I dont understand this post.. that tried to make some points across.. but ended up countering its own.
If you want to make a point, counter some arguments, do it, not counter your own... If you thought this was a waste of time, blowing things out of proportion, then the last post is helping do it / contributing, and not ignoring it.
And the original sms conversation was clearly a very old school traditional sexist (even racist I think, since I can guess what kind of people think like that).
I dont think there's hate here, its a healthy debate, mental exercise for everyone, since we dont have mountains to climb and rivers to camp at during weekends, there is a chance of getting stale and we seek some stimulation...
language used on the internet has always been harsh, barbaric, bold, since the face to face element is'nt there, and being humans, we take it the wrong way and then take offense, or maybe some people cannot take the internet's harshness, then I dont suggest you participate in such forum's mental stimulations, heed the advices of many individuals and "IGNORE" it, if you dont like it, do not get affected by it and join it, and then make alot of noise about it.. which is exactly what many are saying, but yet post here, now I feel like I'm talking in circles.. but I love it.. its amusing..