Pedalboard Pictures!

edo83 said:
I think i saw you there today Itachi :)
izzit???? theres quite alot ppl there..but im jus tt guy sitting in the center playin a butterfly guitar...hahahahaha...what shirt r u wearin?

fade2b14ck said:
haha neo fuzz, isnt dat yr name? Razz "yr" fuzz
hahaha..a pretty cool coincident rite...theres alot stuff tt starts wif 'neo' actually...haha...

imsuchajoker said:
Great stuff itachi! Very Happy
yup..a fuzz make me a happy man...hahaha...
hahaha..sorry ah..too much ppl yest...cant really rmb who is who...say hi to me when u see me there next time..hahaha...dun worry..i wun bite..
Anyone here bought the fully-chrome pedal(dont know the name) from G77?

The one you can see your relection in
diggity bump for pedalboard thread!

Rearrangement and outcome the piggy

My humble board, still lacking my wah among many other things due to insufficient funds.
My aim is to keep things simple, but keeping things simple is often easier said than done. Well, we all have unlimited wants.

Thanks for viewing, 8)


just an aside, ive recently seen those patch cables around on tgp, what brand is it? and perhaps where can I get it?
nickyseow said:

just an aside, ive recently seen those patch cables around on tgp, what brand is it? and perhaps where can I get it?
Gls at Guitar77

$8/head... cable 10ft is 25
p00n said:
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
diggity bump for pedalboard thread!

Rearrangement and outcome the piggy

How's that Citrus? I assume its a modddded orange squeezer?

I compared it to a Pheonix Custom Electronics Orange Squeezer clone (@ G77) and I thought the Citrus sounded less squishy, and had a fast release time. The Orange Squeezer seemed to clamp harder too.
ShredCow said:
p00n said:
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
diggity bump for pedalboard thread!

Rearrangement and outcome the piggy

How's that Citrus? I assume its a modddded orange squeezer?

I compared it to a Pheonix Custom Electronics Orange Squeezer clone (@ G77) and I thought the Citrus sounded less squishy, and had a fast release time. The Orange Squeezer seemed to clamp harder too.

Whats the extra knob for btw?
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
haha, i have couple of drive pedals, distortion and fuzz, but not using it.

its all inside there. Missing in the pic are metale muff and rutt


i dunno why but I missed looking at this picture :D

Patheraindropmoe, please explain who you thinking of each time you buy pedals