Soft Gathering (Aftermath)

LOL stilll dare say. aiya set la u buy those VCDs i have let ur mum watch while helping to do my face.

eh teach leh, what she do, put cucumber? mmm or what
cucumber? no no...

eh if putting vegetables on your face will solve the problem then all beauticians/dermatologists will go out of business.
oh, just lots of concealer and foundation.

of cos those face specialists have their different brands of cosmetic products la..
Haha. Gee. So now....... WHO'S WHO!? Damn.

Lol. I didn't know spikes came until someone told me "that's spikes leaving"

Like fzzzz. And which is fluzeee? =\ argh
serialninja said:
pepper- said:
Haha. Gee. So now....... WHO'S WHO!? Damn.

i'm dharma, from West Grand Boulevard. i was the kid yelling at the next pit for fun.

oh yeah everyone, my msn thingy is

COME ON LAAAA. of cuz I know who you are. you were introducing yourself as Ninja to me and I went "DHARMA" instead. lol.

but im still confused over who's who(as in those ppl who sat one corner and were talkin man talk) lol.
To those who didn't go, you missed a great party.

First, everyone arrived and had a BBQ which tasted like the divine sweat and flesh of God from Heaven. Then everyone danced around the bonfire proclaimining eternal love. We then proceeded to get drunk and lunged into the sea where we splashed around gleefully and exchanged bodily fluids into the twilight hours. Everyone from other BBQ pits were so intoxicated by our joy that it became one huge gathering by the hundreds. It was awesome, and if you didn't go this time, go to the next one!