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  • In your demo, I could feel an emotion and listening to it for a day, I worked on a verse and chorus and please find my take on your demo at:
    Link for my Demo of Lyrics and Vocals
    Looking forward to making quality originals with you and sharing beautiful musical to the world.
    I do like to work on music as an overall concept to charge an emotion in the listener as compared to starting from a chord pattern/progression and then developing interesting sounds on them. When I feel a concept, I can write lyrics and vocal delivery for that and would love to partner with an accomplished guitarist such as yourself... message contd.
    Sorry, forgot to inform my contact details.
    Please free to WhatsApp/ call me at 93260171
    Dear Concept Guitarist,

    I saw your post and played your demos. I really liked your strumming and the progression of the demo with beautiful and distinct sections. I love making originals and would love be part of a band with you. I am Rahul, am 42 years old and started my music journey beginning to play drums about 7 years ago and thereafter got to learn on music writing and singing. --message contd..
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