why you shouldn't support gigs with minimum ticket sales.

ya la why are you arguing semantics in an internet forum. I think your time is better spent promoting your event. Go prints some flyers and bomb the lamp posts along Orchard Road and City Hall instead. Once you do a few successful gigs, you can go ask your detractors to stfu already. Until then, this is all just talk and fluff. do you want people to know you as CAVEvents: Awesome gig organisers or CAVEvents: Kings of KPKB?

and just on a side note, people pay to be ENTERTAINED. All that atas what art ah songwriting ah artistic ah ... is just the means to an end of being entertained. You can write craptastic songs but as long as you entertain your audience, people will pay to see you perform 8)
CAVEvents i hope you realise that i'm actually on your side, and i want to see your efforts materialise into success. we see that you are taking action and pushing forward. An alternative way to ticket pushing for gigs is surely welcome to diversify the system on this island.

But like a few of the other people here have also emphasised, its the antagonistic way this thread was started that worked against you and lowers the credibility.

Gig organisers don't just organise gigs, grab the money, then ignore the set. There have been many gigs with compulsory ticket sales that have been very successful and had very good feedback. I personally was at those gigs before as an audience, and i could really feel the effort put in by organisers. Which is why your initial post was not only inaccurate, but shows lack of understanding of the full picture.
Well, IMO, Having tickets sales is always not a good idea.
Get the bands to chip in money to perform. Same Rate as Jamming Room.
Like 18 bucks per performance. Once perform, then go.

About the tickets sale, employ ticket seller and let them earn the commision. Its better.

Cause you see, Bands are having a hard time selling tickets cause many people doesnt know them. Only if theres a famous/known band performing, then they can sell the tix. Not everyone wanna spend 10 bucks on a gig that is unknown to many.

Bands also need to practice/jam. They need full concentration on the band itself. Selling tickets to them/us is a minor task. So in the end, selling tickets is not essential for the band.

In a whole, getting the bands to pay like around 18 bucks per performance.Treat it like jamming in front of moshing crowds. For me, I rather Pay To Play. But not Sell tickets to play.

Cause once, I paid for the Unsold Tickets. We sold only 1 tickets. :(
Agree with biopromax.
A band needs to practice/jam.They need concentration.
A gig organiser organises.
A ticket seller sells tickets.
A bartender tend the bar.

Do what your duty is and don't cross the line if you want people to respect you. Capitalizing on bands with this premature performance urge is disgusting enough. Make them pay $18 if you know what i mean,instead of begging people to come see the gig.
you know guys.. i can get A for my english by reading this tread.
hehe.. especially for my argumentative essay. 8)

cheers! (i'm sorry abt this off-topic post!)
well CAVEvents, i think wat haricane might be saying is some chose to place the audience first in terms of direction of the music and some chose to do what they wanna do. there isnt any wrong with either views. personally i would go with the play what i wanna play cos i were just aiming to try to please the crowds it would be quite an unhappy affair as pple nowadays have very fickle tastes and are hopping from one genre to the next. but hey theres no wrong with bands which choose to play wat the crowds desire cos that way the masses can have the music they wanna hear.

whatever floats your boat. i do believe quite a few of the better known bands have gone the path of the minimum ticket sales gigs and it would be ingrate behaviour to suddenly bite the hand that feeds them or aided them to where they are now by speaking out against the min tix sales pple just cos someone has came out with a different approach.

kinda strange aye? music is such a subjective thing but everyone seems to forget that and try to force their views upon others..
The band will play their best cause they paid to play.
The audience will love it, and coming for more.
Organizer happy get profit for the next gig.
Ticket seller happy get commision.
Bands gets exposure.

All the bands have to do is pay 18 bucks ++.

Then Everything settled.
More action, less talk.

Talk does not cook rice.

I respect visa's POV where he's willing to do something about a certain thing he doesn't like. Whether he succeeds or have it in him to drive it for a long-term period, we shall all see. Instead of bitching about something, energy and time are better spent on something else.

Like what my Hokkien spouting friend will say, "Hua hee tio ho!"
let's be honest, you're not a famous band, you're not an all-good looking boyband, you're new, you don't draw crowds, you dont have fans or a full set of originals that many people, like. if you dont sell tickets, who the hell on earth is going to go watch you? if you cant get people to go watch you it only shows that you as a band have failed to be able to come up with good material or put up a good show that attracts people and as a wanna-be rockstar it is YOUR job to promote yourself, not the gig organiser or anyone else. afterall, beggars can't be choosers.
why cant gig organisers only employ bands who are decent enough to draw a small crowd instead of having min ticket sales gigs where any band can play as long as they sign a contract stating they will sell x tickets at y dollars and pay the organiser xy dollars? and then employ ticket sellers to sell tickets and they can earn commission. or the organising team can sell the tickets themselves. the stress shouldnt be on the bands to sell the tickets. bands who cant draw people shouldnt be allowed to play. like if you wanna play a gig, you must be good enough. of course, the band can help to sell the tickets. but they shouldnt be MADE to do it.

if you are in a newbie band, just keep practising till you're decent enough to draw a crowd. record your stuff, put it on myspace, spread it around, send it to gig organisers. if you're good, you'll get gigs.

