Pedalboard Pictures!

seventh into sahasrara!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!!??!?

Hahaha... IT GETS REALLY REALLY HAIRY!!! Maybe I'll try the reverse another day... Thus far using 'em independently only... Amazing array of ways to play with the Seventh! You can have the green channel with drive up high for crunch, then boost for solo, have the boost on but pedal not engaged, play clean then hit for hard hitting solo, red channel with mid / lower drive for some jeng jeng action, then boost for solos... OMG ITS JUST SOOOOOO MANY COMBINATIONS!!!

Though mine has quite a dip in volume when engaged with volume @ noon. Anyone have this problem?
Sorry if I sound like an excited kid with a new pedal (because I am...), but Om into the Seventheaven sounds REALLY GOOD!!! Its almost as though there is an increased microphonic property when engaging the Om after the Seventheaven is in play!

Awesome combination!!! =P

Totally pleased with my drive section. Moving on~!
OM into seventh will still sound better, like a ts pushing every other high gain unit. i never liked the seventh into TS, it sounds really small and compressed haha.
Ah squirrel, just a question did u do an update to ur old 7th? Cause if u didn't, u will hear a difference albeit not drastic lol. Goose actually made some tweaks to the currently production model. He told me that the current produstion model is the tone that he always had in mind but somehow didn't translate into the old "silver" 7th.
Hi guys, I'm relatively new to effects, this is what I've put together with some effort and reckless spending of my NS pay :twisted:


currently running a tele > Pitchblack > CC TODv1 > Fab Tone > DOD FX52 classic fuzz > Arion MOC-1 Octave > 4ms Tremulus Lune > Korg Toneworks 301dl > EHX Cathedral > Boss DD-20 > Ibanez LF7 LoFi all sitting on a PT-2 and powered off a OneSpot

I wonder if anyone would change the order of any of these pedals and why? I relied on trial and error and what little common sense I have and I make drone-y soundscapes mostly for my own entertainment. Actually enjoy the super unreliable tracking of the Arion octaver placed after the dirt. Fat glitchy synth bass :)

Not happy with the dirt section up front though... Fab Tone not giving me that Mogwai/Mono magic. Probably gonna chuck the Korg delay and the LF7 soon once I decide what else I want. Could use more modulation/filters/anything weird for making noise. All in all this has made playing guitar a lot more fun and I hardly touch my synths nowadays...
mono dudes use pretty much generic pedals, gt -2 and some other which i forgot, from the show they played zouk 2 years back. Their geetar sound, magik, lies in their sound engineer imho. At the ear spllitting volume they are playing, the frequencies balance was pretty amazingly clear and distintive.

hehe, the order no need to follow anyone, especially if you wanna play with sound via geetar effect for your own music. The limitation is that there is no limitations at all. You call the shot, the arrangement etc and find a context in your music to put these sounds in. Its all about your context...

Most of the weird noise with geetar effect will get predictable somehow, especially when you try out more pedals, imho, concentrate on the context of music you can come out with, with those gear, that would give you the edge, over the making weird sound and stuff.

Its very easy to make weird sound and noise out of nothing, but to have a context where those fit in and with a motive and meaning, that would make the music interesting.
Hi guys, I'm relatively new to effects, this is what I've put together with some effort and reckless spending of my NS pay :twisted:

currently running a tele > Pitchblack > CC TODv1 > Fab Tone > DOD FX52 classic fuzz > Arion MOC-1 Octave > 4ms Tremulus Lune > Korg Toneworks 301dl > EHX Cathedral > Boss DD-20 > Ibanez LF7 LoFi all sitting on a PT-2 and powered off a OneSpot

I wonder if anyone would change the order of any of these pedals and why? I relied on trial and error and what little common sense I have and I make drone-y soundscapes mostly for my own entertainment. Actually enjoy the super unreliable tracking of the Arion octaver placed after the dirt. Fat glitchy synth bass :)

Not happy with the dirt section up front though... Fab Tone not giving me that Mogwai/Mono magic. Probably gonna chuck the Korg delay and the LF7 soon once I decide what else I want. Could use more modulation/filters/anything weird for making noise. All in all this has made playing guitar a lot more fun and I hardly touch my synths nowadays...

Wow you have the Korg 301dl. That is a freaking gem, very under rated. It's been one of my main weapons for over 3 years (though I must admit I have modded it a little). Learn to use the HIDAMP control, there are very very very few delays that have that. The pre-delay, hi/lo and ducking controls are also powerful and very rare in a delay. Combined with the ability to have super long delay times, it's really one heck of a delay. DD20 is a also my love, it's a workhorse and very reliable.

As for your dirt section, you'll just have to keep experimenting till you find the one that you fall in love with. I've never been really picky but I still went through about 8 or so before falling for the subdecay stupid box.

I'm actually contemplating a Line 6 M9/M13 recently. I think it's powerful enough to replace a lot of stuff, and give you lots of interesting stuff to experiment with especially in the modulation/delay/filter area.
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Pathein, I know it's ridiculous how generic the gear they use and how epic they sound... I guess I need to work on getting the magic in my fingers since I can't afford to hire their sound engineer :cool:

Thanks blueark, the 301dl is indeed a gem, still can't believe how little I paid for it. I keep saying I will kick it off once I get a "better" delay, but after going through many from cheap ones to the DD20, the Korg is still on my board. Only problem is it has so many options but only 2 presets. Then again no amount is ever enough :p

I wish I knew about the M9 earlier when I was building this board. At the time it seemed a bit expensive for one unit and I have an aversion to digital multi-effects (kinda weird for someone who mainly plays software synths...). But now after some research it looks like it can really hold its own with the mod/filters and the looper would be useful too. And after spending this much it actually looks affordable... it's a curse, all these damned pedals...
haha, i picked up an M9 recently. Still pretty amazed by it. Loads of possibilities, not too heavy and well it does sound good. Probably won't replace my mail pedalboard but it works good for jamming or small shows..

Played two shows with it in the past two week..
Ah cool, there's one thing i've been really curious about in the M9 but it's hard to find info on.

Probably a very unlikely feature, but is it possible to stick an effect in the delay loop? Say I put a flanger in the delay loop, only the delays get flanged, the dry should not be affected by the flanger at all. Possible?

what i've been using for the past few shows/etc. Occasionally throwing my 7th or citrus into the mix depending on what the setlist is
the lastest version of my pedalboard.

signal chain: guitar > randolf cs3 > monsterpiece 2 headed monster > bluesdriver > box of rock clone > large beaver > goose modded wah > ibanez pt 909 > biyang chorus > modded boss tr-2 > echo park > amp


im very happy with how the board sounds but i gotta sell the monsterpiece cos of financial problems :(

j_m_s: ive noticed your previous pedalboards and i was wondering whether the m9 can really replace your other pedals like the ce-2, dm-3, the 7th and timmy?