hello people.
this is my first shot at a pedal board/case/laptop bag.
YES. whether you intend to play one gig or a thousand. in fact i think a pedaltuner should be the 1st effect pedal anybody owns. there is nothing more annoying to an audience member than (a) realising a band member is out of tune and (b) sitting through said band member's hopeless attempts to tune by ear for what seems like an eternity with every tortured twang cutting through the deathly silence of the crowd's anticipation and boredom.
Maybe they wanna save board space and use a clip-on tuner instead?I see. thanks for explaning.
then for those who don't have a pedaltuner on board, do you not gig? why didn't you put a pedaltuner on board?
malaysian, are you asking this because you're thinking about getting one but are reluctant for some reason or other? if so could i ask why?
everyone who's responded is already saying yes a pedaltuner is essential. so why are you trying to find someone who'll say the opposite? curious.
yesyes. the more pedals i bring, the heavier pedalboard i gotta carry. that's why. lol.
you'd be hard pressed to find one professional musician who doesn't have a floor or rack tuner. ONE. and i'm talking about even those guys who have roadies to change their guitar after every song.
one extra pound won't kill you dude! Come on, are you a rocker or a pussy? grow some muscles!![]()
frankly it's just one of those things you gotta live with as a guitarist. you're lucky you're in Asia where almost every gig is provided with backline. try touring in AU, UK, US - you'd be hauling your 4x12 speaker cabinets up fire staircases to the gig and having to set up everything in 10 and tear down in the same time - including your drums, your micing up of everything, etc, and your line / sound check.
and you're worried about the WEIGHT of 1 pedal?
if you don't invest and make sacrifices for your music you'll never succeed. i think for you it begins with taking on the load of an additional pedal on your board.
don't get a tuner...
don't tune your guitar....
heck...just don't play the guitar....