Oh nos. This thread will never conclude.
I agree with you on this. People have their own right in believing what they want to believe. The problem arise when people can't accept that there are people that are doing the total opposite of what they strongly believe in. It can be compared loosely to someone who loves durian and someone who hates it. Why don't they like it? The smell? The taste? Different answers from each individual.
What are the motives of an "Anti-Christ" band? You can get a thousand and one answers to that because you can never know what are their motives, all of them. For the cool factor, for their believes, for the attention and so on. If you eat durian in a room with an anti-durian guy, he'll be annoyed. And since music is such an open theme, their actions or genre will inevitably affect people. And these people will surely repel to the things that are the opposite of what they believe and love. Its human nature.
As I've said, this thread will never come to a conclusion.
Everyone has their right to believe in whatever they want to believe in. You cannot deny them and neither can they deny you this right.
I agree with you on this. People have their own right in believing what they want to believe. The problem arise when people can't accept that there are people that are doing the total opposite of what they strongly believe in. It can be compared loosely to someone who loves durian and someone who hates it. Why don't they like it? The smell? The taste? Different answers from each individual.
What are the motives of an "Anti-Christ" band? You can get a thousand and one answers to that because you can never know what are their motives, all of them. For the cool factor, for their believes, for the attention and so on. If you eat durian in a room with an anti-durian guy, he'll be annoyed. And since music is such an open theme, their actions or genre will inevitably affect people. And these people will surely repel to the things that are the opposite of what they believe and love. Its human nature.
As I've said, this thread will never come to a conclusion.