
I fully agree niteblade! enough with the sidetracking already.... especially on things that do not even relate to the thread!

when are you getting yours? what serial number will you be getting?
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I gotta say this... the 7th seems to favour a 12v power supply. I think it sounds the best at that setting and feels the best too.

On the feel... 9v is the most chewy and 18v gets kinda weird, no saggy/chewy-ness at all. Even the neck single coil doesn't sound tubular very much on 18v.

Of course, this is from the perspective of a fella who's one of the most meticulous guitar geeks when it comes to playing single notes.
Oh heck, I might as well post about the rhythm side of things at different voltages.

9v - seems to get the 7th to fit better with other dirt pedals. Its not as huge/open sounding as the higher voltages and there's more saturation. Compared to higher voltages, its the most "fizzy"... you wouldn't notice this running the 7th on 9v from the start though.

12v - 7th opens up some more. Retains that grinding sizzle. Chords ring clearer. Still feels good and natural.

18v - now it really starts to push the air hard. Ever heard EMGs on 9v to 18v? Yeah. However, the note clarity sounds like note seperation... kinda too much clarity (?!) and the sizzle/grind of harmonics is reduced a bit.

Common changes when going up - louder volume, less saturation/more headroom and less squish/sag/tubular-ness/chewy-ness.
sob sob sob......its still at 20 only? sob sob sob........7 more to go till mine sob sob sob......lost heaven.......sob sob
i'll probably get a 12v adapter over the weekend to try it out for myself....thanks shred! really interesting observations, thanks for sharing.

Haha Mr Bukka, goose needs more elves.....but its well worth the wait....
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Speaker of adaptors... the 7th is quite sensitive to power sources so just take note if you're mounting/placing adaptors on your pedalboard.
On the differant voltage use .... best so far 12V.
Sometimes i like it on 9V.
I guess shred has summed it up pertty well.

This unit was designed and built for 9v to 18v but please use according to your taste. More power does NOT = more rockstar.
For that you can try a certain PS game ...:-D
When played loud i am hard pressed to hear differance...say between 9 and 12 or 12 and 18V.

Fmore i find deviating from the standard 9V is pain for users getting multiple power supply on board.

Shred, it was sensative to your PP2 transformer so supacharger is saw it yourself and so was with everyone elses so takes One-spot surprisingly well too...

Transformer's create magnetic fields and any electronic sound product will succumb to a bleed through resulting in hum...thats why on a tube amp it's usually on the outside and best kept a good distance from the output transformer.

whats next Shred ....:cool:
Shred, it was sensative to your PP2 transformer so supacharger is saw it yourself and so was with everyone elses so takes One-spot surprisingly well too...


whats next Shred ....:cool:

Well, the PP2+ has a magnetic field above it. I knew it from the beginning because putting a tuner on it would result in a nice G#-ish reading. Placing various other transistor based drive pedals on it would result in similar (though varying) results. Skreddy Screwdriver, muffs, fuzz faces, etc etc.

That be the issue with the PP2+ and since the Supacharger doesn't have it, more power to it and its cheaper. Heck, I'd purchased a Supacharger if it was available when I needed a good power supply.

But to say that "it", meaning 7th #3, and only my 7th will exhibit the hum when placed above a PP2+? Well, I'd prefer to believe that the 7th in general isn't as immune to magnetic fields, just like the other transistor-based drive pedals I've had.

What's next is just the next logical thing to do - crack it apart and see if there's anything "wrong" with it. If there's nothing, then it goes. If there is, then good, something can be done... or if nothing can be done... off it goes.
No, the PP2+ does not ship with a 3 pin. It comes with a 2 pin which was absurd and I purchased a nice quality 3 pin cable to replace it at the very beginning.

Its probably the design if anything, of the PP2+, that results in this.

And its most apparent with high gain units - I use the 7th on Red with Boost On most of the time so I can practice stunt guitar.

At least the "window of hum" for the PP2+ is a very small and narrow one.
I actually expected the Supacharger to have similar issue since it's sorta clone of the PP2 but surprisingly none and f'more it's american 2 pin with flat ground contact....have not changed it yet tho.
I do get hums now and then but it's mostly from my whammy power as it's two pin AC ...i have grown to live with it.
Looking for a three pin adapter 9Vac at the moment...hope it solves the problem.

Sometimes the problem may be somewhere else ...but we tend to focus on the gear that brings it out. For example i had problem with effects in my tb started the probing one effect afer another (total4) and realized much later that the Tb looper was the real culprit...wasted my time and was estremely frustrated. The led ground was touching the hot of the send plug.... whoever wired the tb is a monkey with a stick:mad:.

Another issue i struggled with was my vintage Mxr Flanger which after TB it had major volume drop ....tried all kinds mods possible ...just a slight improvement ...almost got rid of it. Then one day, after pedal board clean up, pluggin it in without my active looper it worked fine. And the rest was history....
Sometimes the problem may be somewhere else? I doubt it in the case of the PP2+, like I said, I put a tuner and various pedlas on top of it and the same issue surfaced but in varying amounts. Its the PP2+ alright.

You know, after the chorus, the delay, the amp and the this and the that... I'm kinda bummed enough to not want to wonder where else will issues crop up.
haha i've faced the same problem with true bypass loopers also....the hum was killing and when i took it out...dead quiet! i got it done by a certain dude whom i shall not name.....maybe you should do loopers too Goose! then add mods like volume and feedback too....

I tried the seventheaven with my one spot....cos i use single coils, hum is expected but it remains dead quiet with almost no hiss when i roll my guit's volume knob back. And i boost the front end with the TS......used to get noise with my high gain setup. But my seventh is very well behaved so far.