Photo album 2010 (Guitar gear)

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lazy3yed, i was gonna build sth like that for my ptjr.. but its the older one, so the edges are curved.. my bro's new one is straight like that tho.
lazy3yed, i was gonna build sth like that for my ptjr.. but its the older one, so the edges are curved.. my bro's new one is straight like that tho.

Hmm... curved edges. Maybe can consider making spacers out of wood or aluminum to bridge them, but that would increase the profile a little. Actually, mine's riveted to the pedal board, not stick on or velcro'd, since that would kinda defeat the purpose of the locking jacks.

About the holes, start with small drill bits, then slowly increase bit size, to prevent the case from cracking/breaking.
To the enquiring minds who asked : Please don't go open up your amps and start poking. It can get you KILLED! Unless you know precisely what you're doing. Play safe, lah...
thats definitely not an 08 standard judging from the tuners and the blank truss rod cover.

I think thats an '02.

It IS a 2008 Standard. It's made to 2002 specs. (meaning, no neutrik jack, no PCB and no locking tuners) It was born on Oct 17th 2008.;)
let me know how they sound.
Tom holmes and Skatterbranes. thinking of putting some nice pick ups into the R7.

They're in.


And they sound GREAT... They made my Slash LP with the Seth Lovers sound like an Epiphone.:twisted: (no offense to Epi owners)

Now I'm damned curious to hear how the Skatterbranes compare.
It IS a 2008 Standard. It's made to 2002 specs. (meaning, no neutrik jack, no PCB and no locking tuners) It was born on Oct 17th 2008.;)

Ah ok, thanks for clearing up that little bit of confusion there Lionel. :)

Surprisingly Gibson dosent list this model in their main site.... I thought the closest yours comes to would be the traditional, but your truss rod cover's blank....
They're in.


And they sound GREAT... They made my Slash LP with the Seth Lovers sound like an Epiphone.:twisted: (no offense to Epi owners)

Now I'm damned curious to hear how the Skatterbranes compare. the big question is how do they compare to your BKPs? the big question is how do they compare to your BKPs?

Nicer... But that's not a fair comment.

They are in different guitars, and they are different models after all. My BKPs aren't meant to be PAFs. They're meant to be medium to high output organic 7 string pups. These Tom Holmes pups are meant to be PAFs of sorts.

I'd have to compare these with the PG Blues set from Bareknuckles to compare fairly.

Surprisingly Gibson dosent list this model in their main site.... I thought the closest yours comes to would be the traditional, but your truss rod cover's blank....

Technically, they USED to list it, because the Standards from 2002 onwards were occasionally chambered, and from 2006 onwards were all chambered. In that essence, mine is a discontinued model. There was no "Standard" on the headstock previously because there was nothing else to confuse it as. Now there is the Traditional, so they label the new Standard as the "Standard".
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Interesting. I found this wierd as I saw and played these models at a certain shop I used to work in but I've always assumed they were made in '02. Dint know they continued making them all the way until recently! Always thought the ones in the showroom was old stock...though not as old as I assumed.

I wouldnt mind gunning for a new '09 standard...I played a particularly magical piece(i think it was a goldtop) in the showroom but that got sold very quickly. None of that bad fret work and horrid binding Gibson is known for at all.... I think Gibson is stepping up their game, especially with the new Standards.

Glad to know you'r enjoying your Tom Holmes! Would you be swapping them out for Skatterbanes again when they arrive? What will happen to the spare set of pickups you have then?
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Glad to know you'r enjoying your Tom Holmes! Would you be swapping them out for Skatterbanes again when they arrive? What will happen to the spare set of pickups you have then?

Nope, the Tom Holmes are definately staying in the Standard. You forgot I got 2 Les Pauls...:twisted: The Skatterbranes go into the Slash.;)
haha, Ized, i still have a goldtop weakness. they just look sooooo good., even though i detest playing on LPs.
Mesa Boogie 4x12 Rectifier Standard Straight Guitar Cabinet just arrived today. It created tremors in my bedroom..

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