CAVE has good intentions, let's just wait and see how the gigs go alright?
dude visa its kinda comical... your assertions at these organisers to make bands sell tickets... u think if these bands dun seell minimal tickets u and your band will have a crowd to play to? how many pple actualli buy at door? u say that organisers will have no incentive to make the show for example sound good eg sound system thats pure assumption and friend if the organiser do not have an assurance that he wont make a loss (if he relies his earnings on door sales solely) dun u think that organisers will no longer dare to organise gigs since they might lose money and hence there will be a fall in the amount of organised gigs. Do u think u and yur band can get to playden? dude its childish lah i gotta say yur viewpoint after all organisers arent charitable organisations...

I love the cause CAVEvents is arguing for. and I could name a few of such organisers hes is referring to. But I'll spare their dignity. for now.

But as I read through the post where ppl are counterarguing with his stand, I get so aggrevated during page three I just had to post already.

Basically, to all the people here who disagree with CAVE then I say this to you. Where would you rather pay go watch a show?

- Esplanade Open Theatre (Atleast Sub-par bands guarentteed)


- Some dodgy looking random Pub/Club throwing a show (Random bands)

Dont contradict me either by saying something like "Well you never know if the bands are good or not if you dont go." All i'll say Is that I'd rather not waste my money hoping I might catch that great one in a million band that will play at that Club Tonight.

On the other hand, if CAVE is really doing something about promoting this argument, and I know he already is, then thats already caught my attention.

Dont go crying on about newbie bands and what not. You gonna shed tears for them? If there does happen to be a newbie band that are actually really good then they should bloody well make the effort to get out there and hand demos to organisers. I remember me and my band had to make alot of effort. After such time, your demos spread and you get more contacts.

You think Led Zeppelin or Deep Purple went and paid organisers to let them play on stage? At some point you gotta realise, alot of this is about having the right contacts.

Basically what Im tryna say here is, at some point, the Sh** has to be filtered some where, and if you wanna promote Sh**, you just end up getting Sh** all over you. Get it? If people really wanna support their local scene they darent argue with people rooting with this support.

my $20.00. :wink:

Please pardon my french btw
Who is going to watch you perform? You can achieve some success thru words of mouth,after a few gigs.Don't tell me you don't share good things with your friends?

Not considering what your nick really means,blahblah,are you trying to say a band's only chance of performing live is by ticket selling?
If a band cannot get anyone to see them,that means the passer-by are somehow like you,simply UNABLE to differentiate thrash from gold.How many people can you actually find if you got a gig?
Beggars can't be choosers?My goodness! A good band will always be good,and i hope an idiot won't stay one for too long.
why dont you put your money where your mouth is and prove me wrong?why dont you organise a no-ticket sales gig and invite all your good bands to play and see how the results and crowd turnout turn out... show me a new band who's played at a free gig with no ticket obligations and has drawn a good crowd simply by being a "good band". its all about marketability, why dont you ask universal music why are they not signing your band? you're "good" right? there are a lotta "good" bands who stay true to the music and practice real hard right? everybody thinks they're good, everybody says "lets stay true to the music etc etc yadayada", what happens in the end :lol: :lol: :lol: this topic has been debated and talked about time and time over and over again, some people should learn to use the search function and find the old "pay to play thread". maybe moderators would want to merge the threads?
Do i need to prove you anything?

In case you do have a little respect for music in it's true form,i rather you START to think how much losses you actually gather,when you don't have faith in good bands and good music and you are in a soft forum.
Oh,by the way,does drawing a good crowd excite you so much and you can go putting on your best act because of that? It could be lousy band and ignorant crowds too,isn't it? So,you better eat your heart out and see if you rather buy a cd of good music or listening to a band which is good but haven't had that much contacts yet.
Somehow,it is obvious,you haven't a clue what you are saying at all.
somebody put some sense into this guy above. :lol: :lol: :lol: fine, if you like playing to the air and continue your narcissistic ways so be it, whatever makes u happy. :lol: :lol: :lol:
So you want to escape and not face yourself?

Simply ask yourself this, are you or are you not serious about music,and i am not referring to you or only your band,but the whole singapore scene. Do you want good music which is spontaneous and inspired by the soul or you want to only be an actor on stage? and a ticket seller in the eyes of the ticket providers? Talk about narcissism, you ARE one of them who get stuck into a terrible mess of hypocritical ideas.

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