the world needs more people like this. :)

What's with all the hate going round about how this whole fiasco started? The third person's perspective is easy to give, but haven't all of us at some point started arguments or dragged ourselves into one? I think you guys are missing the point of the post.

Whatever nartz's intentions were, its ours to guess. But as far as i can see it, all the post shows is the stereotypes still prevalent in our society that continues to fuel such condescending attitudes amongst our male population. I think we can all agree that many things that were said by nartz's potential bandmate were uncalled for so why can't we just leave it at that?
feisty! i like! damn woman, shoulda just posted the complete sequence of numbers to his cell. then u need not say anything, some people would just take the initiative of what to do with the available information.

and i dont understand all the hating, after all its a forum where pretty much anything related to music can be discussed. i find it sad that these days people can hardly comprehend simple statements let alone stuff with hidden meaning and agenda. and its kinda sad that theres still that sexism going on. isnt music supposed to transcend?
freaking hilarious sms conversation i had yesterday:

me on soft:
i'm looking to do regular pub stuff. not useless pay-money-to-play-everyone-else-sings-incomprehensible-unmarketable-black-metal-and-screamo gigs. (...)

Is it just me or no one noticed it? Its not required for you to pull down the genre if you are not into it.
So you piss off. Go cook your man some eggs and service his needs

This guy should respect women!

Nartz, when it comes to women's rights, I support you! But.......are you gonna take up that guy's advice? I could use some scrambled eggs :mrgreen:
in my opinion, both are in the wrong here. It's such childish attitudes that turn minor things into something worse. tsk tsk tsk
in my opinion, both are in the wrong here. It's such childish attitudes that turn minor things into something worse. tsk tsk tsk

i agree with you. The man shouldn't have been so disrespectful and the TS should have been a bit more tolerant and understand that in this world, there will always be some people who are like that guy...and not make such a big deal out of it by starting a thread for it.
I think the TS posted this thread with good intention to highlight the abuse by another user. It is indeed sad to see such situation.

There are quite a few who replied in this thread arguing if the TS is justified in starting the thread. Let the moderator and admin take care of that.

Moving on, please read carefully and post sensibly.
is it just me, or is it just guys like you cannot deal with an outspoken woman? guy who speaks up is normal, girl who dares to is a b-tch.

congratulations. did you just self-jack?

I really wouldn't truly understand guys like how you described above.

I think an outspoken fiesty woman is a complete turn on! The world needs more like you
But I think here's what we learnt. Never start transaction through SMS? I mean, you have to post your (stage)name, age and preferred genres and stuffs, it gonna take more than 160 words right? That's where the miscommunication comes in..

To avoid such dissapointment, maybe using e-mail would be much more easier to relate matters across?

Just my opinion. :)
+1 Vocalistman

I never understand the SMS culture. If there is so much to be said or information to be exchanged, why not just dial the freaking number and SPEAK to the other person. Are people nowadays so ashamed of their voice, or are they becoming stone deaf?
Yes, create threads for the sole purpose of causing drama. I totally agree with Shinobi, you could have just ignored him, instead of bickering with a stranger over SMS. And posting the conversation on Soft for members to blow out of proportion.

What on earth does it have to do with you being a woman? You're either being oversensitive, or you really want to turn this thread into a discussion on sexism. I'm pretty sure the exact same thread posted by a guy would have elicited the same reaction.

I dont understand this post.. that tried to make some points across.. but ended up countering its own.
If you want to make a point, counter some arguments, do it, not counter your own... If you thought this was a waste of time, blowing things out of proportion, then the last post is helping do it / contributing, and not ignoring it.

And the original sms conversation was clearly a very old school traditional sexist (even racist I think, since I can guess what kind of people think like that).

I dont think there's hate here, its a healthy debate, mental exercise for everyone, since we dont have mountains to climb and rivers to camp at during weekends, there is a chance of getting stale and we seek some stimulation...

language used on the internet has always been harsh, barbaric, bold, since the face to face element is'nt there, and being humans, we take it the wrong way and then take offense, or maybe some people cannot take the internet's harshness, then I dont suggest you participate in such forum's mental stimulations, heed the advices of many individuals and "IGNORE" it, if you dont like it, do not get affected by it and join it, and then make alot of noise about it.. which is exactly what many are saying, but yet post here, now I feel like I'm talking in circles.. but I love it.. its amusing..
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