Soft Gathering (Aftermath)

hh. yea.. nice bunch lar all !

next time shld organise more outings .. go play at the beach or watever lar .. shld be fun .ha
kao eh .. say me till like that

i look so innocent ah .. rite ??

where got look like those type ..chee ko 1 .. not like some ppl .mosh with the 5 babes .. hor ??hahaha .. touch here touch there
gene. remember unity of aggression?

i told them about it.

then got chiobu moshing inside. =X U PROVE TO THEM. I NEVER MOSH LOR.

they think far far what i inside and.. hmmmm u know? HAHA
siva said:
anoif .. u the 1 that look 14 rite ??haha

siva here !! ur fellow 'cook'

the 1 watching u cook the chicken fillet.

hahaha!yup! the "14" yr old!! yeah the asst to the asst chef..hahaa!

Newbie said:
anoif is a girl.

lol. the one... who kept stickin with pepper. haha

we stuck together coz no one else was sticking to us...HAHAHAHA!!and we came together!
i saw newbie moshing in with those girls....
dun see him "goodboy". should see him in action inside the mosh pit..
esp with those girls :twisted:
huh, ok.
Just play guitar more and go out less. Less dust and pollutants at home :p
I don't do much about it, but it helps when your mum is a beautician.