump when the chorus is catchy and everyone is high.
watch some great musicians on youtube. go borrow some DVDs from the library.

*(pay for your music, just because music is free - u can download, tune into the radio, etc - doesn't mean that musicians should perform for less and organizers should do "community a favour".)

And enjoy music for the rest of your life =)
reyrey said:
erm...bro,i dont understand haha :oops:
i was refering to fictionaire_gse's opinion...

if drugs = rock = music to ya, well, give urself some jabs and maybe u'll become famous before choking on ur own vomit...
ah yes and about drugs and music...

drugs loosen you up, make you become someone you're not in reality and throw you out of consciousness.

so yeah maybe u'll write good music when you're high, psychadelic and all, but is that REALLY your music? if you can't write songs when you're not high, that prolly means you need inspiration, or you're too uptight, or worried about criticism.
yeah man... some pple juz give excuses coz they aint got no inspiration... Y dun he get high n create sumthin beta den purple Haze... lets see if he can do dat... and i'll be gettin ganja supply frm him..... 8)

Eh, can you read?
" For those inclined to taking things literally, the subtext here implies that our government's highly restrictive policies have affected the people's creative ability. "

And to Crispyegg, I guess I was abit caught up in the moment to express my love for lyrics and my opinion on it's importance.
But still, Singapore simply put, lacks any thriving music scene.
if you say we lack a thriving music scene, what would you consider a thriving music scene then? big gigs at the padang every week?

we have plenty of pubs, bars, clubs (with live bands sometimes) as well as weekly gigs, maybe it isn't thriving because we don't support it. how can we expect the music scene to grow with music-lovers coming down to watch musicians play live, when musicians THEMSELVES don't support other local musicians?
Well maybe dats juz bein Singaporean... Typical sporeans.... Anyway maybe also we r a small country wif juz a handful pple who really into music...
Another reason bein we cant eat live breath music... As no matter wat we still need our day job and our surrounding juz isnt supportive of producin a thriving music scene
Hey blank, u criticize our local musicians for having lack of creativity , and bands do having lousy lyrics. But does the local scene just equates to local bands? We have lotsa talented producers/arrangers/composers out there who do works for international artists, e.g - Kenn C. and when u say lousy lyrics, why are u just looking at 2 bands? And you say sec 2 lit. kids can write better poems than the band's lyrics. What makes u think all international bands all have "good" lyrics? They are famous bands out there that just suck at lyrics too - makes sense ? and just to show u, the lyrics of one of my band's original :

Title : Entropy

Flawless petals that once were,
Have now withered.
Leaving behind a cold husk,
A shadow of their former selves.

Verse 1
Those leaves, once green, turn brown,
I walk alone,
The soft crunch of leaves
Beneath my feet
Our special place
Now forsaken,
The falling leaves remind me of you,
Of your impermenance

Verse 2
Time is a cruel thing
You lose it all in a blink of an eye
Most dont know it
But we just live in the now
Never thinking about whats, gonna happen next
Until, its too late
And you can't turn back.

Pre Chorus
Stumbling and crawling,
Catching only a scent of you..
Fading away, your ghost disappears,
Like the wind only memories left.

Reaching for those petals once again
They slip , through, my finger tips
There are only memories here nothing more,
The sweet spring i've once known,
Is gone like everything i loved...

If we could, have another chance,
I'd embrace it and never let you go
But wishing never changes anything,
In the end, you're only left

Outro Words...
Yes, those petals that once were
Have now decayed,
Their remains,
By The Wind.

My vox writes beautiful lyrics :lol: its unfair to stereotype !
ok i dont know the connection between hendrix, drugs and purple haze but what i know is he used to suffer from this condition called synaesthesia which basically means the person will get an adverse reaction on his senses if he hears or sees something. Meaning if he hears a certain musical note, he will see a color or taste something in his mouth, or if he reads a certain word, he gets this sour taste in his mouth. In jimi's case, he saw a purple haze when he was writing the chords for the song which inspired him to call it purple haze. It was the D chord methinks.
blank said:
Eh, can you read?
" For those inclined to taking things literally, the subtext here implies that our government's highly restrictive policies have affected the people's creative ability.

eh blank,read carefully la,read the whole paragraph and dont just quote from 1 sentence,the way you type like want to fight...
from the sentence that you quoted 'affected the people's creative ability' ... does singapore society need subutex to be creative? i dont think so,subutex are created for psycho people like you so that they can be in their own land...
mind your words la dude... and bout the lyrics...
eventhough you *point to blank* can write bloody artistic lyrics,if you cant compose a decent song that fit the lyrics into it,its bloody useless...
take RHCP as example,sometimes i dont understand their lyrics,but the music is cool so what the hell...
blank,i suggest you to take creative [if you can] and show me what is good music,it seems to me that your standard really really pissed me off dude

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