
dude it was a joke! don take me so seriously man....

glad to know the gig worked out great for you!

joke or not, its cool la bro.
i just felt like saying what i think abt how i use gain that's all..
maybe it migh help others you know. hehe
cant wait for my own seventheaven.
whats ur take on the red channel?
dearxarson said:
anyway, i've always preferred my right hand dynamics to dictate the ACTUAL amount of gain that come out of the amp.

There you go ...:cool:
We seem to forget whilst playing through a loud amp the speakers break up thus playing with low drive does give and reduces mush.

It's a players drive....:mrgreen:
Goose's new stuff is serious threat to international bouteek pedal business...

Could be about time the pedal making big boys plot an assasination! :twisted:

:p :p :p
ha ha ha ....hope they can find me Josh ...we live up in tree's remember!!??

Seriously fellas ...i don't want to repackage a dead mule or sell hype...

Ok.. back to pedal makin ...:mrgreen: you fellas get back to music makin :D

Josh.. i see laterz ya ....
My take on it? its when i feel the pedal really shines in its own right.....the real shit that takes away all that notorious hype and bs that booteek, overpriced cock-sniffer pedals are known for......PEDAL TO THE METAL!

haha ok la on a serious note, the red channel to me is sort of like the sound on the early pantera records on steriods, but with a more organic and "open" tube-like sort of vibe to it. It chugs and spits all those harmonics and sizzle with such clarity that even George Lynch would be proud. Put a ts-type pedal in front of it and activate the boost switch and you got a full shred machine! or turn off the boost, switch to green and you've got a really nice blues-rock crunch.
Seriously fellas ...i don't want to repackage a dead mule or sell hype...

That's true.

This pedal isn't for everyone but it is everything that you, the person who wants amp-like in-your-face grind, want.

You wouldn't get sweet bluesy tones here with tubescreamer like sustain. Nope.
No boxy-ness happening.
Heck, the thing doesn't have the compression you'd expect from a high gain pedal - its that natural. Increase your volume if you want the compression.

The low gain side of things remind me of... wide open grind. There's plenty of jangle. Very very excellent for strummy/riffy stuff. Extremely dynamic. Dig in, you get more distortion going on. Yes, its distortion, not overdrive. Personally, the vibe I get from this setting makes me want to just bang away at the guitar.

The high gain side of things give you the more modern-ish high gain metal tones. There's lots of clarity available, a lot of grind and a lot of low end. As evident in the clips - you can chug. No bees in a box. There is more compression but you have an extreme wide range to play with because now, lighter picking actually does clearly change your sounds.

All in all, very big. There's only 1 other pedal that sounds this big and thats the Toneczar Openhaus. Maybe the older Krank Distortus Maximus. All my fuzz pedals sound smaller when the Seventheaven is run on 18v.

9v is what most people are running it at I presume... that's a more manageable "mode" than 18v because on 18v, the thing sounds... ridiculous. Every knob, every setting, all sounds - now go to 11.
Shred... i see you are bitten pretty bad!!
Thanks for being honest bro. at least people know what they are getting into.

Btw... Shred runs the seventheaven mostly through a single ended amp thus the lack of compression overall...with a push pull, you get more from the amp.
The seventheaven compression has less to offer, being transistor based with no clipping diodes or op-amp for that "chewy" compression that seems to be norm in most drive pedals.

Just to add >> the 7theaven can be pushed with your fav od just as you do on your amp for that added gain and to give it the chewy compression...

btw when you overdrive gets distortion imo same same lah.
Maybe the older Krank Distortus Maximus

I call for a duel !!!! can cheap ass LM386 amplifier based (which you find in most noisy kiddy toys) compared here ...

*bangs head on table*


I heard more dynamics on your clip at 9v than at 18v... Heh... I like!

