why you shouldn't support gigs with minimum ticket sales.

who's the one escaping and dodging the questions and challanges proposed to him? true to the music? i dare not say im the most accomplised of musicians but i have written some material and done my part, what have u done? if you have done so much more fine, salute. if you have not why are u even issuing balant accusations with nothing to back yourself up? why dont you start asking around and doing some reseach instead of offering incomprehensible, incoherent unjustified arguments. :lol: :lol: :lol: go, ask gig organisers if its so easy to organise a gig. free gig organisers like heartrock have funds to back them up given by NAC? and therefore have no real need to cover any costs for organising such an event and they're doing something for a cause they believe in, respect. other gig organisers who are not so lucky have to dig into their own pockets to do such events. why dont you start being true to your believes and start organising some free gigs to help out struggling bands? aterall you claim to be a conoissuer of "true, good music" right? do something instead of talking, help them out. we'll see what you say when you loose a few hundred of even thousand dollars from your own piggybank.

I dunno know man, everyones english here is so bad, yet everyone still uses words they picked up from watching too many court room dramas. Dude, if you wanna debat dont make yourself look stupid by not typing properly.

But if I had to assume what haricane is really saying, I'd say:

People dont go to watch bands because of their marketability, they go and pay to watch cause they wanna hear some good music, they want entertainment. Do you think people enjoy going to events and start complaining? Except old people but thats not the point.

Yes marketability is a factor. But thats in the music production side of things (selling CDs etc) and you cant get there by playing crap music.

I think this might be another reason why so many bands dont get so much individual promotion in singapore. Because there are so many minimal tix sales gigs featuring newbie bands the assumption from the otherside of the window must be like; well maybe most of the bands in singapore are like this. Well this last statement might not be true but im just pondering.
oh,you sounded so convincingly compassionate right? Have you done something? Alright,which bands have given their thanks to you so far? Everyone knows what is the point i am driving at,but you can't get it at all?
Before you start challenging me ultimately,i suggest you stop mentioning about gig organisers who doesn't require bands to sell tixs for them.Instead,face the music and don't start assuming that you understand the music scene that well. Let me ask you,have you ever organize anything concrete? 8O
It is a good thing you wrote some materials and done 'something',but who have you really helped? Perhaps not EVEN yourself.

Because you are stuck with the crippling idea that a band has to sell tixs in order to perform.

Because your attitude is never going to help the scene at all. Giving lousy bands a chance to showcase their rubbish is what makes you feel proud of as an "accomplished" musician i must say.

Because you refuse to understand good music will draw it's own crowds eventually.

Are you up to my challenge? If not,then you are nothing but a piece of thrash.
self appointed judges judge more than they have sold. have i mentioned or claimed to champion a certain cause? no. that has certainly not rendered me liable to provide a solution to a specific problem, unlike you who have so often made proclaimations of passiion for music. us chinese have a saying: playing music to a cow. time and time again you have dodged questions, depserately resorted to personal attacks to, unfortunately fail to attempt to disprove my arguments and change topics, and failed to justify your statements and provide valid, convincing arguments to counter mine and instead, cast yourself in an unfavourable light, issuing time and time again questions irrelevant to the topic and making absurdly uninstrinsic professions. nuff said. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I dodged?

Come on,wake up! Mr.Lawyer-songwriter.

I simply don't need to reply what is actually your dodging types of questions thrown at me.

So the answer is clear. You care nothing of the local scene but spend more effort in trying to type in a lawyer style.

Truth is out. :lol:
BadgerS88: I dunno know man, everyones english here is so bad, yet everyone still uses words they picked up from watching too many court room dramas. Dude, if you wanna debat dont make yourself look stupid by not typing properly.

Doode, for your own sake, I is hopes that was intentional.

People dont go to watch bands because of their marketability, they go and pay to watch cause they wanna hear some good music, they want entertainment. Do you think people enjoy going to events and start complaining? Except old people but thats not the point.

Yes marketability is a factor. But thats in the music production side of things (selling CDs etc) and you cant get there by playing crap music.

Actually, marketability encompasses almost everything, including the entertainment factor and image of the band. Good music is subjective. Entertainment is, to a varying degree, as well.

You do not just market a music product (aka a CD); you market a band to sell your CD, merch, etc.
Hurricane: You're the greatest, Stay true to your music!
Yes, just stay there. Don't move at all. Stay...

You type so much, but people understand so little of u.
I only know that you champion your musicality so fiercely
that you think even the gig organisers must think the
same way about musicality.

Superslinky wrote:
is this actually the aftermath of watever CAVevents
have started? if it is... den its realli no good... woooo

Thats my whole point! Why must like that?
Malice begets you a bag of gold, no I meant to say more malice.

