different people have different roles to play. we have
Venues at the moment are not much of an issue, because they are more or less beyond our control anyway.
In SOFT, we have promoters, bands and crowds. For the scene to prosper, everybody has to do their homework- promoters have to organize and promote good events, bands have to put up good shows, audiences have to make the right decision with their money which shows are worth supporting and cheering at.
Bands and audiences are numerous- if you have a few bad bands or bad audience members, the scene can still prosper.
But venues and promoters are relatively fewer in number, and they have the largest external controlling power. A promoter can make or break an event, while a great band might not be able to save a terribly organized and promoted event.
CAVEvents is here to try and help the scene prosper- this thread is going off tangent into a should-we-insult-organizers-or-not fest, which is not at all my intention. I realise that my views are very strong and not politically correct, but I hope you can see that my main aim above all is to help and revive the scene, and that I'm putting my time, money and effort where my mouth is.
Support good shows, and the scene will prosper. =)
I'll end this here, thanks guys for your attention and feedback.