One cannot be anti-Christ if one didn't first, believe in a Christ.
One shouldn't be called Satanist, if one didn't eschew Satanistic beliefs, regardless of one's views on life and one's astudeness to wanting to fulfill humanistic values but yet use the name Satan in its emblemic name.
I also do not agree that anti-Christ musicians, it must be anti-Christ musicians because only musicians make music: So, anti-Christ musicians do not make their music for the sake of wanting to attract attention because if that were the case, then anti-muslim or anti-Mohamad musicians would be quite famous right now. In fact, they would have hit the charts and stayed there, and in due time, stay longer than Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, since the Sept 11 murders.
Come to think of it, perhaps there should be anti-islam music. There should be anti-Satanic music. There should be anti-bald men that wannabe like buddha music. There should also be anti-hindu music. I always thoght that there was such a thing as anti-music and even anti-anti music, but perhaps someone better in touch can chew on these two cerebral topics.
And should folks think that writing anti-Christ music is a manifestation of angst against being forced into religion centuries ago, then one should also note that North African music, music from most of Arabia, South-east Asia, Southern Russia and parts of China and Pakistan and Bangladesh would also commit to such musical tastes.
But of course that isn't true. Music is music. But mostly music is a form of communication. People of all walks of life, intelligence, creed, religion use music for some form of communication. Usually as a mode for association.
Anti-Christ's do not write their music because they are musical. I dare say that they write their songs because they do so to associate with their own kind. Same as emo's same as metal heads, same as hippies, same as ... write music to share their experience with those that they associate with.
For now, I just wanna make music that tells a story and has a vibe and a feel. And it's about making this world a better place.
At the end of the day, it's your choice what you want to do with music. Anti-islam. Anti-mohamad. Anti-hindu. Anti-Christ. Anti-family. Anti-babies. Whatever. Just do what you feel is that that is within you that you want to portray for the rest of your life because if you love music enough then YOUR MUSIC IS YOU.
So learn to live with it.