arghhhhhh it's been exactly a week since i last saw my girlfren and to make things worst , her hicard has no value and i'm hoping that she would top it up very soon as she would be getting her monthly allowance.I can't call her house cause her parents would probably slaughter me.I've been drowning my sorrows on The Sims 2 lately as there's no other nice games on the market either that or i have completed playing them....
Newbie my advice to you is to NEVER talk to her in depth details of guitars for example the kinda pickups you use or what kinda strings you're using.You know lah , those technical stuff in guitars that would really turn a girl off pretty badly.Even if she's a guitarist , trust me , it makes no difference at all...
My girlfren is a Pianist and after we went steady , everytime i talk about pianos she's not as interested as she used to be before.Yah lah , before we went steady , can talk to her about piano stuff 24/7 for all i care , but after that she kinda got sick of it but i don't mind lah....
Newbie , you just have to be yourself , don't try to act Malmsteen or *add a ultra emo romantic guitarist here*.You just have to follow your heart for whatever may seem right....
I give you a little hint , go tell your friends you like her and you know lah , they purposely bastard you and go tell her or you can write some stuff about saying you're attracted to her personality (BUT NEVER GO FOR HER LOOKS) on a BLOG and make sure she reads it accidentely.Then she will come after you and ask you whether it's true or not.It is then that she will probably say whether she likes you back or not.If not , then you ask her what she feels about you.Once you know that you both like each other....NOW YOU CAN JUMP TO THE HOLDING HANDS PART!!!! Surprise her by suddenly holding her hand until she gets home.Feels weird at first , but hell it feels damn shoik!!!!
Maybe Duskalways could get some comments about it cause i don't know whether it works for most girls or not.... :lol: