Pedalboard Pictures!

thor666 said:
I would recommend quality cables though - better heads in particular - I can't stand cheap cables dying out or having loose connections. Pretty annoying to lose the signal in the middle of playing.

Thats really the main reason to get better cables.
My cables are same as his.. having lots of probs. the cables sometimesno sound go through as the connections are loose
george l's are ver ver expensive mind you.. 8 bucks per head!.. 3 bucks per foot of cable.. imagine everypatch cable u buy minimum 19 bucks! too extreme.. his pedals look cool imo.. the mods.. all the switches!
heh, just buy the george l cable in bulk, get those flat head jack from simlim, solder up the cable. Thats what i did to my surplus george l cable without the head...

the cable itself is cheap for $3. Getting those canare or klotz, per metre, its also round 2+ to $3.. actually.

and colourfull cables is rock! Ever wonder why people who uses modulars synth always use those to patch the various parameter all over the place

Im intending to buy flatheads with canare cables from misse.. haha. but is there a diff between diff cables and jacks? sound quality?
heh, if i spend on something, then i will have a tendency to say yeah, its better!

Differences, yes, but only if you can hear it yourself, even before knowing what brand...

i have been using those colourful cables, george l, canare, evidence audio. Differences? Yeah, make me waste more money only :lol:
evidence cables are expensive right!!!!!! argh. aiya as long as can work, got sound, last long can alr.
thats depends on individual though. Hehe, its just take i cant be bothered with most worries that geetarer has as long as i can get what i want from the pedals and guitars when playing. If doing home recording, thats another different thing, sometime good stuff does makes some different..
hehe well i tried a few cables...really liked the ibanez patch cables...gimme the mix i want... :lol:

Oh well I guess my pedalboard is done for now:


Signal chain goes:

Ibanez Prestige Series(w/ HAS sound Pickups) -> CMATmods Tubeslammer Deluxe->Skreddy Screwdriver(w/ smokey mod and custom graphics)->Lovepedal Lo driver ->Tonebone Hot British -> Danelectro French toast -> Analogman Chorus -> Deluxe Memory Man(modded by analogman and antelope FX) -> Roland Jazz Chorus 50(its no tube amp but I love it)

cables: Ibanez ... I like em

missing from the picture ... my Budda Wah never shlda sold it :cry:

oh well ...*gets in line for an rmc2


running it into a roland jazz chorus 50


:twisted: I think im done for now...

Well I havent counted but around 2000$ + im guessing...

oh well there go my savings :lol:

on the other hand...its all about the tone...

ps.Thanks Dan for all da help wid da paypal and the ever useful advice :wink:
me thinks me needs a compressor :lol:

I got no clue about compressors and no time to read up...

I need a compressor for strumming a lil chicken pickin... :lol:

so what suggestions..nothing to expensive now :lol:
bluepowder said:
me thinks me needs a compressor :lol:

I got no clue about compressors and no time to read up...

I need a compressor for strumming a lil chicken pickin... :lol:

so what suggestions..nothing to expensive now :lol:

I got a locally made optical compressor. I like it alot, though its compression flavour might not be it for you. :p

There's also the Teese FK-1 compressor @ Mrmisse, NICE ross comp going on there.
The Hot British is absolutely absolutely amazing....I love it...I bought it for two reasons...METAL...and SHRED(ala neoclassical ,paul gilbert etc)

Its very high gain,perfect Marshall in a box(does the whole Slayer,Megadeth sounds well),lotsa voicings and options....basically hits a lotta tones....

Cons:Its not as touch sensitive as a lot of the boutiques but its way better and quieter than say a metalzone....

I get nice Vinnie Moore tones outta it...I think Vinnie uses one himself for practice...

And thanks for your kind words :lol:

Shred:Bro I tried the Teese...affects the Eq faar too much for my liking...what does goose's compressor do?

TonePress...I was under the impression it was more for sustain :lol: