

You have asked THE question from THA MAN be prepared to be confused!!

all yours pathein....;)

alamak, bro, you are the one who built the thing that inspired me deeply and change the way i play pedals with geetar. How can it be me to say dah.

heh, furthermore i was using with modulations mostly, with gain stuff, i am lost in da sea liao. You is the best to offer this to those what knows what they want.
heh, i cant, i have forgotten all the setting which i thought were cool. Havent been playing with the murf for a while.

the pedal aint straigh forward, but do read the manual. Theres lotsa good info in moog manual that can get technical, but is a must for the basic understanding of the pedals and usage/performance.

if all fail, follow the settings in the manual for the murf and start from there. The 2 most important knob on the pedal, to me, are "patterns" and "envelope". Patterns is the obvious one, envelope is the one that will change the characteristic of the sound, together with the resonant sliders.

the following from a review which i wrote bout the murf elsewhere. Haha, had to quote from there coz i have forgotten bout things

"Envelope setting at 0- Filtering effect sounds rather choppy, as the decay time has decreased.

Envelope setting at 2- Filtering effect heard comes with a sharp attack and a decay that fades out smoothly but quickly.

Envelope setting at 5- Filtering effect will sound smooth, like a tremolo. Where the attack is the same as the decay.

Envelope setting at 6- Filtering effect becomes a swirl and the transition from filter to filter sounding blurred, as the attack and decay become so long that the effect is cross fading from one filter to the next.

Envelope setting at 8- Filtering effect will sound "backward" as the attack time is now smooth but fast, and the decay is abrupt. Together with the 8-band slider set to taste, the filtering sequence can be manipulated to sound similar to a sample and hold effect too. "

Oh and one more thing, try the murf with 2 amps. The motion/movements of the sequenced filtering patterns can get really trippy and nice when 2 amps involved...
the seventheaven will go...

shalalalala.... shalala in the morning.....
shalalalala.... shalala in the evening.....


For a long, long time, I've been waiting for somebody to sell a 2nd hand Shahasrara for $200 (abt 75% of the price for brand new). :mrgreen:

Have you tried mixing the 2, edder? Your honest opinion?
theres couple people here with both. Maybe wait around and see how it goes

i have both as well, but my hearing/mind is screwed when comes to gain. So i prolly cant help much
stupid ized made me gas for this pedal.. now im tempted to sell my dist pedals and get this.. hmmm

I used it with the RC booster today, and my solos cut through like some hot butter knife... And my band leader kinda said my sound was VERY FULL....and the best part Fulltone pedal involved :lol:

Eh Edder, make your pedal the normal size (crunchbox/zendrive) and I'll buy..... :D
kenot! branding must be there! all pedals must look alike! :mrgreen:

real reason: bloody pcbs are all made already, how to break the pcb into half and fit them in?!?!?!?! :mrgreen:
haha....make your pedal in 2 sizes la! like asian and american sized editions!

or make me a custom one.....Im a sucker for custom stuff. I've already got a custom pedal on the way :D
i don't run the sahasrara and the 7th on the same board, though i have tried them both side by side. I did really like the sahasrara running into the 7th though! With a caveat that the 7th be running at 9v. I'm really not a fan of the 7th at 18v, as i mentioned to goose before, i get some strange sounding artifacts.

for my board with the 7th, I found a Keeley TS9DX stacked into the 7th to work really well. A Crowther Hotcake (at low / medium OD) into the 7th sounds alright, but the difference is not really discernable with the 7th at medium to high gain. I recall the vintage SD-1 that goose used into the prototype 7th sounded really excellent - i think most OD pedals that are tubescreamer voiced or have some midrange boost would work well with a 7th.

for my board with the sahsrara, which I'm mainly using these days for portability, it's a Zenkudo -> Sahasrara (running at 18v) -> Openhaus - combinations of these all do it for me.
Zenkudo!!! How is that? Lol..

vintage SD-1? Damn.. Now I'm tempted! Nothing stacks well with my vintage SD-1 (well IMO).. o.O

Hey Goose.. Do you have any mods for the SD-1? Something that still retains the original circuit, but like has a couple of different modes of some sort with different chips? I love the circuit now.. But I'm a greedy b*st*rd and the SD-1 is truly rocking out!