Pedalboard Pictures!

i've got a dm2 not a dm3. well, the m9 can emulate most of the sounds, but it doesnt sound as good as my main board.

I still use the main board, but when i have more time to tweak. ill just take the m9. it's also much easier to carry...
oh sorry, dm-2. all this talk about the m9 is making me wana get one, looks so much lighter. the pt2 is not fun to carry to jams..
haha. the m9 is good stuff lah. functionality wise, tweakability, ease of use. yeah definitely a win. soundwise, the delays on my main board (dm2 and eventide timefactor) definitely win.

before my pt jr i used to lug a pt2.. then a large misse board. then a pt 1 lol

Had a spoken-word/poetry-recital gig on Saturday. Used something like this with the exception of having a Rockett Flex Drive in-lieu of the Zendrive Clone. Went ampless via the palmer PDI-09 and had a blast! The tone was great but the playing... gah.


Hahaha... I wish I played it properly though.

And I DID think of custom ordering a 9 string. But no. I should stop. I only have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs. It is enough.
i think i might have said some of these years back, but in the right context of geetardom with going for more, it should still work.

Less is more, BUT FOR PHUCK SAKE! MORE IS STILL MORE!!!, alway do, will be, ever ever, and ever ever till over.
Yeah, that's the Zendrive Clone. I miss my old Zendrive.

The purple pedal is a BYOC script phaser. Was put together by Goose and he added 2 controls... can't remember what they do and they aren't very pronounced in the effect so... yeah. :)
Phewwww.......FINALLY got my most updated pedalboard onto this page as promised........with something extra lol.

AXE>KORG pitchblack>VOX wah (TrueBypassMod)>74'Script Phase RI (TrueBypassMod)>Keeley Katana>ZVEX Mastotron>Barber Direct Drive>Barber Silver LTD>Goosonique 7theaven>Keeley TR-2>Malekko Chorus>Malekko 616>VOX Satch Time Machine>T.C. Nova Reverb.

Boss ME-25 for late night practice and lazy jam sessions lol!

hows the 616 bro?

btw, im pretty sure you wont find another dm2 for 120 usd.. they run for maybe 180-200 usd or more usually.