Anti-Christ bands.

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like we concluded this is not always the case. there are bands out there who make use of "anti-christianity" for commercial purposes and this has been proven. of course there are bands that are really anti-christ, but that does not rule out the existence of bands that make use of such imagery for the sake of selling records or for selling out concerts.
learnt alot of stuffs. hmm . true true. there were times where the ppl come knocking on my door and askin me to join christianity. once at the skatepark at somerset , an old man approaced me and passed me a flyer and he started preaching. he started talkin about stuffs that i've never thought about. somethin like ur family will live happily in the afterlife and stuffs. and he also said that i will get paid if i join the religion . and i clarified with a christian friend of mine . he said its not what he's supposed to do and those are not real .alot of complications. yeaaa. anti-christ and satanist dun get along.
When there is light, there will be dark. A paper can only has 2 sides. When theres life, there is death. Satanists basically believes in themselves as their own god. Thats all, simple. They dont believe in any form of deity, as they believe that they themselves are god, and they differentiate right or wrong themselves. Its individualism like someone said. Some may stereotype satanists as devil worshippers. Those are different satanists whom believe in the devil, therefore believing in religion too. Anybody who claims that they believe in the devil but say god does not exist, please ah, whack the guy.
Well god did create the heavens and the earth and then he let there be light. He created all that.. IN THE DARK! :o

All satanist are anti christ but not all anti christ are satanist.

ok, that was sterotypical, do your god damn research before you talk shit about satanism. theres different forms of satanism, theistic, teachings by anton lavey or thelema and others.
satanism is not all about hating christ.
those christian elitist tend to say nonsense about satanism, saying they sacrifice babies and animals or rap virgin whores. thats bullcrap, satanism has nothing to do with this, if so, this kind of case are under an unorganized satanism cult.
music is just music, just listen to it. be real, be true.
OK, the bands' motive is same like your motive to post such topic in SOFT. Think about it.

It is never about the content/message/reason but the response/result/attention.

well,what James said is true..
most band's show it off because they want the attention and shock factor..
Slayerz : I have only heard and read of satanist who go for black masses and stuff like that. Hence the comment. As for Levay branch of satanism, it does have some connection to Christ in a way it rebukes the teachings of Christ of forgiveness of sins. Since we humans are all sinful, then we should all indulge in it rather than be guilty of it and constantly ask for forgiveness as a result.

I'm a catholic, play in a church band and enjoy listening to Dimmu Borgir and what have you me its just music. Church friends have told me to stop listening to such genres of music but I don't care. I enjoy listening to such kinds of music because I'm fascinated by "dark music" hence such genres of music appeal to me artistically. So please don't get me wrong if you say I'm a christian elitist because I've come across worst off cases of chrisitan elitism before.

If I were a christian elitist I would have just said "All satanist are anti christ and all anti christ are satanist"
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christian metal is so oxymoronic its hilarious!!! the whole damn idea of metaaaal was sekks drukqz n rock n fookin roll in the name of the evil one, baby............

one can revel in the idea of metal and have fun w/o necessarily believing deeply in any of it, besides it really is just entertainment at the heart of it all.
Okay, time for me to make my intervention since I'm from a christian band myself.

Yes I do disagree with the Christians of that time, forcing Christianity down the Scandinavians' throats. God himself disagrees with the forcing of religion, and so the Scandinavians in a sense do have a reason to hate Christians, because of bad experiences with some Christians who obviously don't listen to God enough.

I'm a Christian myself, but I strongly disagree with forcing my religion upon others. Everyone has a choice, and God acknowledges that. I feel that those Scandinavians should hear the truth about those ungodly christians who violated what God said and forced the religion down their throats. Then maybe they will not be anti-Christ, but anti-zealousness.
Anybody who claims that they believe in the devil but say god does not exist, please ah, whack the guy.

lol agreed. how can an "opponent" of god exist when god does not exist.

however i do agree that satanism is a subset of anti-christianity.
yeapppp. agreed. but i dunno why must they go against christ. from what i can tell , christ did nothing wrong . but the followers , not all but some , made wrong concepts or beliefs that made the others hate the religion.
Most of you should refrain from participating in such discussions. Your contributions to this thread are so hilarious I nearly dropped off'a my chair and typed a wrong formula for a program I was coding, which is relatively dangerous to a great extent. Ignore this part.

The early wave of Anti-Christ and (a few) Satanist "musicians" set out to voice their hatred for the slaying and condemnation of a particular Pagan sect (namely Polytheistic and Pantheistic groups, and those that claimed Satan to be an idol and example) in northern Europe during the crusades. In summary, these musicians are the result of a revolt that has existed since the Middle Ages. The Arts is the primary train for thought, idea and expression, so it looks like music was their chosen form. The Arts is not solely entertainment, it also exists for a great deal of philosophical and scientific stabbing. If I recall correctly, the Arts as we know it is what came out of hundreds of years of hard, deep thinking. As for why Christ, it's because to attack a group, you attack the leader, and vice-versa.

I'm not quite sure of the intentions the modern bands have, though. I calculate attention to be their primary (and only) goal. Take for instance, the modern Nihilistic bands. 98% of them are making music on their depression of being human just for the sake of being cool, and not because they want us to know our physical existence has absolutely 0 purpose. However, I do believe a few of such bands today are serious and have significant motives and are totally broke and eat Döner kebabs or maybe Chor Mee or better Curry Fish Head in a shady neo-nazi bar in a remote area of Bayern, Deutschland, Urheimat.

One more thing, is it me or did Mr James really not reply to the last message with regards to not having such topics in this forum? Good. I see so many baseless comic strips disguised as topics here, and I also remember some Christian-related threads. SO WHERE IS THE LOVE? Yay for my participation in this discussion, looks like I'm late to the party arghhhhhhh$%^$Y!
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Just just say that not all bands mean what they sing. Unless it's Gorgoroth. I'll have nothing to say then.

But the thing is, as much as Christianity exists, there is always a chance that Christianity-haters will exist. C'mon... There are people who are anti-Semitic, people who completely repulse pagan religions, etc. I cannot say that they do not have a right to believe in their anti-religion thoughts, but only when they impose it on others, then I'll say that's really wrong of them.

As you can see, no one knows if God exists or deities exist. You have to realize that people create religion. And people can just downplay religion too.

So, just stop yanking about the idea of anti-christ or satanism. Everyone has their right to believe in whatever they want to believe in. You cannot deny them and neither can they deny you this right.
yeapppp. agreed. but i dunno why must they go against christ. from what i can tell , christ did nothing wrong . but the followers , not all but some , made wrong concepts or beliefs that made the others hate the religion.

its a rebellion thing. christians are the masses. and for those who dont do it for fun, are against the conservative thinkings of christianity
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