Pedalboard Pictures!

yea bro, im tinking of doing dat, but i used my K750 to do it! maybe i'll try borrowing my dad digi cam, take some nice sleak shots, and send some ppl drooling! haha! 8)
Well not really leather, but it was more like furry velvet kinda feel!
got it frm Kubchand accessory shop at Penin for the White Tiger one.
but the 2nd one (Leopard skin) bought it frm Joo Chiat.
I bought it frm joo chiat cos the material is more thinner, so it was easier to cut and fit it into the tight corners!

i had to change the white tiger cos i was using red coated strings, den the freakin rust fell on the white spot and was damn obvious so bo pian la :x

CheerS! :)
Brokenwings.. I just realised something.. Your photo should be in Gallery 2006... Not pedalboard pics! LoL.
Wat really ah? aiyo, i don tink my rig dat nice to put on the gallery la bro, paiseh sia, see they got so many effects, i see untill blur and shock !!! 8O 8O 8O haha!

but nevertheless, i'll put it up in a couple of days, so i can get a sharp and clear pic of all my stuff 1st!

Thanx for the info bro!

BrokenWingz, pretty interesting, the floyd on your samick has a trem that looks similiar to a Schaller trem, which the Epi Gothic guitars have, and those were surprisingly stable!
jony said:
I am not sure man.. It could have been you. When the person sold to me, He was in quite a hurry.. Still catered to me, but had to run very soon after.

$90 bucks.. Rings a bell?

Could be me then, remember selling around that price range. Heh.


Are you skinny and wears glasses that slightly resemble "Silent Whisper" at Singapore Idol? LoL
theblueark said:
Your configuration so consistent and straight can consider:



actually i don't really recomment these FIXED plugs.

Imagine if you've velcro'ed all the pedals on the board and you'll need to take out one pedal.

A customer broke all his jack sockets when he use these kinda connectors.

Neat idea but impractical in real life.
+1 to what Edwin said. That, and if you step on the pedal a lot you may be causing unnecessary stress to the jacks on the pedal before/after the one you're using.