why you shouldn't support gigs with minimum ticket sales.

bro saito bro, I is but a pimp yo!

This thread is very the amusing. But at least, i see bro visa bro taking some action, instead of typing and bitching on some internet forums and not doing anything about a situation he hates at all.

Up your points!!!

The new generation of DGOs has HOPE!!!
No matter how much one protests against "war, racism and bigotry" it has always existed and will always exist.
Just as how capitalistic and money making gigs can be, it has always existed.
Just as how many new bands playing gigs without much preparation, it has always happened.
Just as how there will always be people saying wow local music sucks, it will always happen.
Because other people hold on to different beliefs, ethics, methods and mentalities.

In truth, there is no stopping these factors and every band has to go through a period of struggle to prove themselves worthy of being not just musicians, but also as performers and as a band as a whole.

These factors in Singapore are just like speed bumps and they're just the minor ones, nothing compared to what bands of higher calibre. So we just have to face it and treat it as training or part of growth.

If one is not happy with the way things are being done in the so called nowadays scene, then create make own gig. Don't join in the bandwagon. When signing a contract read the fine prints and if you do sign a contract, at least have the honour to live up to it. If you feel it is not right to support such organisations, do not sign. It's easy as that.

just my thoughts for the moment. not shooting anybody down really.

ok CAVevent, we noe u guys mean good... but lets face it... even if u go blah blah blah-ing abt this thing it wont do ur EVENTS MANAGEMENT any good anyway... the decision on selling the tickets rest solely on the band and the organisers that organise the event...

try not to tarnish or bring down other events management that have long been in the scene... how bad or good they are, if things dont happen u wouldnt even be here my Dear Visa from armchair critic...

i've played with u guys before... it was nice... but come on... lets face it... imsure even u guys paid to play before... so lets just hope people will start realising and along the way things will change as well without having the need of starting a thread to criticises what have been going on for YEARS...

and to peeps with $0.02, singapore no more 2 cents laaa...

my $0.05... ;-)
i've been collecting 1c coins throughout the years.. since now no use i throw here lor rofl.

this isn't a phucking argumentative, you dont have to give counterarguments and rebuttals.

my 0.02$, i'm running low..
different people have different roles to play. we have


Venues at the moment are not much of an issue, because they are more or less beyond our control anyway.

In SOFT, we have promoters, bands and crowds. For the scene to prosper, everybody has to do their homework- promoters have to organize and promote good events, bands have to put up good shows, audiences have to make the right decision with their money which shows are worth supporting and cheering at.

Bands and audiences are numerous- if you have a few bad bands or bad audience members, the scene can still prosper.

But venues and promoters are relatively fewer in number, and they have the largest external controlling power. A promoter can make or break an event, while a great band might not be able to save a terribly organized and promoted event.

CAVEvents is here to try and help the scene prosper- this thread is going off tangent into a should-we-insult-organizers-or-not fest, which is not at all my intention. I realise that my views are very strong and not politically correct, but I hope you can see that my main aim above all is to help and revive the scene, and that I'm putting my time, money and effort where my mouth is.

Support good shows, and the scene will prosper. =)

I'll end this here, thanks guys for your attention and feedback.

You know what I noticed about soft?

The people here are like sheep from the animal farm.

Its like not even 3 pages and so many people are chanting "Four legs good, two legs bad"

I admire your command of language, and your persuasive ability.

But the bottom line is, you're biased.
and you might be doing more hurt than good
by beating down on gig organizers like that.

Because not all gig organisers are like that.

Sub-par bands are not thrash, they can't be chucked aside because they can't play a good show. You can't stop that, and you can't critisise a gig organiser for letting sub-par bands play.

Sub par bands won't stay sub par for long.

And to people who kept complaining about not being able to play in gigs due to their heavier and darker influences.

My response is: Its a two way thing.

You don't wana be in a 2000 strong crowd and after playing your first song 1800 of them leaves.

So there's nothing wrong with the underground material staying underground. cos they're being appreciated there.

I wholeheartedly agree!

