New member
haha yeah i heardwas there with Nailhood earlier! Enjoy man.
Haha yeah heard frm goose that u guys were there earlier but such a waste that i couldn't make it. It is always a pleasure to meet u guys keke, oh and btw Nailhood cool vid u did there man and didn't know u can carry makeup that well kekeke *jokes*. Perhaps we can meet up at goose's place sometime in the future guys :mrgreen:
I am sorry for going off topic for awhile but i would like to ask the fellow softies abt wat kinda power supply i can get for $200-250, and wats recommended? Goose recommended me the BBE Supa Charger but it seems to be unavailable in SG (will appreciate it if anyone can tell me where to get one and how much will it cost), and the Voodoo Labs PP2 seems to be over my it seems like i am down to the T-Rex Fuel Tank Junior, any comments on that?