Most of you should refrain from participating in such discussions. Your contributions to this thread are so hilarious I nearly dropped off'a my chair and typed a wrong formula for a program I was coding, which is relatively dangerous to a great extent. Ignore this part.
The early wave of Anti-Christ and (a few) Satanist "musicians" set out to voice their hatred for the slaying and condemnation of a particular Pagan sect (namely Polytheistic and Pantheistic groups, and those that claimed Satan to be an idol and example) in northern Europe during the crusades. In summary, these musicians are the result of a revolt that has existed since the Middle Ages. The Arts is the primary train for thought, idea and expression, so it looks like music was their chosen form. The Arts is not solely entertainment, it also exists for a great deal of philosophical and scientific stabbing. If I recall correctly, the Arts as we know it is what came out of hundreds of years of hard, deep thinking. As for why Christ, it's because to attack a group, you attack the leader, and vice-versa.
I'm not quite sure of the intentions the modern bands have, though. I calculate attention to be their primary (and only) goal. Take for instance, the modern Nihilistic bands. 98% of them are making music on their depression of being human just for the sake of being cool, and not because they want us to know our physical existence has absolutely 0 purpose. However, I do believe a few of such bands today are serious and have significant motives and are totally broke and eat Döner kebabs or maybe Chor Mee or better Curry Fish Head in a shady neo-nazi bar in a remote area of Bayern, Deutschland, Urheimat.
One more thing, is it me or did Mr James really not reply to the last message with regards to not having such topics in this forum? Good. I see so many baseless comic strips disguised as topics here, and I also remember some Christian-related threads. SO WHERE IS THE LOVE? Yay for my participation in this discussion, looks like I'm late to the party arghhhhhhh$%^$Y!