I never said that all gig organizers are like that. There are some brilliant promoters around who have done great events with great bands to great crowds in great venues- off the top of my head, Wayne and Sabrina from GilaRock, Saito from Gas Haus/THINK, Anthony from HeartRockSingapore, et cetera!

And you will notice that none of their awesome events (Rock For Good, Youth Gone Wild, FLOW!) imposed minimum ticket sales on bands. Why is that?
alamak... u still want to argue ar?? enuff is enuff la Visa... before mastercards n the rest oc the world cards association comes... lets face it... CAVevent is a GOOD EVENT MANAGEMENT... YEAY TO U!! weeeee

Sub-par bands are not thrash, they can't be chucked aside because they can't play a good show.

I definitely agree! All bands start out that way!

You can't stop that, and you can't critisise a gig organiser for letting sub-par bands play.

If the sub-par bands are happy playing in a sub-par event in front of a sub-par crowd then of course everybody is happy and nobody can criticize anybody =)

One word. Funding.

Anthony from HR, has to approach many of his frens for fundings
before any gigs is possible

RFG is a school event. Although I can't be sure of it.
RFG definitely had funding from the school.

and Flow? can't you see the brand Nokia pasted on the ads.

So what do gig organisers at Bars and pubs have?
What can a gig at a bar/pub offer?

200+ patrons? Thats not even worth it for the bar owner.
Let alone gig organiser.

Yes, there are shitty gigs, but bear in mind that the same way sub-par bands will die out or eventually reform or improve, sub-par gig organisers will TOO, eventually improve as they go along, and if they don't then their bad rep will force them out.

So unless you have a finger to point, please, I'm asking nicely, change your title lah. Not nice...
And you will notice that none of their awesome events (Rock For Good, Youth Gone Wild, FLOW!) imposed minimum ticket sales on bands. Why is that?

urmm duh?????? Perhaps because they have cash and/or equipment sponsors? Because the bands playing have crowd pulling power? duh?

You say you want to do "mid level" events. So why are you comparing yourself to events like those, where venue rental and equipment go up to the thousands? Apples and oranges.

edit: wah seekz you faster than me by a few mins dang! haha

I'm glad younger people like you and neuro have decided to do your own thang. But don't put other people down. you get zero respect man. Just do your own thing and let your actions speak for themselves. AYP and OMS don't get their reputations for doing good gigs by bitching about other gig organisers.

so best advice to you, go the DoubleYellowLine route. do gigs, be prepared to sink in alot of your own money, get a good rep and look, they are churning out gigs for NYC and other companies who PAY them to do it. if thats not raising the scene, I dunno what is.
I personally don't see anything unsuitable about the title.Is there anyone who support tickets selling gig organizer so much that you can't stand to see the title?
I don't even feel comfortable when people ask me for Identity card,what are they? immigration or police?
Before this ticket selling thing comes along,there are so many gigs which you don't have to raise any funds,isn't it?
bro AvonRellets bro, can teach who shd I approach to get money for shows? I also want. Ask bro wyluder bro to teach me leh... :cry:

Use all your ang bao money la,haha, pay the organiser,make up your face,hop onto the stage,and pretend you are cool,and then go away,for another band to perform.Life goes on...$ shouldnt be given priority over artistic excellency.Somehow,some ass here still don't know this concept.
Eh, haricane, so you are supporting payola or dissing it? Or saying that those peeps who diss payola should get a life?

Me no understands... :cry:
the big question here is not why, but how?
the economics behind the scene is a tricky one.

the outside world isnt as easy or perfect as you envisaged(refer to ur 1st post this page) it to be. If you can find and show us an alternative and sustainable working model for gigs, and perhaps bring some credibility to your intentions. Then it would be alot easier to get more support.
Right now ,IMO,its kinda early for all this talk

gd luck.

i do agree what avonrellets posted: just do it, and let the results speak for themselves!

it would also be beneficial if you info only:
publicity level (word of mouth, internet, flyers)
attendance (no of ppl attended)
tix sold

and maybe have a feedback form? i used to think that those were utter bollocks but its really useful on how u can further improve your shows and gigs :)