lazy3yed, i was gonna build sth like that for my ptjr.. but its the older one, so the edges are curved.. my bro's new one is straight like that tho.
thats definitely not an 08 standard judging from the tuners and the blank truss rod cover.
I think thats an '02.
let me know how they sound.
Tom holmes and Skatterbranes. thinking of putting some nice pick ups into the R7.
It IS a 2008 Standard. It's made to 2002 specs. (meaning, no neutrik jack, no PCB and no locking tuners) It was born on Oct 17th 2008.![]()
They're in.
And they sound GREAT... They made my Slash LP with the Seth Lovers sound like an Epiphone.:twisted: (no offense to Epi owners)
Now I'm damned curious to hear how the Skatterbranes compare. the big question is how do they compare to your BKPs?
Surprisingly Gibson dosent list this model in their main site.... I thought the closest yours comes to would be the traditional, but your truss rod cover's blank....
Glad to know you'r enjoying your Tom Holmes! Would you be swapping them out for Skatterbanes again when they arrive? What will happen to the spare set of pickups you have then?
haha, Ized, i still have a goldtop weakness. they just look sooooo good., even though i detest playing on LPs.
I have weaknesses for very very vintage bursts
Mesa Boogie 4x12 Rectifier Standard Straight Guitar Cabinet just arrived today. It created tremors in my bedroom..