Pedalboard Pictures!

NanoShred said:

My board. From top left down. Mesa boogie f-30 footswitch, strobo stomp, redwitch moonphaser, visual volume, and rmc wizard wah.

2nd row from left: boss dd-2, ge-7, fulltone ocd and crunch box.

Still for a stevie salas wah rocker and redwitch empress not on the board.

Mounted on a pedaltrain Jr.

Would flatheads fit on the visualvolume top jacks? I realised that the top jacks of the vv are very close.

No Prob SoulJah

The old carpet is lousy?
No the old carpet is not lousy or what, it's just that I remove and change around my pedals frequently, couple that with the fact that I use industrial strength velcro, it will wear the carpet off in no time. Any carpet for that matter. :)
Yeah, they would fit on the top of the visual volume. Unless your using it as a stereo volume then it definitely will not. I have no issues using the flatheads since i use it as a active mono pedal first in chain.

Heres an updated pic with the redwitch empress.

SoulJah said:
Snuff ah Snuff! :)

Brother thanks for your kind words, the Murf...I also dunno where to start man. It's a modulation device which does sequencing as well (ie, you pick a note and a lot of other stuff happen in the background) you can control the "character" of the modulation via the "Evelope" knob, counter-clockwise notes become sharper not in terms of EQ but the character sort of like a piano effect, clockwise the sequenced notes become phase like.

You can mix in the sequenced/arpeggiated notes with your original signal via the "mix" knob, and control the speed via the "rate" knob.

If that's not enough you can even specify the pattern of the sequencer with the "animation" knob!

Honestly speaking it's the most beautiful effect I've ever heard in my life.

Just gotta find an application for it now :p

Bro, thats another excuse for gas now for me...Hmm, Methinks I'll head down to the dodgy place in Clementi and try it out..

Really, your board looks very practical and neat too, almost zen like with the weird red stripe carpet..Thanks for sharing bro :D
ciel said:
morning bro snuff bro. i see your surfing the forums first thing you get to work. hurhurhru

morning bro ciel bro

HAHAHa, yah meetings can wait :D I've been browsing through websites since I came in this morning and now I have developed an evil gas for EHX HOG.#@$#@! :D
SoulJah said:
Snuff ah Snuff! :)

Brother thanks for your kind words, the Murf...I also dunno where to start man. It's a modulation device which does sequencing as well (ie, you pick a note and a lot of other stuff happen in the background) you can control the "character" of the modulation via the "Evelope" knob, counter-clockwise notes become sharper not in terms of EQ but the character sort of like a piano effect, clockwise the sequenced notes become phase like.

You can mix in the sequenced/arpeggiated notes with your original signal via the "mix" knob, and control the speed via the "rate" knob.

If that's not enough you can even specify the pattern of the sequencer with the "animation" knob!

Honestly speaking it's the most beautiful effect I've ever heard in my life.

Just gotta find an application for it now :p

sound clip please... :lol:
Yo Snuff thanks for the compliments on the carpet! Go check out some pedals man, Misse has got lots of nice stuff in!

Impromptu...I'll post a video demo of the pedalboard soon :)
Jay_Clones said:
Yo Souljah

Where did u get that Dyna Red? Is there any local dealer? Must have cost a bomb, rite?

Yo man, nice nickname 8), I got the Bjf from Analogman. It did cost me quite a lot, worked my ass off, saved like hell and waited almost 5 months while searching for one :)