Pedalboard Pictures!

dric said:
ShredCow said:
dric, how's the Eleven? 8)

Hey man. for chord work, the eleven's really good. it doesn't drown out each note like some other boosters do, especailly when you play with the tone control and cut out more treble. it doesn't sound muddy at all to me. you can achieve a really "full" tone from it without sounding muffled either. great amount of clarity there. i was most impressed with the sound when the knob was set to cut out more treble. i love the tone knob! hah. cutting out more bass you get a real nice twang that has just the right amout of brightness.

i haven't tried it playing lead yet though cos i haven't had time to play much with my pedals in since i'm NS. so this is what i can say from the short time i had a chance to use the pedal. the eleven and screwdriver arrived not long ago. will update when i really USE the pedal.

Very very cool. Tonefactor has been churning out some great efx, with a fabulous price. The MULE is tempting.

I opted for a local made pedal, Goose's Boosty.
Phil said:
I bet you saw Fatback's Mule demo. :wink:

Yeap. Its lack of compression is what amazes me. I would really enjoy that.

But shall see.. will only know if I like it when I get it... IC Chip lah, have my doubts, which no one has yet to clear. Heh.

i dream of having this set up n that switching system

dric i think those boss pedals u have are undercovers of all rite?
look at them.. they are all UNDER covered!hahaa :lol:

i knoe, sure worth just dreaming. cos in reality it'll do wonders on stage, but hell while carrying it around.
hey 62jaguar wad's the arion pedal u have there? i did a googgled but the closest i can get to was a SOC-1 and it's a compressor pedal..
2 possibilities though.

could either be the SCH-1 stereo chorus or the SCO-1 compressor.

or maybe its a new pedal by Arion :? ?
a'la carte
yeah it's okay..
i'll try to post sound clips

u know tmn pelangi?
can't remember the correct add,
i think it's jalan harimau front of plaza pelangi..
the shop's name is guitar2000 i's linked to yong li in holiday plaza..
i'll check again..
Just realised i havent posted this up before :?


Signal chain now is.

Guitar->535q->Ts-9->Crunchbox->Ce-2->Pw Tuner.

Now for a good delay unit =) Enjoy!