

Does a gibson's price put you off?

Like what Edder says... if it works, it works... and if it does work, then you gotta pay if you want it!

Thanks for the reminder bro. Appreciated.

If you don't wish to wait I could post you my V-Picks within a day and you could pop me yours when they come in. Cheers.
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Does a gibson's price put you off?

Like what Edder says... if it works, it works... and if it does work, then you gotta pay if you want it!
Gibson has long history and is a reputable brand.And if u are thourough enough,u'll get a very good piece.So price to me for Gibson is justified.

But picks,pay 7 bux is really alot...I dunno.I wouldn't mind paying for a 4k Gibson over some 400bux guitar,but picks to me don't really matter.

So I'd rather buy the cheap dunlop picks
wat abt the picks that edge uses? I think also even more ex rite... But yeah sure feels nice to use a gd pick.

someone mention something abt it being like a dunlop stubby, so it is not flat type like normal picks?

lets remain impartial on this thread and leave comments on how effective these picks are till we've ACTUALLY TRY it. ;)
yes edders definitely right about acrylic not being a hard wearing plastic. the first time i went to their website and found out they use acrylic i started having doubts about how long they'd last.

BUT, i'm definitely gona try these cos there have been instances where an inferior material does the job better than a superior one. and somehow i've got a good feeling about the picks. LOL. just a feeling i've got.

already ordered from brendon! haha.
nice boxes! hahahaha.... bro you should consider packing em strings in postpacs or thicker envelopes.
actually, i'm keen on getting one. just ONE. but then there are so many types to try, and then gotta go all the way somewhere to buy just ONE pick.

if there;s a softie who lives in the west and ordered a whole pack, drop me one.. haha. i live in clementi:)
actually, i'm keen on getting one. just ONE. but then there are so many types to try, and then gotta go all the way somewhere to buy just ONE pick.

if there;s a softie who lives in the west and ordered a whole pack, drop me one.. haha. i live in clementi:)

Hi bro, I mail by post hence there's minimum hassel. Cheers.
So far I'm liking the mediums. The large rounds off the tone too much for my playing style and music. Probably better for those w a very trebly rig, or for jazz guitarists. Mediums are great, they retain the clarity and definition of the normal dunlop tortex flat picks, but add a fullness to it. I never thought I'd get used to the thick body of the V-pick, but it's actually getting quite comfy for me.

I wouldn't say the tone improvement is commensurate with the price difference between the v-pick and a dunlop tortex (for e.g.), but the v-pick sure is one steady pick that looks to last a long time. As such, I wouldn't make such a comparison i.e. "Why should I pay 10 times the price of a normal pick, just to get one v-pick, which only gives me some fullness to the tone?". Of course, one might lose picks, so if you're the type to always do so...then you gotta think again.

I have yet to experience the "Oh it really improves the way I pick!" epiphany, but I like the sturdiness that this pick offers. It feels very steady and comfortable in my hand, and it sticks pretty well to my fingers too.

Thanks again to brendon for bringing in these V-picks. I'm glad I've made my investment.
More variety of V-Picks are in bro!
