Pedalboard Pictures!

my board.

Nice board, did you diy the pedal board? Great idea. Reminds me of the pedaltrain design.

How you like the mxr pedals?

Thanks for sharing.
zw od is my fav pedal that i have there. It gives a really smooth overdrive. Can get a lot more gain than the ts9. Its brighter than od3. The od3 and the zw works very well together. What i do when i play some of the edgier church songs, Start off with the zw. During the chorus, combine with the od3 to get a really crunchy but not too heavy sound. Another thing i love about it, especially when combining with other high gain pedals, it goes into feedback really easily. Eg. my dime distortion.

Like to end a song, the dime is already on, b4 strumming the last power chord, switch on the zw, allow the chord to sustain. Chances are youll get that high pitch feedback. Reeaal cool.

On its own the zw is a very quiet pedal. Even at max gain. Can get noisy depending on the pedal that its combined with. No noise with the dime. But i also have a digitech hot head. Combine those 2, the noise is unbearable.

Overall its one of the best stock od pedlas available. If u can afford only 1 od, get this 1 no need t mod.

Btw i bought the board off luther. Came with the bag as well. Also came with 2 metal handle handles on the side. The handles took up too much space so i removed it. Actually already outgrowing it, considering getting a bigger board soon. No place also to put the power supply have to carry the power supply, 2 of them and a multiplug in a seperate bag sighh.

Also have to thank all u guys here at the forums at soft. Previosly was having huge noise probs at church when i chained all my pedals together in a single daisy chain. Swirling kinda noise. Used 2 power supplies today as suggested and the setup was quiet as a mouse.
i love the zw! =)

edgy and just gives you that 'classic yet modern sound'...i wish i'd bought the metal finish one though....looks better than the smooth and 'sweet' cream ones...
If i'm not wrong, lists at Davis at around $160 +/-

forgot the price...but i think ranking also carries them...