SOFT, a place for angsty teenagers?

eh don't exclude the older softies, there is also the smoking quitline, gambling addiction hotline, drug addiction hotline, meet the MP session timings etc :P
i didnt want to specify anybody here, but my post was directed to our GOOD friend Faizalhacker. thanks to him i now know fun equates to being a complete loser, and a cheapskate one at that.

jeepers we do share some common thoughts so we are on the same side.if you cant beat 'em join 'em.did i use that right?
hahah yeah dime!

it is not appropriate but it is still fun. still yeah. maybe mr James can make another segment for non music related stuff. can discuss....errr
you did use it right.

not trying to antagonise you here, good buddy dime. but for Faizalhacker, i cant and wont agree on that term "if you cant beat 'em, join 'em".
totally agree witht he threadstarter 100%

and whats with all the birthday threads coming up lately too? no ones gives a flying fvck if its your birthday man, i mean cmon. you just wasting bandwidth
I was waiting for such a thread to come up so I can say itoldyaso.

I don't know why all these go unnoticed by the admins/mods/whatever when other "off-topic" (since Mr James has defined this section to be only general music talk) threads with more significant content get frowned upon.

I suppose it's that virtual hey-i-feel-good-i-have-many-friends-who-share-the-same-interests-so-we-can-share-more-yay thing, in l0z3rs speak. Nah, I'm not downplaying it. In fact, I suggest there be an off-topic section. SOFT _is_ a big forum with more than 100,000,000 members.

I have a better idea. A soft irc channel for all of you so you get instant replies, with coloeurs! And then you can add a bot that bans people like me, spews helpful information, directs people to forum threads of concern, cracks random jokes, and of course, shares a tub of toffee with a good dose of mighty teenage angst!
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I've already mention this before but people still claim that these threads are supposed to be here.. And after that, I get flamed for saying this..

Well then..
SOFT is just a stepping stone.

When players mature, there's not much reason to remain behind.

The gear discussions are always the same - back to basics stuff... the guitars mentioned are but the same old things again and again. Playing techniques are stagnant and predominately basic stuff, asked again and again. So on so forth.
We get threads like "I'm desperate and I really want to find a girlfriend badly" to the likes of "Omgggggggggg this girl leaned on my shoulder on the train....oh wait I forgot it happened in KL".

Those are considered "Desperate" not "Angsty".
Well,SOFT is also home to a bunch of chee ko peks too!

So yeah,fun for all! PROFIT!

Oh yeah,I hate the birthday threads too.
But I don't actually feel the need for strict "music" topics to only be discussed here. Cause y'know..the more people interact the better we know each other. And yeah,it's just fun to be trolling on weird threads.
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We get threads like "I'm desperate and I really want to find a girlfriend badly"

What are your thoughts about such threads?

i remember that thread started by faizalhacker haha , i think its funny cause it was innocent yet completely stupid , it never fails to amaze me that such people exist haha . and to the topic of im desperate and i need a girlfriend badly , trust me , (women = money = less guitar stuff)