JMGuitars: Jesus. TGP much? :X Just kidding.
That's an amazing collection right there, how on earth do you have all that space? And HOW do you decide what to use??
(Liquidation thread pls?)
In fact, I havent played some of my amps before .... Im just waiting till the interest comes back. the big question is how do they compare to your BKPs?
I found myself suddenly very enthusiastic to clean up my guitar room. I bought several of the guitars out and decided to capture a photo for remembrance as I will probably clear some amps in the near future to increase space. I hope you like the photos. The larger ones are at
Dammit, I want the /13! Haha. What model is that exactly? Looks great!
There actually is..... especially if you'r using a step down transformer.....may not be a big difference sound wise but in feel and dynamics.
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Yay!!!!! Skatterbranes are FAST!!!!!
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Thats fast.
Mine are still in transit.
There is no difference if the parts in your amp are stock. It will still sound original.
Useful info for players and amp techs.
haha thats what everyone says.... but when you'd played enough you will know the difference and what you'r missing out when you use step down transformers as they are not intended for our country's voltage. Yes, we can argue that the little things are neligible but then again it depends on your threshold or tolerances for such stuff but if you were to A/B two amps of the exact model one running on local and another running on a step down you'd be hard pressed to not hear the difference....or at least feel it.
But then again, I'm anal about such stuff. Most ppl are like ah **** it, just plug and play la!