You guys just have to UNDERSTAND, that minimum
sales ticket, is just ONE of the many methods that
gig organisers use to allow a gig to EVENTUALISE.

By Eventualise, I dont mean to say that the gig will
be great, or lousy, or even packed full of people.

Its like group tuition, love it or hate it.
its got pros and cons. but most importantly
ITS NOT WRONG. Or make it sound like
TT Durai is the one behind all of them.

I'm going cancel the "notify" function on this thread.
we must learn to use the forum better.

in a forum, we discuss. not to force our ideas onto another person. just lay out your views and discuss.

for this particular topic. just say if you agree or disagree and give your comments. dont attack people whose views are different from yours.

hallelujah, the boss has spoken. Now for my honest views.

I would only support a gig which requires the bands to have a minimum tix sale (from a fan's point of view) ONLY if the ticket price was reasonable.

I won't go into details about 'reasonable ticket prices' because there's a huge demographic of school-kids, mature working adults and all those in between who may or may not be able to fork out $10-15 for such a gig.

Now, then there's the debate regarding whether 'popular music' will sell. I'm sure many have stated before this post that it is the responsibility of the organiser to plan out their music genre agendas properly and for the bands to sell the tickets to the right people. The "right people" as in individuals who will definitely listen to that genre of music and enjoy it. This is in the event bands have to sell miminum number of tix.

However, I feel that it is the responsibility of bands who sign up for such gigs.. if they know that the majority of the bands which play are not coming from a 'popular music' angle of approach, then they should play their cards wisely. Such bands ought to have a basic understanding that when people buy tickets for a show.. they might want to see a few bands, and hope that the few bands are similar to YOUR band which is playing.

But it's always interesting to see gig events which challenge the 'popular' mould, however as an individual who has done a couple of gigs here and there my basic understanding is that if what YOU play doesn't connect with the crowd... you're practically staining the event as it is since the crowd will simply walk away....

Oh yes.. and it's also simple courtesy etiquette for bands of mixed genres to not diss each other at "mixed genre" gig events.

Just my 2 cents.
seekz: Good one! 8)

ok how's this?

Organiser can diversify their income to come from a few different areas:

1. Ticket sales
2. Sponsorship
3. Merchandise

Ticket price too exx? lower to maybe $5 per pax. That's not too bad is it?

Find equipment distributors who would want to use the gig as a platform for advertising. For pub venues, bring in the Shooter girls or promotional whiskeys.

Set up pushcarts to sell trinkets related to the gig itself, then charge a fixed price per pushcart for the event.

i'm not saying these will surely work, i just want to illustrate that we can be flexible in our ideas and stay open minded to suggestions.
interestingly, most of the time, our sight tend to mislead our mind when at times, on seeing the immediate happening but without considering the actually depth of things that went beyond the surface at the moment when our sight meet the moment of sightings of things.

often, the original intention was what most are dwelling in, not every different comment that happen along the way, inlcuding this one
Aging youth wrote:"Actually, marketability encompasses almost everything, including the entertainment factor and image of the band. Good music is subjective. Entertainment is, to a varying degree, as well"

Good music is never subjective,like classical music.It is your own views which are subjective,either you like classical music or not. A product is good if it is fundamentally useful and can be used. Music is good when all the right ingredients are there,don't tell me you know nuts about music? But whether you know what is good is your own personal views,that one you can help yourself.
Music is what is associated with a band,talking about image,how many % does it correspond to listener's audio pleasure? practically none.Why not you tell us what can you do to market a band? in case,you know how.

Seekz wrote :"Its like group tuition, love it or hate it.
its got pros and cons. but most importantly
ITS NOT WRONG. Or make it sound like
TT Durai is the one behind all of them."

You bring in that guy's name for what? Unless he is caught,no one knows what is he doing. BUT we all know where the ticket's money goes too,don't we? Sometimes, i feel you are simply arguing for the sake of arguing. Where's your logic?--> Group tuitions and band performances??
haricane: Good music is never subjective,like classical music.It is your own views which are subjective,either you like classical music or not. A product is good if it is fundamentally useful and can be used. Music is good when all the right ingredients are there,don't tell me you know nuts about music? But whether you know what is good is your own personal views,that one you can help yourself.

Er, that was my point... but thanks for the paraphrasing anyway.

haricane: Music is what is associated with a band,talking about image,how many % does it correspond to listener's audio pleasure? practically none.

Why do you say that?

haricane: Why not you tell us what can you do to market a band? in case,you know how.

Please go to: www.agingyouth.com and click on the Records section.

In the event you have a band and are looking for a distro deal, please get in touch and you'd know what we can and what we can't do for you. And of course that is provided we are interested in your act in the first place to begin with.
don't worry agingyouth, i is supporting you blokes all the way. (not that it would amount to much, but it was a rather nice gesture i hope? :p)