Honestly, this picture you paint is pretty amazing. It sounds like what I've been trying to find. The only other problem is that I never found the Krank pedal to be any bigger than say, a DS-1. It's not boxed in... It just lacked thump. The Openhaus you had was nice and wide sounding, just a bit fuzzy on the low end side. Not as tight as I'd like it to be... Still a wee bit buzzy for my liking...

But those clips you posted for this... wow... sounds damn good.

How Goose! Ready for ordering? or still prototype?:twisted:
I heard more dynamics on your clip at 9v than at 18v... Heh... I like!

Well... the 9v and 18v difference - its best heard on the amp. The line-in clip gives an approximation of what to expect.

On the amp, between the 9v and 18v, in terms of dynamics? Well. Both are pretty equal, I can't say there's a clear difference because there are ... good points and bad points.

The 9v imparts a certain compression. Its sweeter for playing leads. Just feels, even sounds, slightly better.

The 18v is a different animal. I can't put a finger on it. This is the first pedal I've had the chance to a/b 9v and 18v. I'm not sure how I should put it in words. I could say... more open. more clean. more of everything. less saturation. less compression. The way the 18v behaves and reacts to playing, compared to 9v, is just different. If I turned on the 7th @ 18v from the get-go, its cool, no problem. But when comparing, its different alright.



This proves it.

Play to know lahhhhhhh.
haha ok la on a serious note, the red channel to me is sort of like the sound on the early pantera records on steriods, but with a more organic and "open" tube-like sort of vibe to

whoa.... i think good old goose would object to that man! Dimebag was running Solid State Randalls and they compressed the shit out of EVERY SINGLE THING on the earlier album. Dimebag's tone was BZZZZTTTT BZZZZZTTTT but i rikes.

Don't think the Seventheaven sounds compressed like that. Right goose right? :mrgreen:
Shred... i see you are bitten pretty bad!!
Thanks for being honest bro. at least people know what they are getting into.

Aye aye...

Had to mention the tubescreamer reference lah. :D

But come to think of it... this 7th CAN play blues. More of that overdriven tweed sound.
Don't think the Seventheaven sounds compressed like that. Right goose right? :mrgreen:

Ized forgot to mention the MIJ SD-1 that was pushing/compressing/cutting-bass off the 7th....

On its own, the 7th will not do Pantera. You can get closer with high output pickups and maybe some amp settings and stuff. I'd think you'd need another pedal to further goose the 7th.
I must surely thank Shred for the honest clips via his palmer di ...:D

Whitestrat has been on order since early august!

ED ...dime just rolled over!!
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Shred is right....the inclusion of a ts-type pedal (like goose's SD-1) is an important part in compressing the sound for metal players! Thats the thing i love about its....its like kick in a pedal in front of it and whooo, instant sustain and incredible harmonic richness just like putting a pedal in front of an actual high gain tube amplifier. Cuts the bass and rolls off the highs for that mid hump most of us either love or hate, and suddenly even the fastest shredding licks come out with ease.

Edd....which is why i mentioned it can do pantera but with a more open and organic vibe to it...its like imagine Dime if he had used tube amps with less parametric eq filtering (i don like the krank amps he uses) but one thing is for the sure, the seventh heaven sounds rather full bodied and clear even when boosted as compared to bzzt bzzt bzzt. but hey i love it all the same ah dey. After all its Dimebag man!

When i get mine I'll do some pantera clips :D
ized: looking forward to hearing the pantera clips! and please, more pinch harmonics!!
maybe ill tr ymy lame attempt on playing the intro for the solo of the song "floods" hahaha i love that song!
cant wait to try the seventheaven with my amp, but of course its still under "surgery" with goose... hehe. but, patience is virtue yes yes yes so ill wait. hehe
All this talk on the Seventheaven is making me itch to play metal again!!!
I thought my metal needs were done using my amp's distortion.. But somehow, this has a totally different vibe to it..
I got one last space on my pedal board.. I wanted to fill it up with an OD, the original Marshall BB cause my band plays light stuff.. But the Seventheaven has so much personal satisfaction along with it! Ahhhhhhh! x)

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