SOFT, a place for angsty teenagers?

I dunno about you guys.

Do you prefer the Boon Tong Kee chicken rice or the 5 star chicken rice?

Oh, I posted in the wrong thread ar... Alamak...
it's different, really.

Boon Tong Kee's service isnt as fantastic as mandarin hotel.

their chicken rice's way better though, mandarin hotel's famous chatterbox chicken rice's rice is to die for, but chicken comes out cold. so it really depends.

anyway, chicken rice all taste pretty much the same to me. plus i dont eat usually have it with the chilli, usually the chilli's the one that determines how good a stall's chicken rice is.

a cheap and good one - old chinatown market. only white chicken. little/no fat though. been eating there since i was a kid. but god knows where they went, they didnt move into the temporary chinatown market at outram.
sometimes i find it amusing for certain threads.some went way over board.
seriously like one of them goes by how to start to have a gf?it's kinda pathetic really.
it's like the threadstarter really doesnt have a life.these issues should kept out of forum laaaa.
for goodness's a music forum laaaa.not a no-life care centre.
Colbar has got a mean selection for UK beer.... I'm in beer heaven there...

Tarpau'ed these 3 and down'ed one. 2 more to go... no... plenty more to go. I rove beer.


Nice siah... but Colbar is quite outta the way leh... Unless you drive.

Eh, drink driving is bad okay. I got my sexy back by not drink driving...

Bro jeepers bro, chatterbox chicken rice is really expensive lah. Not worth an arm and leg for it...
no probs with drink driving, all we need to do is to tarpau them beer and crash at a bro bro bro bro broooooo's shag pad and drink all night long.

wait... we have bukit timah market for that... but its all fricken belgium and i'm sick of belgium beer!
angst is a part of life, really.

most music is written because of strong emotion, such as (but not restricted to) angst.

if you don't like it, ignore it!
my current drinking place is brewerkz at clarke quay. Colbar's is splendid. cheap, pretty decent food too. but yeah damn out of the way, especially for non-drivers like me ):

hahaha i used to eat at chatterbox quite a bit until the chef left and set up his own chicken rice shop in east coast. way too far for me, will develop a multitude of butt sores just traveling there.

aiyah normal $2.50 chicken rice can already la. what goes in must ultimately come out.
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eh why AMSTERDAM? is it that bad?

i thought since what goes in must come out, then just drink like the thai beer, whatever it's called.

i backpacked to cambodia, say a year or so back, bloody hell, they mix their local beer with water. dirt cheap though, like an american quarter. lol. drinking there's really really cheap, honest.
cheap as in bad or good cheap?cause i went there 2 years back and you could get a 2 litre bottle drink(coke,pepsi,7-up)at USD1.its damn cheap man.not like our lovely Singapore.
if you visit a proper bar/club, it's good cheap.

other than that, it's mostly badddddddddddddddd cheap. imagine ordering a beer, then being served carbonated water.