the world needs more people like this. :)

Yes, create threads for the sole purpose of causing drama. I totally agree with Shinobi, you could have just ignored him, instead of bickering with a stranger over SMS. And posting the conversation on Soft for members to blow out of proportion.

What on earth does it have to do with you being a woman? You're either being oversensitive, or you really want to turn this thread into a discussion on sexism. I'm pretty sure the exact same thread posted by a guy would have elicited the same reaction.
What on earth does it have to do with you being a woman? You're either being oversensitive, or you really want to turn this thread into a discussion on sexism. I'm pretty sure the exact same thread posted by a guy would have elicited the same reaction.

why, why, why?! why do i have to encounter at least one person a day that lacks any reading comprehension skills, why??? 9839463- you have cursed me.

dude, read the thing carefully again and see where you've self-jacked. 'servicing' in that guy's message means serving him the eggs right? i'm sure la. and the 'know your place women [sic]'? read carefully also and see that the negative reaction came initially from mr 9839463- yeah?

now i know why some people have such staggering post counts. too eager to post, self-ejaculate your reply prematurely without taking some time to read and think critically.
i don't get you people. all you have to do is say "thank you, farg off" and then ignore the bugger. it actually takes more effort and inconvenience on your part to spite the person who responded to you. but you went out of your way out of pride and self-importance.

its all got to do with one's ego.

well said shinobi. up yours!

ah dang it soft doesnt allow me to up your rep..
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its all got to do with one's ego.

well said shinobi. up yours!

ah dang it soft doesnt allow me to up your rep..

how about: person cannot read, wasted my time, i told him off to spare everyone else the agony of someone like that.

but fine, you have your right to fair comment, i just dont have to agree.
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how about: person cannot read, wasted my time

the only reason why he wasted ur time is because? you replied!!

u dont seem to understand what shinobi said right?

i told him off to spare everyone else the agony of someone like that.

no, i'm quite sure many ppl over wont even be sucked into a pointless, time wasting argument with that person.
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