Pedalboard Pictures!

vs H20 is an acquired taste i guess...

Some like it , some don't,

I love it cos it has all that I need....and I would not swap it in my board with anything else.
i recommend the de7 too, if u use it more for echo. the echo is very nice but the delay isnt that good. and it's cheap!
namle said:
i think VS stuffs have some reliability issue

Yes... +100!

I had to send my J&H back to the dealer twice to touch up poor factory solder joints. The switches and LEDs would go on and off now and then. And what's up with the really cheapo plastic battery compartment design?
:( Thankfully i use an adaptor.

The pedal is working ok now though.. and it sounds quite good. However, these issues shouldn't show up on a $250 china-made pedal.
well, i've been using a vs h2o and it hasent been giving me any problems..i think their stuff are pretty reliable IMO..
since its having problems, then send it for repair.. :)

haiz im selling off my entire holidays now, no pocket money and parents dun let me choice but to sell off all my pedals to feed myself :cry: :cry: cant bear to part with my pedals :( :( my h2o, randolfed ds1, J&H etc etc..all gone :(
i could prolly bring it to school and let my lecturer work with it. don't sell em off, just don't go out for the holidays.
well, but i have to eat right?and still need to jam..all these need $$..aiya pedals only..can get them later when got money who wans to buy pedals from me? :lol: i need to sell them off..
sell for $$$ la..if not i definetely cant survive through the hols..unless $$ can drop from the sky i'll be glad!!
my samick V, JB pickups, H2O, randolfed ds1..i'll sell these for the time being..i might sell the SG which i resprayed myself.. nothing..i've thought it over..i might quit guitaring if i really am forced to..but dun worry i still have an ibanez and a firebird amp at home and thats enough for me :wink:
Just because of one holiday? Siao ah? If I were you I will stay home and play guitar everyday and force my parents to cook for me. Want me to eat outside? Let me work or give me money. Simple as that.
they are hardly at home whole day..they almost every day tell me go take my own meals..i've got alot of freedom but i've got a lack of funds..