
On the other hand, I've had my awesome recommendations given, only to have the person not find the piece of gear so suitable for himself. Then he blames me. Curious behaviour.

2 words, bro, "YOU SUCK!"

that said, be a man, tell us who is it!
yup yup. Pedals shoud be able to outlive us if powered correctly

Most important thing to note is that, use the correct supply for the pedals unless stated by makers that higher voltage can be used.

of course, unless mayhem is the game, then by all mean, fire up the thing and watch/smell the aftermath
, trooly kvltly deeply!!! \m/
back from a show with the seventheaven.
this time round, i only bought along 4 pedals to the show, as it was held at music garage and for anyone who has been there, would very much agree with me that carrying a pedal board all the way to the 3rd storey is a lovelovelovelovelove.

anyway, here are the pedals used:
korg pitchblack - goosonique rapture - goosonique seventheaven - dd3 modded by goose
powered by one spot into a smarvo head (yep.. ), with a Gibson Les Paul Studio.

i left both rapture and seventh on throughout the set
i was able to control whatever feedback i allowed in.. i often use feedback for dear arson, but very subtle. so having so much control over the feedback really got me going!!
and as feedbacked by some gig goer's and friends, the smarvo only shined once throughout the whole gig, and that was with the seventhheaven.
thanks goose!!

oh oh by the way, need to see u next week
re the rapture bro, had some minor problems with it during the show.
lets arrange a date
Just dealt with Goose today and although it was not a 7-11 pedal, i still gotta admit his skill is amazing.. i'm not sure if goose does allows me to say what he had helped me on but it's something truly amazing!
Hi, would anyone staying in the West be willing to let me go over and give the Seventheaven a try? This will be at your convenience of course. I stay at Bt Timah (around King Albert Park).
Goose ah goose, I'll be trying Kevin's Seventhheaven when it comes in.

If it works out for me I'll be giving you a call soon k? =D
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Hi, would anyone staying in the West be willing to let me go over and give the Seventheaven a try? This will be at your convenience of course. I stay at Bt Timah (around King Albert Park).

ahah you are the one that ordered without trying right?

if im free you can drop by my place, i think you came to my place before. got a set of humbuckers from you before

schools starting soon though
Yup I was the one who sold you the humbuckers. I actually cancelled my order because I needed a drive rather urgently - got the Son of Hyde instead. However, after trying the Fulltone GT500, I'm GAS-ing for a FET based distortion again lol.

Niteblade: I'll PM you my number, let me know when you get the pedal? I'm usually free on weeknights after 10 and on weekends if thats alright with you.

if you guys are cool, i'll be going down to blackwood soon....maybe if anyone is interested to hear how this pedal fares against a boutique high gain amp's drive....can gimme a call yeah...
However, after trying the Fulltone GT500, I'm GAS-ing for a FET based distortion again lol.

Don't bother.

I've a/b-ed the 7th and the GT500. I can say quite firmly - the 7th blows the GT500 out of the ... room? sky? GAS chamber?

Unless you prefer a more boxy, tiny-er sound, the ok.

The GT500 does feel a little easier to play though, a little more compression... but that's about the only redeeming feature. Its more noisy, sounds smaller, sounds nasal, lacks low end, etc etc
I agree with Shred about the "easier to play" part....the seventh really cleans up your playing, like literally. There is so little compression that it opens up a whole new range when it comes to dynamics, like how you pick and what pickups you use comes into the it is very sensitive to volume knob changes. Certainly not for players who embrace sloppy playing. I use a compressor with it all the time so it helps me when i need to even things out a bit.

If you are the type used to shredding with digital distortion from multi-efx, where every note comes out more or less the same, the seventheaven is not for you. I also had to get used to the 7th which really reacts to the nuances of my style....and it sort of opened up a new dimension of dynamics for me. i've previously owned other "dynamic" pedals like the ocd and tubezone before, so the seventh was even more of a step up for me from those pedals.
Hi guys...thanks sooo much for your comments.
I am glad it's making a differance in the market and hope to pursue futher into providing 'cutting edge' gear and services locally.
To all the fellas who have taken the risk to purchase and use the seventheaven and other Gworx gear in your "hard earned" recordings....THANKS!

Since it's almost end of the year, things are really starting to heat up at Gworx.
My elves are taking a break to study for school exam, so i am back to school too.
Couple of delayed 'projects' needs completion as custom parts arriving this week...finally!!
Seventheaven needs to speed up as i can forsee pitchfork's and a angry mob gathering soon. Need to finalize the Gworx tube (yes...almost ...) amp design and hope to prototype before this year ends.

... and the list goes on.

I just want to add that Mrs.Goose has been the hidden support in all of Gworx crazy endeavours. Her B'day is next week and i want to make it a special one this year.
thanks for all the help goose.
im proud to have 7 of your works with me. (fudge73, seventheaven, volume/blender, rapture, BD2 mod, tremor! and boosty)
one of the main reasons why i like working with goose is that he is willing to share info about the stuff that he does, and from what i see, he is also very keen on learning about every individual that has crossed his path! plus he has the sweetest and cutest daughters!!!
thanks for the knobs, rapture incident and you know what else in the future (more like next week!!! i so cant wait.. hehe)

oh, and he makes the word "warranty" to a whole new level!

and advanced happy birthday to mother goose...

ps: i will take up lessons in soldering. then i wanna be your padwan.
I just wanna report the first jamming session i had with the seventheaven today. since i was having a fun jam with fellow softie Nailhood(btw, he ordered a seventheaven without trying first) it was a good chance to see how would it fare in the studio. I wasnt too happy with the results i got on my single ended tube amp (Goose would know) and I plugged the seventheaven into the amp provided - some Ibanez Toneblaster head and a 4X12 cabinet. I used the amp's clean channel.

The result? it was, well simply stunning. The 7's articulation and clarity at jamming level was simply unparalleled. Most of the pedals i've had that sounded good at bedroom level either fizzed out or needed some sort of kick in the front end to actually sound good at jamming level, but this pedal really proved what it was capable of at studio jamming volumes. Jamming out classics like Hendrix's Foxy Lady showed what this pedal can do...the clarity for chordwork was just superb. It just sounded huge.....and very full. The killer full crunch sound made the other guitarist's setup sound pale and thin in comparison. I was able to simply roll up for volume knob to get a full-fledged lead sound...roll it a bit down for crunch and all the way down for cleans. Sure, it was loud and i remember asking the drummer whether he could hear me during solos as i dint even bring my usual volume boost for my set up and his answer was a huge resounding yes.
some Ibanez Toneblaster head and a 4X12 cabinet.
There is another studio that offers this amp but that piece of junk has tantrums ....shuts down by itself and turns on by itself if like it hated me...:~
Pathein would know about this.....

Btw Ized, tell us more about your guitar.... buddy....