Pedalboard Pictures!

The latest incarnation of my rig, photo taken onstage today at my church at Singapore Expo. Sorry for the poor photo, handfone cam.

My friend lent me his custom built pedal flightcase on long term loan.
Sitting on top of the top halfsection of the flight case is my Voodoo Lab guitar preamp, which is housed in a SKB 2U X-rack. Sitting on top of that is my 80's Arion Stereo Flanger, which i decided not to use today.

Pedalboard R-L: Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah (on loan), Voodoo Lab preamp footswitch, Toadworks Death Rattle Overdrive -> into Voodoo Lab preamp + Cabinet sim --> Boss FV50H volume pedal, Seymour Duncan Pickup Booster, Voodoo Lab Analog Chorus, Line6 DL4 Delay Modeller --> DI box to house

This is not my complete setup yet.. still waiting for my RMC wah, Moog muRF and custom-built true bypass looper to come.

The flightcase is a bit too narrow for my needs.. might get one of my own.
nice.. i see a DL4 in action! ghaaa...

oh yes shredcow i HAVE noise, BUT i think it could either be from my echo park and i'll 1Spot it and see how it goes.. omg, i was having prac today and the buzzing was just killing me, even tho i had my volume knob rolled OFF.
skink83 said:
ooo... A pickup booster user. 8)

It's a very transparent clean boost. however the range is from 6dB to 25dB.

i find the 6dB minimum setting too loud esp when i play live. I usually use about 4dB. So i'm thinking of having it modded to reduce the minimum boost setting.
alrite.. my turn.. this post of mine isnt really abt the fancy pedals i own n using(btw, they aint fancy or boutique.. juz normal i guess) I'm featuring more of the customized pedal case i made. enjoy :wink:




the finishing is velvet,both colour.
no the top lid isnt detachable, i dun mind (so that i can show off my name too! :lol: )
the latch is some cheap kitchen hardware i bought a some hardware shop.
the handle is still missing, still hunting for a good choice :p

Well as for the pedal, i'm still waiting for blueark to complete my AB + A/B.. will post when its done! the morley u see that is actually kinda 2 give me some special efx, use mainly the weeping demon.. which is quite nice actually :)
Gr3y said:
the finishing is velvet,both colour.
no the top lid isnt detachable, i dun mind (so that i can show off my name too! :lol: )
the latch is some cheap kitchen hardware i bought a some hardware shop.
the handle is still missing, still hunting for a good choice :p

Well as for the pedal, i'm still waiting for blueark to complete my AB + A/B.. will post when its done! the morley u see that is actually kinda 2 give me some special efx, use mainly the weeping demon.. which is quite nice actually :)

Nice pedalboard , bro ... very nice .... cool ..i love the velvet !!! and the color combination is fantastic !!!
hi all,
hijack a bit...sorry.
i only know the 1spot adapter thus far, does anyone have any other power supplies to recommend for hooking up my pedals? thanks!!
it can power up to 1700mA of pedals. Check your pedals for their current drain.
1700mA is quite a lot, considering your typical overdrive pr distortion takes only 30 to 40mA. Digital Delays on the other hand need a few hundred mAs. You can power a DL4 with it also, i do that with mine, DL4s need 1200mA. Just calculate how much juice ur pedals need and see if it exceeds the 1spots output.
bengster said:
Gr3y said:
the finishing is velvet,both colour.
no the top lid isnt detachable, i dun mind (so that i can show off my name too! :lol: )
the latch is some cheap kitchen hardware i bought a some hardware shop.
the handle is still missing, still hunting for a good choice :p

Well as for the pedal, i'm still waiting for blueark to complete my AB + A/B.. will post when its done! the morley u see that is actually kinda 2 give me some special efx, use mainly the weeping demon.. which is quite nice actually :)

Nice pedalboard , bro ... very nice .... cool ..i love the velvet !!! and the color combination is fantastic !!!

thanks :D pretty much enjoying the sight myself! :twisted:
ShredCow said:
Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2
Dunlop Brick

If cost is a matter to you, then just get like 2 1Spots. :)

thanks for the input. how much would it be? suppose i could it from sweelee or something? sounds expensive... :)
my rig is finally done!


planetwaves chrom. tuner -> JD535Q wah -> VS J&H -> marshall JH1 -> marshall supervibe -> dano fish n chips -> 80s MIJ boss BF2 -> ibanez de7

i'm starting to hear my tone being sucked :mad:
i was about to comment on that! wow. i think personally, one should get a TBP tuner that provides the mute thingy while you tune.
wad do you guys think?
oh the tuner is great man u should try it. but i think i bought the last piece? maybe the last set on display...
nickyseow said:
swee lee? is it?

oh well.. haha im in desperate need of an onboard tuner and a compressor. how much you bought it for?

i'm curious, why do you desperately need a compressor? i personally feel the benefits of compressor pedals are slightly over-rated. dynamics are more impt to me. :)