Pedalboard Pictures!

Depends what tone you're looking for. If you need that sort of squishing or flattening out, then probably. Can be used in rhythm for a certain chompy effect. Can be used as a solo boost/sustainer too (Dyna). Over-rated? A little. Useful? Probably.

I think its more applicable to strats with low output. When I use my les paul, I think it kills the tone than enchance it.
The planetwave pedal tuner is from davis.

As for compressor I personally not a fan cos i feel it messes too much with the dynamics of my playing.
I think compressors are great stuff if you know how to use them... really makes your notes stand out esp on clean, can help balance your levels, etc etc

If you want a cheap but great comp, there's the Randolfed CS-3 on luther. $100 and its not bad at all.
For me, a compressor is useful when i'm doing clean funk strumming - it gives punch and attack to the dynamics. I also use it with light overdrive for bluesy solos with a very tight, fierce feel.

The best compressor i've ever tried is the Keeley Comp.. just beautiful sounding. but at $300+ its too expensive to justify as i won't use it much.
Maybe if one day i'm able to do any decent chicken picking, i'll buy one.. hehe
Haha yeah, heard its one of the best around. Probably only worthwhile if you switch it on all the time, like what some do. But I have a soft spot for the nice red dynacomp with only two knobs. heh. Might need to be modded though...

100 for a modded cs-3? wow dats a pretty good deal. :D
i just realised my pedalcase is way smaller than others lol...but that's good makes me buy less cause no space

i bought it from ranking but it's at $70 so it's much cheaper lol
tany said:
i just realised my pedalcase is way smaller than others lol...but that's good makes me buy less cause no space

i bought it from ranking but it's at $70 so it's much cheaper lol

Hey.. thats a pretty good deal.. do you know if they have a bigger pedalboard for sale? how;s the construction of yours?

Go changi airport and steal an aeroplane wing lah, that's the only way you're going to accomodate your pedal-orgasmo-board! ;)

Wingspan pedal board.

ok HI. haha back to the comp discussions.
my gripe for not having a comp is because im using a tele you see, and say for rhythm lines, im using my bridge pu with boosted OD, thats fine, BUT when im playing clean, the sounds from the bridge pu gets to sharp for liking? i guess thats the thing with single coil geetars. sheesh, so to cut the piercing sharpness i'd go with a comp for a choice of a slightly blunter sound from my tele. when playing clean.. i mean no doubt a piercing tone would cut thru the mix, but its good to have a choice and not just limit yourself to cutting sounds/

anyway, wrt playability, the randolf-ed cs3 would be great, but then again i want my pedalboard to look good, hahahaha you get wad i mean :) like the saying goes that i saw at the misse forums, its all about the look as well as the tone.. haha so im saving up for a keeley comp. silver. *drools.*[/i]
hahaha.. you got your priorities all messed up! :lol:

but yeah i get what you mean. it's not just about the look lah.. you get what you pay for in terms of quality too..
I don't understand.

"blunter" tone, roll your tone knob back. Pick nearer to the neck. Use fingers. Thats 3 free techiques to use. Why a compressor?
but skink83, thats not the function of a compressor. Yeah, it does alter your tone but man, you just want to use it to "blunt" your tone?

Then what about the compression effect?

anyway, wait for nickseow to answer. I want to know if he has uses the tone pot or pick nearer to the neck or use fingers to try and overcome his problem, before thinking of the compressor thing.
Whether the tone is wanted or not is quite subjective, thats true. Cos of the compression, besides levelling out your notes, it makes you lose some dynamics and creates a woolly, squishy sound. Some people hate it that sound, some people feel it makes the sound more professional-like. Jury's out on that.

But ure quite right, using it just for that a bit wasted, when you could use it to boost, sustain, etc....

wha lan keeley compressor... power la. :twisted:
If I remembered correctly, Mrmisse mentioned that the RMC comp sounds similar to him as compared to its Keeley counterpart. Cheaper alternative.
The keeley comp isn't meant to be a transparent comp btw.

But really, for a cheaper good comp that can handle lots of things, and remain pretty transparent, the Randolfed CS-3 is great! The stock CS-3 when on, cuts your bass and makes your overall tone tiny.

I have my eyes on the analogman mini Bi-comp...

Everyone should drop by and check out the sound clips of the compressors. The CompROSSor and the Orange/Saffron Squeeze.. there is a comparison clip, very nice.
okie im here.
1) w.r.t am's compROSSer, i think cost wise, its -whoa- huge dent in wallet, confirm, but however, i HAVE tried the bi-comp at my friend's place, and i think the sound from it if i can rmb is rather "bouncy" to my ears at least, thats my 2 cents on it thus far :)

2) with regards to shred's suggestion, i have tried all three before but im not thinking of getting a comp to blunt my tone a bit, haha cos its darn expensive to do it just for that purpose alone.. so yes, back to using a compressor, the reason i want to get a comp is also because id like to have an option where my attack is not too piercing at any one time? granted i can always roll my tone knob down a smidgen, i HAVE done that before, and it has worked fine all the time, but after hearing the lead & rhythm sounds from my friend's guit, WITH his mxr super comp, im 80% convinced that i pretty much need a compressor, and a funky looking one to boot. i like to be able to play riffs without sounding too piercing, and im very curious to see what the comp can do combined with a full on attack utilizing the bridge pu on my tele, kinda like a charging swordsman restrained by bubblegum!

btw shred, do you know this band called aphrodisiac?