Anti-Christ bands.

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Oh nos. This thread will never conclude.

Everyone has their right to believe in whatever they want to believe in. You cannot deny them and neither can they deny you this right.

I agree with you on this. People have their own right in believing what they want to believe. The problem arise when people can't accept that there are people that are doing the total opposite of what they strongly believe in. It can be compared loosely to someone who loves durian and someone who hates it. Why don't they like it? The smell? The taste? Different answers from each individual.

What are the motives of an "Anti-Christ" band? You can get a thousand and one answers to that because you can never know what are their motives, all of them. For the cool factor, for their believes, for the attention and so on. If you eat durian in a room with an anti-durian guy, he'll be annoyed. And since music is such an open theme, their actions or genre will inevitably affect people. And these people will surely repel to the things that are the opposite of what they believe and love. Its human nature.

As I've said, this thread will never come to a conclusion.
i think whatever u guys have stated......itz still down to the 2 points we have stated from the beginning......

due to belief......or due to money.......

simple as that

nothing more complicated than that

take away these music from people who are too immatured.......

and trust those who are matured enough to make a choice own their own
If let's say there is no god exist in the world?

What will you do?
What will you believe?
How are you going to explain to yourself?

I am not a religious person. I don't care for whether God exists or not- it doesn't affect the way I live my life. I am not an atheist per say, because I cannot prove that God doesn't exist. (You cannot prove that something doesn't exist.) Some people find purpose and meaning in their religion and I have alot of respect for that. Some people use religion as a social tool, to make friends. Some people use religion to shove their beliefs down other throats.

What do I believe in? I believe that today, I am alive, and one day, I will die. And between now and then, I hope to make as much of a positive difference to the world as possible, and leave it a better place than when i found it. By being a good friend, by writing good music, by teaching, by inspiring, by doing everything I can.

I have faith in humanity and I have faith in myself, and that is all I need, really. =) It takes courage to accept that it is completely possible that our lives have no greater purpose or meaning whatsover except what we choose to make of it.
If let's say there is no god exist in the world?

What will you do?
What will you believe?
How are you going to explain to yourself?
This has been THE topic for a VERY long time in Philosophical study groups, since Socrates. It's a recursive explanation, where you can go on and on but you will be back at your first argument/motion.

Believe it, there are many people who will NOT think of God even in the worst of situations, as proved by 21st Century character studies. Hard for you to contemplate but you are you so you wouldn't know.
no light = darkness ...its does not exist as it's intensity is measure by the traces of light which btw consist of a spectrum of differant colors .... so darkness = nothing, i rather believe in something!

btw if christian metal is funny than this early black sabbath tune is stoopid

see here

This Satan(exist or not go figure)and his champions are constanly nit picking on religious shotcomings, besides the fact that these 'religions' championed orphanages, schools, hospitals etc etc, whereas the heathens just sat around wipping self pity off their ass.

This Satan i assume has 'human intelligance' as his weapon !
no light = darkness ...its does not exist as it's intensity is measure by the traces of light which btw consist of a spectrum of differant colors .... so darkness = nothing, i rather believe in something!

So you mustn't believe in lobang either since it is made out of nothing too. ;)
What about satanists?
Satanism is more a way of life than anything. It's similar to Buddhism in that aspect.
Anti-christs on the other hand, are people who accept that there is a god, but they choose to rebel against it.

I'm assuming you're talking about bands like Mayhem, where their members actually went to burn churches and do all kinds of screwed up shit.
To do something like that, you literally have to be quite lovelovelovelove-ed in the head.
Their motives are probably centered around the attention part of it all, I really really doubt that their primary motivation is their "hate" for the christian god.

As for people who are against religion, I find it all quite stupid. To believe in something is one thing, to feel so strongly against someone else's personal beliefs that you actually go out of your way to put it down is simply being a dickhead.
I don't have anything wrong with people who don't believe in religion, hell I'm one of them, but there isn't any real need to tell people their idiots for having personal beliefs.
Basically, puritanical bastards in ye old day deemed anyone that did'nt follow the catholic church's teachings and beliefs as satanist

But I think today's 'satanists' are just atheists.....even the norwegian bands

But we can't blame them for being satanist, how would you react if a religion was forced upon you against your will?
What created at the beginning has to solve the problem.
At the end, it create a bigger problem.

For those who believe in themselves, there will be time that you wouldn't know what is right or wrong. Unless you are always lucky since the day you are born.

Believing in yourself , if one day you have lost your directions, you might cling on something which able to lead you. But it's fails you. You will be ANTI it.

All we need is to thank the Earth, the sun & the moon (The Globe) who let us stay for another day.
personally, i think supposedly anti christ music are more interesting and fun to write rather than christian praise and worship songs, it kind of gets boring after awhile with songs praising god, right?
but horh, no jesus how to sing about anti-jesus?
and no anti-jesus song, also won't have anti-anti-jesus songs.
so everything need to balance bah :) music good can oredi.
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