the world needs more people like this. :)


New member
freaking hilarious sms conversation i had yesterday:

me on soft:
female bassist/vocalist looking for a side project thingy thing. looking for regular (read: weekly), committed and lets-gig-now-now-like-now! kind of bands to do covers and mainly covers. no 'we'll do covers for now but will move into originals' shit. or any of the hey-lets-just-sit-around-and-freestyle-yeah. need productive and bandies with a love of beer and good music. i'm looking to do regular pub stuff. not useless pay-money-to-play-everyone-else-sings-incomprehensible-unmarketable-black-metal-and-screamo gigs. (...)


Yo we are looking for a vocalist. A female more specfically. We are going into a very new genre. Our originals sound very symphonic/film score stuff. Are you interested?


thanks for asking but in the post i mentioned i'm looking purely for covers. no originals because i have my own band doing originals.


We will be doing originals first. But originals will definitely come in time. I just letting you know whats in store for the future

er ok... not that i said yes. thanks for letting me know whats in store for the future. not that its er. really. any of my business.


nope. please read my post carefuly and my reply just now. thanks.


Ok whatever.


me (getting irritated):
whatever yourself. i cant help you if you cant read in the first place.


It is your choice whether you want to join. No one will force you. (oh really? youre saying that after two messages?) But there are nicer way to phrase things.more so when you talk to people you dont know. Your attitude will get you nowhere. Know your place women


nah, you were just reading too much into things. you thought you'd try your luck even though i explicitly stated i'm not interested in doing originals, i told you once, then you reply again saying the SAME DAMN THING like you didnt understand then you get pissed and tell me whatever. haha. youre so funny. yupp i have a choice thats why i said no thanks but you asked again. i just told you things very straight after that first time, didnt resort to any sarcasm and you reply with that. joke's on you pal. now piss off and go whine to your kopitiam or whatever.


9839763- (the coup de grace - wait for it!):
Try my luck? Lol you act like you are go high demand. I just wanted to let you know where the band is go term of musical direction. But you think you are lovelovelovelovelovelovelove good. Women like you should have been taught right. Your men is not doing his job. So you piss off. Go cook your man some eggs and service his needs


aww but really, if you expected women to do something like that, why did you want a female vocalist in the first place?

hope this drama brightened your day a little. yes, in this day and age there still are men who think that the woman's place is in the kitchen and on her knees YET they want these women to sing in bands that are 'going into A Very New Genre'!

and also, ENGRISH is alive and well in singapore! bErI gOoD!~!~
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lol..who is this person huh?maybe you should put his nick here for all to see how manly some guy can be when insulting a woman through an sms.

lots of different ppl with different kinda attitude here and maybe he knows that you as a woman wont do much..

ps:dont give your numbers out to anyone whom you dont know..
you dont want it to be on some toilet wall right??
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i dunno wats the aim of tis post but... i is oso rike talking in engrish...

but wtf? never speaking to a women like tat...
nice one !

I had a good laugh.

Nartz I sympathize with you,women should be allowed to do anything.

Except drive on our roads.

That is all.

:) i kid.
i don't get you people. all you have to do is say "thank you, farg off" and then ignore the bugger. it actually takes more effort and inconvenience on your part to spite the person who responded to you. but you went out of your way out of pride and self-importance.

i think we can close this thread. squabbling kids make this forum a dirtier place. it doesnt even have a point or objective.

of the 16000 or so users here, i bet less than 10% actually participate in the gear forums, and even fewer use the buy/sell. real 'musicians' that we are. bunch of deadbeats
biopromax: nothing, really. just an exhibition of how much respect said person has for women.

wylde: i wish i knew the person's nick.

rolandlim: haha, nice one.

shinobi: i wish it was a spite, but it wasnt meant to be one. i said no nicely, got attitude, of course something needs to be said. i fail to see how this is 'squabbling'. more like. hmm. how narrowminded people can get. call it a display of human nature - how ridiculous the way some people can lash out when rejected over some other person's wishes they didnt bother to respect in the first place. this serves as a signal to show other people - read and READ CAREFULLY before you decide to respond to something. i'm sure there are people here who have been irritated victims of lowballers on sell threads, bothered unnecessarily, like i have, over users who lack any reading comprehension skills.

and that 'real 'musicians' that we are' comment. take your rant some place else will you? just because you call yourself a 'musician' doesnt mean you have to live, breathe, eat and post on forums music all day. and unless you can substantiate your 'bet', i strongly suggest you leave any numbers out of this, monsieur senior member.
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now datz how you should SLAM those kinda guys...yeaahha nartz!

i dun think this guy even knows what he is saying..if he talks to me like that i will shoot him back the same way..(i just did to another person in another thread)haha
From afar, I thought I felt someone call me a deadbeat behind my back, or maybe not, since I might not qualify as a musician, though I can play more than one instrument, but because I do not participate in the buy / sell forums, or more forums that you hoped I did, I do not qualify as a 'real musician', and am a deadbeat, how sad.

Did you just call 90% of the forum users here a deadbeat? Or did I read wrong because the phrases were in choppy structures..

Well, the reason this thread was created, was so that all you people here can see the thread and reply to it. And you all did.
nartz - we have seen your potential :mrgreen: now you can join FGL KKNer's ...

click on th e link in my signature ....
is it just me, or is it just guys like you cannot deal with an outspoken woman? guy who speaks up is normal, girl who dares to is a b-tch.

congratulations. did you just self-jack?